Trump's Waco rally turnout disappoints... much smaller than expected


Don't be silly. Ballot harvesting is totally legal. Dems proved it.

If you've ever seen the size of the crowd at a Trump rally, you'd realize how stunningly successful this will be for the Republicans in 2024. There isn't enough money in Soros' fortune to pay enough leftist vermin ballot harvesters to compensate for what would happen if every Trump supporter harvested ten ballots!

Works on the assumption they all know 10 people who wouldn't have voted otherwise.

They don't
As stated by this conservative friend of mine in this forum, 100,000 were expected:

But the Houston Chronicle reports massively lower numbers:

What could be causing Trump's decline in his ability to draw but crowds? Discuss.

Still, Trump in Waco turned out a lot better than the last time Democrats showed up in Waco...



Still, Trump in Waco turned out a lot better than the last time Democrats showed up in Waco...

You talk like that's a bad thing! A bunch of whacky pedophile cultists offing themselves was a boon to humanity.
As stated by this conservative friend of mine in this forum, 100,000 were expected:

But the Houston Chronicle reports massively lower numbers:

What could be causing Trump's decline in his ability to draw but crowds? Discuss.
Biden’s entire campaign and Presidency never drew a crowd of 15,000
Biden’s entire campaign and Presidency never drew a crowd of 15,000

Because Biden was actually concerned that his audiences might get Covid.

Trump was happy to kill off his own followers to assuage his massive narcissism.


He died as he lived... sucking up to White People.
I guess you'd be the guy to ask about whacky (sic) pedophile cultists.

Oh, no, not at all. I just find it hilarious that the right has turned David Koresh into a martyr when he molested the kids in his cult and eventually killed them all.

Glad to see you're still oinking like a racist.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

Hey, Herman Cain was one of those nice Uncle Toms the GOP trots out to prove how not racist they are while pursuing policies to roll back civil rights and screw black people.

See also Allen Keyes, Candace Owens, Ben Carson, etc.

I mean, it's an awesome scam. White fragility is such you need these guys to tell you to feel better about yourselves.

Cain just took it a bit too far going to a Trump Super-Spreader Event to show his fealty.
I hope someday any idiot stupid enough to make the statement that you are responding to has their child or grandchild burned alive.

Wow, you are one angry, sick freak.

Perhaps you missed the dozens of threads on this topic and the facts that were duscussed.

In one of the final reports on the Waco compound incident, an agent / investigator wrote that instead of surrounding the ranch, laying seige to it with armored vehicles, firing tear gas, etc..., in hindsite, they should have had little to no presence at the compound and simply, quietly picked up the cult leader the next time he ventured into town.

Finesse was not an FBI specialty / trait at the time, and their eagerness to storm the compound unnecessarily cost lives...

But this discussion is for another thread. Back to THIS thread's topic...
Wow, you are one angry, sick freak.

Perhaps you missed the dozens of threads on this topic and the facts that were duscussed.

In one of the final reports on the Waco compound incident, an agent / investigator wrote that instead of surrounding the ranch, laying seige to it with armored vehicles, firing tear gas, etc..., in hindsite, they should have had little to no presence at the compound and simply, quietly picked up the cult leader the next time he ventured into town.

Finesse was not an FBI specialty / trait at the time, and their eagerness to storm the compound unnecessarily cost lives...

But this discussion is for another thread. Back to THIS thread's topic...

Okay, step back a second. Maybe I composed my comment a bit unclearly.

I was agreeing with you, which I have done since day one of the Waco debacle.

And yes, the comment WHICH YOU WERE RESPONDING TO did make me very angry.

No need to rip my throat out.




Okay, step back a second. Maybe I composed my comment a bit unclearly.

I was agreeing with you, which I have done since day one of the Waco debacle.

And yes, the comment WHICH YOU WERE RESPONDING TO did make me very angry.

No need to rip my throat out.



Sorry, my apologies. I misunderstood your comment. Thank you for the clarification, and, again, I apologize for my response.

In my defense, I haven't had coffe yet this morning.
Biden’s entire campaign and Presidency never drew a crowd of 15,000

We know, we know, yet...........yet, he still beat the bejeezus outta his opponent by more than 7 million votes, and clobbered him in a landslide of EC ballots. Beat him there by approximately 32% more!

Can you imagine how bad the shellacking woulda been if Joe had held huge stadium-sized rallies in those Covid months?

The disgraced ex-president got a huge break in his humiliation by Joe holding back on his beat-down. No?
Credible link from an informed source?
Show us.
Posted it numerous times - feel free to use tbe USMB search feature to find it in my past posts, look it up on google yourself, or stay stupid - I don't care which one you pick.

We all know you are just going to sit back on your lazy, ignorant ass and
Claim there is no such link because I refuse to spoonfeed you.

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