Trump's visit to Ohio gives Biden opportunity to note that Trump killed safety rules (Político analysis)

Had Trump not tried to make such obvious propaganda over this toxic spill — caused by railroad executive and private corporate disregard of safety measures — the Dems would probably never have made a big deal of his administration’s previous deregulation measures sabotaging long-overdue safety enhancements, nor would journalists have again revealed — to a very small degree — the corporate money corrupting politicians — of both parties. The party in power and relevant “influencers” in Congress almost always gets special attention.

The earlier improvements mandated under the Obama administration were really only half steps and inadequate given the antiquity of U.S. railroads. “Regulators” are regularly “captured” by corporate industry lobbyists in virtually every field. Industrial unions are weak and normally nobody protests so long as stock portfolios, like executive stock options, increase in value. Until a new disaster of course. Our whole society and both parties are under the ideological sway of finance capitalism, putting private interests above social ones.

Social interests? Isn’t that just another word for … “socialism”?
Can’t have any of that!

'Had Trump not....'



'B...b...b...but Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!'

Good lord, just STOP already.

You weren't paying attention during Quid Pro's first days in office, were you?
Of course I was.

What started with an executive order signed hours after Trump was sworn into office has become a signature of his presidency so far: undoing the policies of his predecessor.

On his very first day in office, Trump signed an executive order signaling his intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, a wide-ranging trade agreement aimed at encouraging trade between 12 countries on either side of the Pacific Ocean, like the U.S., Mexico, Japan, and Australia.

If we heard it once, we heard it a dozen times: On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly pledged to repeal and replace Obamacare "on day one."

Perhaps no other move by President Trump was more unexpected and controversial than his decision to yank the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord.

Following three years of easing tensions with Cuba under President Obama, President Trump in June declared he was "cancelling the last administration's completely one-sided deal" with the Caribbean island nation.
Or 25% of the time, republicans have been investigating Clinton.

It took MONTHS to investigate Clinton to come up with evidence of her guilt. Comey publicly declared her to be guilty ... before, as always, she was protected under the Democrats' 2-tiered justice system.

We're at the 6.5 year mark with the Democrats' never-ending crusade against Trump, & they are STILL looking for any evidence they have not had to manufacture.
It took MONTHS to investigate Clinton to come up with evidence of her guilt.
Sure they did, Q-NUT.

What was her sentence..........40 years?
Comey publicly declared her to be guilty ... before, as always, she was protected under the Democrats' 2-tiered justice system.

We're at the 6.5 year mark with the Democrats' never-ending crusade against Trump, & they are STILL looking for any evidence they have not had to manufacture.

So..........You are sure he didn't?
I didn't state that one way or the other, but I'm sure we'll find out for sure some time in the next 20 years. That's about how long the obsession with him will last and the die-hard democrats will finally let go trying to pin something, anything on him.
Of course I was.

What started with an executive order signed hours after Trump was sworn into office has become a signature of his presidency so far: undoing the policies of his predecessor.

On his very first day in office, Trump signed an executive order signaling his intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, a wide-ranging trade agreement aimed at encouraging trade between 12 countries on either side of the Pacific Ocean, like the U.S., Mexico, Japan, and Australia.

If we heard it once, we heard it a dozen times: On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly pledged to repeal and replace Obamacare "on day one."

Perhaps no other move by President Trump was more unexpected and controversial than his decision to yank the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord.

Following three years of easing tensions with Cuba under President Obama, President Trump in June declared he was "cancelling the last administration's completely one-sided deal" with the Caribbean island nation.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're embarrassed right now, but you'll get over it. Quid Pro is the current president who made a big deal out of reversing and undoing everything he could get his hands on that TRUMP! had put into place. Obama wasn't in the picture, except for the part he played pulling on Joe's strings.
Had Trump not tried to make such obvious propaganda over this toxic spill — caused by railroad executive and private corporate disregard of safety measures — the Dems would probably never have made a big deal of his administration’s previous deregulation measures sabotaging long-overdue safety enhancements, nor would journalists have again revealed — to a very small degree — the corporate money corrupting politicians — of both parties. The party in power and relevant “influencers” in Congress almost always gets special attention.

The earlier improvements mandated under the Obama administration were really only half steps and inadequate given the antiquity of U.S. railroads. “Regulators” are regularly “captured” by corporate industry lobbyists in virtually every field. Industrial unions are weak and normally nobody protests so long as stock portfolios, like executive stock options, increase in value. Until a new disaster of course. Our whole society and both parties are under the ideological sway of finance capitalism, putting private interests above social ones.

Social interests? Isn’t that just another word for … “socialism”?
Can’t have any of that!
The narrative was set before TRUMP! visited the site. I know, we weren't supposed to notice that, but we did.
I didn't state that one way or the other, but I'm sure we'll find out for sure some time in the next 20 years. That's about how long the obsession with him will last and the die-hard democrats will finally let go trying to pin something, anything on him.
No, Trump and his cult will live in infamy.

No, Trump and his cult will live in infamy.

Okay, so for you it will take longer than 20 years. I'm guessing you'll be that guy in the nursing home, screaming at the walls because TRUMP! died peacefully in an opulent hospital instead of a jail cell.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're embarrassed right now, but you'll get over it. Quid Pro is the current president
Quid Pro was the twice impeached former president.

“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it,” Trump told Zelensky.
“I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation,” Trump continued.
“I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it.”

The longest government shutdown in U.S. history came to an end Friday after President Donald Trump and Congress agreed to temporarily reopen shuttered federal agencies without providing any money for the president’s border wall.

Soon after Trump announced the deal Friday afternoon in the Rose Garden, the House and Senate quickly passed legislation on voice votes to fund the government until Feb. 15 in a bid to let negotiators try to work out a larger immigration and border security compromise. Trump signed it later Friday night.

The move marks a major reversal for the president, who had insisted for weeks that he wouldn’t reopen the government until lawmakers agreed to fork over more than $5 billion for the border wall.

During the conversation, the president repeatedly asked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) to “find” more than 11,000 ballots needed to overcome the gap between Trump and Biden in the state, thereby flipping the state in his favor.

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry. And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated."
"All I want to do is this,” the president continued. “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”
who made a big deal out of reversing and undoing everything he could get his hands on that TRUMP! had put into place. Obama wasn't in the picture, except for the part he played pulling on Joe's strings.
Okay, so for you it will take longer than 20 years. I'm guessing you'll be that guy in the nursing home, screaming at the walls because TRUMP! died peacefully in an opulent hospital instead of a jail cell.
Trump will die reaching for his fifth big mac.

Sure they did, Q-NUT.

You have an aversion to facts, reality, & / or the truth, huh?!


Former criminal FBI Director and still current traitor Comey testified before Congress under oath that Hillary committed perjury, illegally stole TS/SCI material (the highest classification of sensitive / TS intel this country has), that she ilegally stored this intel, illegally used multiple devices to illegally send / transmit this intel, and then attempted to save her ass by illegally destroying several phones / sytems and illegally attempted to (and failed to) 'wipe' her system to hide the evidence.

AFTER TESTIFYING TO ALL OF THIS - HILLARY'S INTENTIONAL CRIMES, Comey then appeared in front of the whole world on TV, again admitted she had committed these crimes - to include 'Espionage', and proceeded to protect her / prevent her from being indicted by falsely claiming Hillary was too stupid to know she was committing these crimes and falsely claimed her ignorance of the law / stupidity was an acceptable defense that prevented her from being indicted...which is a complete LIE.

**'Ignorance of the law', especially in regards to Espionsge', is NOT an acceptable / legal defense ... unless you are Hillary / a Democrat.

So you attempting to defend Hillary, Comey, et al... by claiming none of this happened - despite the abundance of evidence that includes reports, documents, video and audio recordings proving all of it - either makes you the biggest intentionally lying, gaslighting, Democrat misinformation / propaganda-pushing, liberal criminal apologist troll on this board, destroying any and all credibility you might have .... or it makes you one of the dumbest, most ignorant, gullible leftist sheep on this board.

Either way, I don't really care, much like how I could care less about anything you say further, due to your lack tour sacrificed credibility.
Quid Pro was the twice impeached former president.

'Quid Pro'? '10% For The Big Guy'? The head of the criminal Influence Peddling / Extortion / Sell-Out Cartel?

Sorry, your lies are showing again...Joe has never been Impeached, though he should be.
Quid Pro was the twice impeached former president.

“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it,” Trump told Zelensky.
“I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation,” Trump continued.
“I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it.”

The longest government shutdown in U.S. history came to an end Friday after President Donald Trump and Congress agreed to temporarily reopen shuttered federal agencies without providing any money for the president’s border wall.

Soon after Trump announced the deal Friday afternoon in the Rose Garden, the House and Senate quickly passed legislation on voice votes to fund the government until Feb. 15 in a bid to let negotiators try to work out a larger immigration and border security compromise. Trump signed it later Friday night.

The move marks a major reversal for the president, who had insisted for weeks that he wouldn’t reopen the government until lawmakers agreed to fork over more than $5 billion for the border wall.

During the conversation, the president repeatedly asked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) to “find” more than 11,000 ballots needed to overcome the gap between Trump and Biden in the state, thereby flipping the state in his favor.

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry. And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated."
"All I want to do is this,” the president continued. “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”
No, no, you are quite mistaken. I checked, and Quid Pro Joe is president now, he's not President TRUMP!. Don't worry, though, you'll figure it out. Of course, given the desperation to pin every ill imaginable on President TRUMP!, one could be forgiven for not knowing an election even happened. According to the usual suspects carrying water for Quid Pro, it's like he's not even president at all and TRUMP! still is.
You have an aversion to facts, reality, & / or the truth, huh?!


Former criminal FBI Director and still current traitor Comey testified before Congress under oath that Hillary committed perjury, illegally stole TS/SCI material (the highest classification of sensitive / TS intel this country has), that she ilegally stored this intel, illegally used multiple devices to illegally send / transmit this intel, and then attempted to save her ass by illegally destroying several phones / sytems and illegally attempted to (and failed to) 'wipe' her system to hide the evidence.

AFTER TESTIFYING TO ALL OF THIS - HILLARY'S INTENTIONAL CRIMES, Comey then appeared in front of the whole world on TV, again admitted she had committed these crimes - to include 'Espionage', and proceeded to protect her / prevent her from being indicted by falsely claiming Hillary was too stupid to know she was committing these crimes and falsely claimed her ignorance of the law / stupidity was an acceptable defense that prevented her from being indicted...which is a complete LIE.

**'Ignorance of the law', especially in regards to Espionsge', is NOT an acceptable / legal defense ... unless you are Hillary / a Democrat.

So you attempting to defend Hillary, Comey, et al... by claiming none of this happened - despite the abundance of evidence that includes reports, documents, video and audio recordings proving all of it - either makes you the biggest intentionally lying, gaslighting, Democrat misinformation / propaganda-pushing, liberal criminal apologist troll on this board, destroying any and all credibility you might have .... or it makes you one of the dumbest, most ignorant, gullible leftist sheep on this board.

Either way, I don't really care, much like how I could care less about anything you say further, due to your lack tour sacrificed credibility.

So..........WHY didn't Trump or his cult prosecute Clinton?
OR Comey?
'Quid Pro'? '10% For The Big Guy'? The head of the criminal Influence Peddling / Extortion / Sell-Out Cartel?

Sorry, your lies are showing again...Joe has never been Impeached, though he should be.

Sure Q-NUT.

The IMF and Europe wanted the Ukrainian prosecutor fired too, for NOT prosecuting corruption.

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