Trump's War Record

funny how draft dodging is important to leftist when it's not their guy dodging

actually, more predictable than funny

boring, not funny
It is Trump bragging about how much he loves the military

He has never done a thing for them. How many vets work for Trump?

I'm just tired of the double standard.

seriously, aren't you tired of not having one then demand the other side have one?

doesn't it get old?
Two questions: What has Donald Trump ever done for his country? And why do Trump followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger?

The last time I checked I really don't have to do anything for this country unless it is under attack. I suppose if we want to talk about draft dodgers then we can mention Clinton but we won't do that.

That's right, you don't have to feel obligated to ever do anything important for your country or make any kind of sacrifices. America is such a great country, the kind of place where chickenshit assholes can now sneer at people who have actually done something.

That is actually what the left has done since the beginning but now that you see an opportunity for power you are now pro-military. I don't buy it and I think your support for the military is not sincere.

I don't feel obligated to do anything for my country and that is a fucking fact. Thanks for affirming that you ass hat piece of shit.
Trump did nothing illegal, and many Americans had no interest in fighting a war that the government would not allow our military to win. The rules of engagement in Vietnam were obscene and pathetic, not to mention immoral. And Nixon betrayed South Vietnam with a treasonous "peace agreement" to further his reelection campaign. I would not have wanted to risk losing my life in such a corrupt war effort either.

As for McCain, you should go talk to the families of MIAs or former Senator Bob Smith. McCain teamed up with John Kerry to cover up compelling evidence that Vietnam was holding American POWs. At one MIA hearing, the families of MIAs in attendance booed and hissed McCain after he berated a relative of an MIA for daring to challenge him on the cover-up.
Two questions: What has Donald Trump ever done for his country? And why do Trump followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger?

The last time I checked I really don't have to do anything for this country unless it is under attack. I suppose if we want to talk about draft dodgers then we can mention Clinton but we won't do that.

That's right, you don't have to feel obligated to ever do anything important for your country or make any kind of sacrifices. America is such a great country, the kind of place where chickenshit assholes can now sneer at people who have actually done something.

That is actually what the left has done since the beginning but now that you see an opportunity for power you are now pro-military. I don't buy it and I think your support for the military is not sincere.

I don't feel obligated to do anything for my country and that is a fucking fact. Thanks for affirming that you ass hat piece of shit.

You don't feel obligated to do anything for your country because you're a typical taker, a parasite who lives off of the sacrifices of better men.
Bernie Sanders conscientious objector didn't want to fight his comrades the North Vietnamese. Four of my relatives volunteered for Vietnam. Think before you cast stones

Yeah he was soooo wrong about nam! At least he manned up and objected and fought against the war .

Trump used his rich man deferments to escape the draft .
Is war record the lefts version of the right wing sneering at rich liberals?
Trump likes to drone on about what a tough guy and committed patriot he is. Yet he's never done anything tough,
Yea okay:

No doubt having a driver and a bodyguard helps him feel tough in a situation like that.
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
Both Clinton and Obama served and both will have served eight years as commander in chiefs. Trump went to military school and went through hell.
Is war record the lefts version of the right wing sneering at rich liberals?
Trump likes to drone on about what a tough guy and committed patriot he is. Yet he's never done anything tough,
Yea okay:

No doubt having a driver and a bodyguard helps him feel tough in a situation like that.
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
Both Clinton and Obama served and both will have served eight years as commander in chiefs. Trump went to military school and went through hell.

Seriously, I hate to the bearer of bad tidings, but being "elected" Commander-In-Chief has little, to nothing to do with "serving". Clinton never served a day in his life, nor did Obama. "Military School" is nothing compared to going through BCT, AIT and then serving in the RA for the next few years. One is a "School" and the other is combat. There is a slight difference......
It's the right that makes a big deal about military service.

Except when it doesn't suit thier candidate. Then they ignore it. And that's what we call hypocricy .

Most democrats sneer at the military. The write long letters how much they despise the military. That is what Bill Clinton did.

No. They sneer at the military industrial complex . We all should !

Republicans claim to be pro military, but all
They want to do is needlessly put them in harms way.
Two questions: What has Donald Trump ever done for his country? And why do Trump followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger?

The last time I checked I really don't have to do anything for this country unless it is under attack. I suppose if we want to talk about draft dodgers then we can mention Clinton but we won't do that.

That's right, you don't have to feel obligated to ever do anything important for your country or make any kind of sacrifices. America is such a great country, the kind of place where chickenshit assholes can now sneer at people who have actually done something.

That is actually what the left has done since the beginning but now that you see an opportunity for power you are now pro-military. I don't buy it and I think your support for the military is not sincere.

I don't feel obligated to do anything for my country and that is a fucking fact. Thanks for affirming that you ass hat piece of shit.

You don't feel obligated to do anything for your country because you're a typical taker, a parasite who lives off of the sacrifices of better men.

Proud to be a taker where at least I know I am free...
It's the right that makes a big deal about military service.

Except when it doesn't suit thier candidate. Then they ignore it. And that's what we call hypocricy .

Most democrats sneer at the military. The write long letters how much they despise the military. That is what Bill Clinton did.

No. They sneer at the military industrial complex . We all should !

Republicans claim to be pro military, but all
They want to do is needlessly put them in harms way.

I really don't have a problem with it because we all need someone to produce the military items that our military needs. Every nation on the earth has a 'military industrial complex' to some degree. I think whoever coined that term was noticing the change in American life where more and more of our budget was going to the military and as far as I can tell that is something new in American history.
Why is important that Trump served in the Military when Hillary's husband was a hair away from being prosecuted as a draft dodger? McCain served in the Military and he ran he wimpiest campaign in republican history second only to Bob Dole who also served.
Trump did nothing illegal, and many Americans had no interest in fighting a war that the government would not allow our military to win. The rules of engagement in Vietnam were obscene and pathetic, not to mention immoral. And Nixon betrayed South Vietnam with a treasonous "peace agreement" to further his reelection campaign. I would not have wanted to risk losing my life in such a corrupt war effort either.

As for McCain, you should go talk to the families of MIAs or former Senator Bob Smith. McCain teamed up with John Kerry to cover up compelling evidence that Vietnam was holding American POWs. At one MIA hearing, the families of MIAs in attendance booed and hissed McCain after he berated a relative of an MIA for daring to challenge him on the cover-up.

It kind of makes me wonder if the rules of engagement were done on purpose to make winning as difficult as possible. It makes me wonder what side is the democratic party on sometimes.
Bernie Sanders conscientious objector didn't want to fight his comrades the North Vietnamese. Four of my relatives volunteered for Vietnam. Think before you cast stones

Yeah he was soooo wrong about nam! At least he manned up and objected and fought against the war .

Trump used his rich man deferments to escape the draft .
I have little respect for those who use deferments. I have less than zero for those that us the conscientious objector BS. Even Gandhi wasn't a shitbag like Sanders.
Two questions: What has Donald Trump ever done for his country? And why do Trump followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger?

Hey dumb ass ... hardly any of the candidates or many of our past president's have served our country..

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have never served in the military. Neither have Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum or Bobby Jindal. And those are just the Republicans gearing up for a presidential campaign.

All Pansies....

Read more: Few 2016 Presidential Candidates Have Military Experience. Does That Matter?

Controversy over George W. Bush's military service in the National Guard was an issue that first gained widespread public attention during the 2004 presidential campaign. The controversy centered on Texas Air National Guard, why he lost his flight status, and whether he fulfilled the requirements of his military service contract.

George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Trump came under sniper fire on trip to Bosnia in 1996. No wait I think that claim might have come from the front runner for the other party.

I believe that was Hillary and she actually caught the bullets with her teeth and 'recycled' them with your tongue. It was incredibly sexy.

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