Trump's War Record

Two questions: What has Barack Obama and Bill Clinton ever done for their country? And why do Moon Bat followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger and a shithead that was too busy to hang out with his commie buddies to ever serve his country?

Good luck getting an answer for that.

These hypocritical Moon Bats love to attack people they disagree with but always refuse to defend the shitheads like Obama and Clinton that they love so much.

If it is unacceptable to them that Trump never served in the military then it should be equally unacceptable that neither did Clinton or Obama. If we are talking about blatant draft dodging then addition to Clinton we can even include that idiot clown Biden and that asshole Bernie Sanders.
Is war record the lefts version of the right wing sneering at rich liberals?
Trump likes to drone on about what a tough guy and committed patriot he is. Yet he's never done anything tough,
Yea okay:

No doubt having a driver and a bodyguard helps him feel tough in a situation like that.
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
You follow a phony tough guy.
Answer my questions:
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in Vietnam?
Trump likes to drone on about what a tough guy and committed patriot he is. Yet he's never done anything tough,
Yea okay:

No doubt having a driver and a bodyguard helps him feel tough in a situation like that.
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
You follow a phony tough guy.
Answer my questions:
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in Vietnam?
Probably because they were chickenshit assholes.....just like Trump.
Trump likes to drone on about what a tough guy and committed patriot he is. Yet he's never done anything tough,
Yea okay:

No doubt having a driver and a bodyguard helps him feel tough in a situation like that.
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
You follow a phony tough guy.
Answer my questions:
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in Vietnam?
Neither is on the ballot in 2016
Neither has condemned POWs as cowards
Neither claims to be a leading proponent of veterans rights

Trump has done nothing for veterans in his business
Yea okay:

No doubt having a driver and a bodyguard helps him feel tough in a situation like that.
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
You follow a phony tough guy.
Answer my questions:
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in Vietnam?

Trump has done nothing for veterans in his business

Donald Trump Quietly Helped Marine Whom Obama Ignored - The Political Insider

Trump Releases Plan to Reform Veterans Affairs

America Deserves Donald Trump | Veterans Today

Trump offers to help NY veterans group with money struggles

Answer my questions:
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in Vietnam?

It was even worse with Slick Willy because he blatantly lied to Col Homes to get out of serving. He claimed for a long time he had the intentions of serving and Col Homes believed him but then and helped him with the draft board but when the time came he wrote a letter saying that he loathed the military and had no intentions of serving.

He lied long enough to get to the point where the lottery was used and he had a high number.

Slick Willy lying. Who would have thunk it?
No doubt having a driver and a bodyguard helps him feel tough in a situation like that.
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
You follow a phony tough guy.
Answer my questions:
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in Vietnam?

Trump has done nothing for veterans in his business

Donald Trump Quietly Helped Marine Whom Obama Ignored - The Political Insider

Trump Releases Plan to Reform Veterans Affairs

America Deserves Donald Trump | Veterans Today

Trump offers to help NY veterans group with money struggles
One vet as a publicity stunt?

Trump never gave a shit about vets until he ran for president. How many executives with Trump international are vets? None

He won't even allow vets to play on his golf courses
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in
You follow a phony tough guy.
Answer my questions:
Why didn't Obama sign up for the military during the first Gulf War? Why didn't Bill Clinton go fight in Vietnam?

Trump has done nothing for veterans in his business

Donald Trump Quietly Helped Marine Whom Obama Ignored - The Political Insider

Trump Releases Plan to Reform Veterans Affairs

America Deserves Donald Trump | Veterans Today

Trump offers to help NY veterans group with money struggles
One vet as a publicity stunt?

Trump never gave a shit about vets until he ran for president. How many executives with Trump international are vets? None

He won't even allow vets to play on his golf courses
Trumps passion for vets issues is about two minutes old.
Two questions: What has Donald Trump ever done for his country? And why do Trump followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger?

Bill Clinton did not serve but I take exception to the idea of you calling him a sniveling cowardly draft dodger!
It's the right that makes a big deal about military service.

Except when it doesn't suit thier candidate. Then they ignore it. And that's what we call hypocricy .
Two questions: What has Donald Trump ever done for his country? And why do Trump followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger?

The last time I checked I really don't have to do anything for this country unless it is under attack. I suppose if we want to talk about draft dodgers then we can mention Clinton but we won't do that.
It's the right that makes a big deal about military service.

Except when it doesn't suit thier candidate. Then they ignore it. And that's what we call hypocricy .

Most democrats sneer at the military. The write long letters how much they despise the military. That is what Bill Clinton did.
Bernie Sanders conscientious objector didn't want to fight his comrades the North Vietnamese. Four of my relatives volunteered for Vietnam. Think before you cast stones
I am sure that it has been noted, but the Elephant in the Room is Obama and Mrs. Clinton who lost our Ambassador to Libya, he was killed in a battle by Jihadists who declare they are at War with the USA. Ambassador Chris Stevens, killed while serving our country.

That is a high ranking American Official, dead, killed, while he worked for Obama, in Libya, on 9/11.

Our second 9/11
Two questions: What has Donald Trump ever done for his country? And why do Trump followers admire a sniveling cowardly draft dodger?

The last time I checked I really don't have to do anything for this country unless it is under attack. I suppose if we want to talk about draft dodgers then we can mention Clinton but we won't do that.

That's right, you don't have to feel obligated to ever do anything important for your country or make any kind of sacrifices. America is such a great country, the kind of place where chickenshit assholes can now sneer at people who have actually done something.

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