Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
Its supposed to cost nothing. Remember back when Mexico was going to pay for it?
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
Its supposed to cost nothing. Remember back when Mexico was going to pay for it?

Quit whining ... it doesn't become you.
Any leftist that comes in here trying to dispute that building a wall and keeping illegals out is not a net win for Americans should try to illegally move to Mexico.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
Its supposed to cost nothing. Remember back when Mexico was going to pay for it?

It was supposed to be built right after Reagan granted 3 million amnesty, but I bet you didn't know about that, did you? It was funded then and another time after that already.

Third time's a charm, baby!
A bigger supply of unskilled labor means lower wages.No legitimate economist would argue with that.

A competitive labor force boosts economic efficiency and growth. No legitimate economist would argue that.

I'm sick of you whiny bitches complaining about how the economy is unfair to you. Stop acting like pathetic hypocrites, or admit that you want the government to protect you.
Economists don't have to compete with unskilled labor.

No, but they do study the economic impacts immigration has on economies.

I noticed that you switched the goalposts between illegal immigrants and unskilled labor, you intellectually dishonest idiot.
A bigger supply of unskilled labor means lower wages.No legitimate economist would argue with that.

A competitive labor force boosts economic efficiency and growth. No legitimate economist would argue that.

I'm sick of you whiny bitches complaining about how the economy is unfair to you. Stop acting like pathetic hypocrites, or admit that you want the government to protect you.

A government is absolutely supposed to protect its citizens from foreign invaders.

Your version of "A competitive labor force" boosts profits for bosses temporarily, but drives down the standard of living for everybody. Furthermore, eventually some people can't even afford to buy their products, so that company goes bust.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

Fucked up "rationale" by middle-finger-baby.......As if that "beautiful wall" is going to save us from all those darkies coming in in tunnels, airplanes,ships, overstaying visas, etc........

Are ALL right wingers THIS stupid?
Walls work, dumbass. The record of walls built around the world show they work. Everyone who opposes the wall is an open-borders douche bag traitor who wants to flood this country will illegal aliens. Quit pretending that isn't your motive. No one is fooled.
A government is absolutely supposed to protect its citizens from foreign invaders.

Because you are too much of a pussy to defend yourself? There are no arbitrary responsibilities assigned to government.
If a government can be said to have any legitimate function, then protecting us from foreign invaders is certainly one of them. Playing the macho man only proves you're a moron.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

You're an imbecile. What is "those costs are inside this country" supposed to mean? Are you saying they don't harm the taxpayer? Then you're a fucking fool. The cost goes away when we deport illegals, and if we allow them to keep coming in, the costs continue to grow.

Only an profound moron or a commie scumbag who wants to destroy this country would claim that the cost of social programs isn't a burden on the taxpayer
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

Fucked up "rationale" by middle-finger-baby.......As if that "beautiful wall" is going to save us from all those darkies coming in in tunnels, airplanes,ships, overstaying visas, etc........

Are ALL right wingers THIS stupid?

The wall will eliminate about 60% of them, and that makes it well worth the investment.
If a government can be said to have any legitimate function, then protecting us from foreign invaders is certainly one of them. Playing the macho man only proves you're a moron.

You are a raging hypocrite. Now you actually do believe in government, as long as it protects an arbitrary set of borders from better workers than your lazy ass?

Pointing out that you are a whiny bitch is a fact, not a debating tactic. All you do is complain about how unfair it is that others are allowed to enter the marketplace and compete.
A bigger supply of unskilled labor means lower wages.No legitimate economist would argue with that.

A competitive labor force boosts economic efficiency and growth. No legitimate economist would argue that.

I'm sick of you whiny bitches complaining about how the economy is unfair to you. Stop acting like pathetic hypocrites, or admit that you want the government to protect you.

We do want the government to protect us from a flood of unskilled peasants willing to work for nothing. Why shouldn't we?

Illegal aliens aren't "the economy." Whenever douche bags don't want to be explicit about not giving a fuck about flesh-and-blood Americans, they start talking about an abstraction called "the economy."
We do want the government to protect us from a flood of unskilled peasants willing to work for nothing. Why shouldn't we?

Translation: I'm upset that foreigners can out compete me, and want a socialist government to protect my entitled fat ass from the harsh realities of free market capitalism.

Illegal aliens aren't "the economy." Whenever douche bags don't want to be explicit about not giving a fuck about flesh-and-blood Americans, they start talking about an abstraction called "the economy."

You're right. The only economy that matters is the global economy. There is no abstract economy within an arbitrary set of borders, in a modern world of economic interdependence.

People like you are afraid of getting bitch slapped by the rest of the world, but closed borders wont help your stagnant economy.
The douche bags who support open borders keep claiming that 40% illegals are visa overstays. That means the rest came over the border.

Let me tear down your terrible logic with common sense.

The wall would only cover half the border. It wouldn't stop immigrants from exploiting weaknesses or even creating them. Even if an immigrant couldn't cross the border conventionally, they wouldn't just sit there dumbfounded. The number that enter via plane, boat, and professional trafficking would increase.
We do want the government to protect us from a flood of unskilled peasants willing to work for nothing. Why shouldn't we?

Translation: I'm upset that foreigners can out compete me, and want a socialist government to protect my entitled fat ass from the harsh realities of free market capitalism.

Enforcing our borders isn't socialism, moron, and only a fool would want to work for the same wages as ignorant unskilled peasants from the third world. Who's side are you on?

Illegal aliens aren't "the economy." Whenever douche bags don't want to be explicit about not giving a fuck about flesh-and-blood Americans, they start talking about an abstraction called "the economy."

You're right. The only economy that matters is the global economy. There is no abstract economy within an arbitrary set of borders, in a modern world of economic interdependence.

People like you are afraid of getting bitch slapped by the rest of the world, but closed borders wont help your stagnant economy.

That's just plain idiotic. Why anyone would want Americans to compete with the lowest dregs of humanity in some third world hell hole is beyond me. Do you really hate your fellow Americans that much?
Enforcing our borders isn't socialism, moron, and only a fool would want to work for the same wages as ignorant unskilled peasants from the third world.

How is having a government regulate the influx of competitive labor not socialism? I had no idea you were a commie.

Anarchists do not believe in borders. You are just a statist poser.

Who's side are you on?

Free market anarchy. The enemy of state socialists such as yourself.

Why anyone would want Americans to compete with the lowest dregs of humanity in some third world hell hole is beyond me. Do you really hate your fellow Americans that much?

Now you are just projecting in a pathetic attempt to save face. Fellow Americans? Who said I was American?
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