Trump's visit to Ohio gives Biden opportunity to note that Trump killed safety rules (Político analysis)

Fascist fucks? Where do you characters come up with this kind of stuff? Sticking up for an unpopular president who created death and destruction on January 6 seems a bit fascist to me.
You do not even have first clue as to what fascism and fascists are, now run along to wikipedia and inculcate the typical fascist democrat misrepresentation of what fascism is and post such here, so I may mock you further! :banana:
Trump's deregulatory actions are coming back to haunt him, as explained in this great Político analysis today:

Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.
Does Chicom Joe need a reason to lie?
You do not even have first clue as to what fascism and fascists are, now run along to wikipedia and inculcate the typical fascist democrat misrepresentation of what fascism is and post such here, so I may mock you further! :banana:
Fascism is generally considered to be a far-right political ideology, which means it is typically associated with conservative beliefs.
It amazes me. Dems say they want the POTUS job. Fight for it. Rig elections, lie, cheat steal to get the POTUS job. Then once they get the POTUS job all they do is blame previous administrations and pretend to be powerless to do the job.
The hack judges that Trump put on the bench do a great job at stopping Biden from exercising the authority he was given by the people of the United States.

Conservative judicial philosophy is no longer about the law but about politics.
Fascism is generally considered to be a far-right political ideology, which means it is typically associated with conservative beliefs.
Only by ignorant freaks, who are fool enough to believe that there are significant structural differences between fascism and communism.

Spoiler alert: there aren't.
Maybe the entire derailment accident was orchestrated just give Biden this opportunity to whittle his potential 2024 opponent. It equally as mysterious as when that bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh just days before he showed up to talk about infrastructure. These convenient coincidences happen WAY too often with Democrats and RINOs promoting their agendas.

Look how hurricane Sandy sent everyone home before Obama and Romney finished debating in 2012. It is a FACT that several of the world's most powerful governments have technology for influencing weather patterns. And remember Katrina. It conveniently destroyed the refineries in Louisiana, instantly providing Dubya with an excuses for the gas prices that the nation was getting pissed about.

The Dems and RINO's seem to get whatever they need to justify and explain their agenda. Uncanny!
Fascism is generally considered to be a far-right political ideology, which means it is typically associated with conservative beliefs.
:eek-52: See above fascist troll, see how it pretends to know what its talking about, it does not know, it has run right to wikipedia and copped their lies and regurgitates them here with moderate amount of window dressing.

For edification of all who have IQ higher than 90, which above quoted cretin absolutely does not, fascism has absolutely nothing to do with conservatism, or right wing anything, fascism is a creature of the murderous left, a sort of re-imagining of a medieval aristocracy.

Fascism is one thing, its one party absolute totalitarian rule/control over everything in a given society, one party rule over all politics, one party rule over all education, one party rule over all cultural expression, one party rule over all employment, one party rule over all industry, commerce, and economics, everything, ruthlessly locked down and controlled by the one and only political entity, and no opposition to its dictates is allowed, ever, no matter what!

Often that one party has a centralized figurehead at the helm, but that is not written in stone, it can just as easily be as in fascist China by committee(communism & fascism are a bite from the same exact fruit), with those firgureheads/committees often emerging from within corporate industry. Fascism allows no dissenting, if you dissent you are ruthlessly rooted out, usually your family is to, and disappeared, or murdered outright! Does that sound like conservative Americans, if it does you are a fucking liar or psychotic, however it obviously describes the democrat party and its base of support to a T!

Woke is fascism, canceling humans is fascism, disappearing cultural icons(statuary, symbols, busts, art, literature ect)is fascism, violent totalitarian intolerance to any dissenting opinion(sound familiar)is fascism, indoctrinating as opposed to teaching students is fascism, firing teachers who refuse to indoctrinate is fascism, censoring speech is fascism, only allowing your political allies/beliefs to be freely spoken, and to spew racist hatred and intolerance, whilst simultaneously not allowing any dissent to that hatred and intolerance is fascism, allowing/encouraging industry to openly discriminate against human beings who dissent from the one party monopoly view(gofundme ect)is fascism, do you begin to see who you fucking are, do you???

Conservative Americans went to war against democrat party and fascism in 1864 in attempt to free blacks, among other objectives, and conservative Americans went to war against fascist & socialist NAZI Germany and its ally fascist & socialist Italy in WW II, defeating both at great cost in loss of lives, no mean feat considering that in 1939 America, democrat party and Adolph Hitlers NAZI's with literally a mutual admiration society!

Currently, a remnant of the NAZI German political machine, a man whose own father was an SS officer, is the chosen leader of the top rich fascist people club on earth, one Klaus Schawb who is the spiritual guru to Bill Gates and every other American billionaire extant, along with Joe Biden and the entire US media sphere, most of the US senate, and many many congressman/women, we call that club the World Economic Forum(WEF)!

Not one fascist democrat on this forum, not fucking one of you, knows what fascism is, you were not taught, your dumb asses were first intellectually aborted, then what little mind was left to you indoctrinated, checkmate.....:wink:
The hack judges that Trump put on the bench do a great job at stopping Biden from exercising the authority he was given by the people of the United States.

Conservative judicial philosophy is no longer about the law but about politics.
Illegitimate Biden has no authority except to this himself.
:eek-52: See above fascist troll, see how it pretends to know what its talking about, it does not know, it has run right to wikipedia and copped their lies and regurgitates them here with moderate amount of window dressing.

For edification of all who have IQ higher than 90, which above quoted cretin absolutely does not, fascism has absolutely nothing to do with conservatism, or right wing anything, fascism is a creature of the murderous left, a sort of re-imagining of a medieval aristocracy.

Fascism is one thing, its one party absolute totalitarian rule/control over everything in a given society, one party rule over all politics, one party rule over all education, one party rule over all cultural expression, one party rule over all employment, one party rule over all industry, commerce, and economics, everything, ruthlessly locked down and controlled by the one and only political entity, and no opposition to its dictates is allowed, ever, no matter what!

Often that one party has a centralized figurehead at the helm, but that is not written in stone, it can just as easily be as in fascist China by committee(communism & fascism are a bite from the same exact fruit), with those firgureheads/committees often emerging from within corporate industry. Fascism allows no dissenting, if you dissent you are ruthlessly rooted out, usually your family is to, and disappeared, or murdered outright! Does that sound like conservative Americans, if it does you are a fucking liar or psychotic, however it obviously describes the democrat party and its base of support to a T!

Woke is fascism, canceling humans is fascism, disappearing cultural icons(statuary, symbols, busts, art, literature ect)is fascism, violent totalitarian intolerance to any dissenting opinion(sound familiar)is fascism, indoctrinating as opposed to teaching students is fascism, firing teachers who refuse to indoctrinate is fascism, censoring speech is fascism, only allowing your political allies/beliefs to be freely spoken, and to spew racist hatred and intolerance, whilst simultaneously not allowing any dissent to that hatred and intolerance is fascism, allowing/encouraging industry to openly discriminate against human beings who dissent from the one party monopoly view(gofundme ect)is fascism, do you begin to see who you fucking are, do you???

Conservative Americans went to war against democrat party and fascism in 1864 in attempt to free blacks, among other objectives, and conservative Americans went to war against fascist & socialist NAZI Germany and its ally fascist & socialist Italy in WW II, defeating both at great cost in loss of lives, no mean feat considering that in 1939 America, democrat party and Adolph Hitlers NAZI's with literally a mutual admiration society!

Currently, a remnant of the NAZI German political machine, a man whose own father was an SS officer, is the chosen leader of the top rich fascist people club on earth, one Klaus Schawb who is the spiritual guru to Bill Gates and every other American billionaire extant, along with Joe Biden and the entire US media sphere, most of the US senate, and many many congressman/women, we call that club the World Economic Forum(WEF)!

Not one fascist democrat on this forum, not fucking one of you, knows what fascism is, you were not taught, your dumb asses were first intellectually aborted, then what little mind was left to you indoctrinated, checkmate.....:wink:
The terms right and left come from two factions in France. Guess which faction wanted the king to rule over everyone?
The right. And here you are pretending that absolutism is a liberal thing. Your brain is a waste of space. It's empty. No neurons to work with. You're mentally disabled in s severe way. And you're s fascist.
You think Trujillo and Pinochet were lefties? LOL.
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Come to find out those regulations were over reach. We know how Obama and Biden wanted to put oil companies out of business. So once again liberalism has failed. Oh and all the oil that was going to flow safely through the Keystone pipeline. Is now on those railroad tracks. Biden is a walking disaster, he could've did away with Trump's plan. But didn't in over 2 years.
Sure, it would have.................

December 12 2022
A rupture in the Keystone pipeline has led to a 588,000-gallon (14,000-barrel) spill in a Kansas creek. It’s the largest spill from an onshore crude pipeline in nine years and by far the biggest in the Keystone system’s history.

The oil spread about a quarter of a mile, Randy Hubbard, emergency management director for Washington County, Kansas, where the leak is located.

Since the pipeline was installed in 2010, 22 spills have leaked a combined total of about 12,000 barrels of crude oil, per a 2021 U.S. Government Accountability Office report.
Only by ignorant freaks, who are fool enough to believe that there are significant structural differences between fascism and communism.

Spoiler alert: there aren't.
Oddball wants to dodge Trump's deregulation by pretending we are talking about Communist China and Mussolini.
Fascist fucks? Where do you characters come up with this kind of stuff? Sticking up for an unpopular president who created death and destruction on January 6 seems a bit fascist to me.
They learned it from Joe Biden, jasonnfree. Recently, President Biden gave a speech in which he called Trump, Trump supporters, and those who voted for Trump fascists. Since most Republicans indeed voted for President Trump, his ugly name-calling of people he never met shows (1) prejudice, (2) will never bargain with, (3) unfairness, (4) he uses projection (which what he does often), and in the communications world, projection is a crazy-maker in order to irritate someone the projector considers is bad. It is the very worst verbal trick that a politician can use when it is so obvious he cannot manage anger, hate, and/or jealousy, and the projection artist should never be placed in an job that carries authority as it hurts innocent people said projectionist has no intention of serving. That is a breach of the oath of office for the President of the United States. Less sophisticated societies would bring out the guillotine to use on a leader, and they would chop off a leader's head rather than tolerate him or her another day due to unfettered arrogance.

The Democrat Party is downright hateful to people who do not share their biases against all that is right.
So, the president is responsible for train maintenance, now?
Hence; Improved braking may have stopped the train sooner.
Government expense? Seems to me it should be at Norfolk-Southern's expense.
1. If you're going to whine about Trump's de-regulation, re-regulate, duh.
2. Read the train wreck report, brakes had nothing to do with it, duh.
3. Government's expense to be recouped from N-S, point being to get the people away from the contamination until safe.
1. If you're going to whine about Trump's de-regulation, re-regulate, duh.
I'm sure there are 100's of regulations that were deregulated/relaxed under Trump, regulation was one of them.
It wouldn't even be on the radar, had the derailment, NOT happened.
I'm sure they are looking at it now, closely.
2. Read the train wreck report, brakes had nothing to do with it, duh.
While no cause of the derailment has been released, investigators are focusing on one car’s wheel set and bearing. Video of the train before the derailment showed what appeared to be an overheated wheel bearing, the report said. Footage showed sparks flying from underneath the train. Investigators are looking into what may have caused the overheating.

One wheel bearing’s temperature reached a “critical” level – 253 degrees Fahrenheit above the ambient temperature – and prompted an audible alarm that instructed “the crew to slow and stop the train to inspect a hot axle,” the report says.

• The train’s engineer applied the train’s brakes and additional braking after the alert of an overheating axle, the reports states.

Stopping the train sooner may have prevented the derailment.
3. Government's expense to be recouped from N-S, point being to get the people away from the contamination until safe.
THAT'S what the government said.
But Norfolk-Southern, has already provided relief.

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