Trumps warnings are hitting home

3% is all it took to fight and win the American Revolution.

Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Not a clue who that goofy band is....suck though.

Crass is awesome, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your "revolution" will just be a another group of assholes trying to force your pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.
You no feqing idea what you're talking about as usual.
8,000 US deaths in combat. United States military casualties of war - Wikipedia
3% is all it took to fight and win the American Revolution.

Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Not a clue who that goofy band is....suck though.

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be a another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.
also the fact that george washington lost the majorty of his battles, he could never defeat the entire british government, he could barely defeat a few british garrisons on the other side of the planet. It's hard to manage a country when it takes you 2 months by boat to get a letter from there. The british thought it would better to let them try to run the colonies for a few years and it would eventually collapse, thats why they funded the confederacy.
The inm
Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe

The article is of course a hit job and full of lies (especially about the birther issue) but I find it refreshing. People are NOT going to lay down and take the lies and corruption and vote rigging. :) Yall get ready for a BEAUTIFUL revolution!
The inmates have definitely taken over the prison. Or it's a mutiny on a ship. Unfortunately you've only convinced 45% of the crew so you're screwed.

Trump plan is to turn people off if not vote for him. Rudy Guliani, Chris Christy. Roger ailes. No way this team wins

Trump plan is to turn people off if not vote for him

You believe that Trump has to do something to get people not to vote for Hillary?

I know 2 hard core libs personally that would rather write in Pence than vote for Hillary.

and a grandson, granddaughter, and two great-nephews that are seriously considering not casting their first vote because of who's on the ballot.
You just proved my point. That's the Republicans hope is that the people who can't vote for trump will at least stay home.

I don't know why I have anxiety but they say trump has increased anxiety.

And the economies not even in bad shape. All the things like the debt will still be problems even if Republicans are in the white house.

I find it amazing Republicans are trying to pretend they want to help the middle class with tariffs. What a joke. I see it for the scam it is but Republicans are swallowing it hook line and sinker. Their hatred of the Clinton's has made them bat shit crazy
Brainwashed hater dupes. The GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. All Trump had to do to get nominated was parrot the Pubcrappe...Odium is right off the wall...
3% is all it took to fight and win the American Revolution.

Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Not a clue who that goofy band is....suck though.

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.
Very simple. You have a rifle and you have an enemy. You kill more of them than they kill of you. You hit their wallets and pocketbooks. You become a terror in the night to make sure they NEVER sleep and NEVER can have a calm moment. I don't care if 2 MILLION people die. Win at all costs. The ends justify the means. We don't win the white race will become but a distant memory. That alone would make me fight till the end. Like Earl Turner in the Turner Diaries who crashes a plane with a suitcase nuke into the capitol.
also the fact that george washington lost the majorty of his battles, he could never defeat the entire british government, he could barely defeat a few british garrisons on the other side of the planet. It's hard to manage a country when it takes you 2 months by boat to get a letter from there. The british thought it would better to let them try to run the colonies for a few years and it would eventually collapse, thats why they funded the confederacy.

It really was not that impressive of a war, and you are correct about the British strategy.

I remember I was in a conversation about whether George Washington was a greater general than Napoleon Bonaparte, and everyone said George Washington was better (two said that George was the best general that ever lived :laugh:)

I questioned how that was possible when George Washington only won campaigns with hundreds of military units, while Napoleon Bonaparte won campaigns with hundreds of thousands of military units.

Conclusion: People are stupid and uneducated.
3% is all it took to fight and win the American Revolution.

Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Not a clue who that goofy band is....suck though.

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.
Very simple. You have a rifle and you have an enemy. You kill more of them than they kill of you. You hit their wallets and pocketbooks. You become a terror in the night to make sure they NEVER sleep and NEVER can have a calm moment. I don't care if 2 MILLION people die. Win at all costs. The ends justify the means. We don't win the white race will become but a distant memory. That alone would make me fight till the end. Like Earl Turner in the Turner Diaries who crashes a plane with a suitcase nuke into the capitol.
What about the US armed forces, the national guard, and the police, you gd moron? And all the Dems and GOPers who aren't brainwashed jackasses? Turn off your propaganda and take a vacation.
Very simple. You have a rifle and you have an enemy. You kill more of them than they kill of you. You hit their wallets and pocketbooks. You become a terror in the night to make sure they NEVER sleep and NEVER can have a calm moment.

Wow. I am almost completely speechless...

You should win a nobel prize for your revolutionary innovations in military theory :lmao:

I don't care if 2 MILLION people die. Win at all costs. The ends justify the means. We don't win the white race will become but a distant memory. That alone would make me fight till the end. Like Earl Turner in the Turner Diaries who crashes a plane with a suitcase nuke into the capitol.

Before you start that lil' insurrection of yours, you might want to find someone that knows what the fuck they are talking about.

With you at the helm, your entire organization will be decommissioned in a week.
3% is all it took to fight and win the American Revolution.

Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Not a clue who that goofy band is....suck though.

Crass is awesome, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your "revolution" will just be a another group of assholes trying to force your pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.
You no feqing idea what you're talking about as usual.
8,000 US deaths in combat. United States military casualties of war - Wikipedia
I looked it up it was 2k on each side.
3% is all it took to fight and win the American Revolution.

Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Not a clue who that goofy band is....suck though.

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.
Very simple. You have a rifle and you have an enemy. You kill more of them than they kill of you. You hit their wallets and pocketbooks. You become a terror in the night to make sure they NEVER sleep and NEVER can have a calm moment. I don't care if 2 MILLION people die. Win at all costs. The ends justify the means. We don't win the white race will become but a distant memory. That alone would make me fight till the end. Like Earl Turner in the Turner Diaries who crashes a plane with a suitcase nuke into the capitol.
What about the US armed forces, the national guard, and the police, you gd moron? And all the Dems and GOPers who aren't brainwashed jackasses? Turn off your propaganda and take a vacation.
Some will back a revolution,some will back the system like the nonwhites mostly.NG and Police are normal folks. I figure sitting it out and taking care of their families mostly. The system won't be able to pay them so why would they work? There are people inside the military that will take advantage of the revolution or uprising whatever its called and will bring their units over to our side....As I have said before the MIGHTY US military was beaten by little Asian men in pajamas with ak 47's in Vietnam and Again with practically same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Decades of diversity and allowing faggots into the military has destroyed moral and any sense of togetherness. Who will want it more? I can guarantee you I will die for my cause.
Very simple. You have a rifle and you have an enemy. You kill more of them than they kill of you. You hit their wallets and pocketbooks. You become a terror in the night to make sure they NEVER sleep and NEVER can have a calm moment.

Wow. I am almost completely speechless...

You should win a nobel prize for your revolutionary innovations in military theory :lmao:

I don't care if 2 MILLION people die. Win at all costs. The ends justify the means. We don't win the white race will become but a distant memory. That alone would make me fight till the end. Like Earl Turner in the Turner Diaries who crashes a plane with a suitcase nuke into the capitol.

Before you start that lil' insurrection of yours, you might want to find someone that knows what the fuck they are talking about.

With you at the helm, your entire organization will be decommissioned in a week.
I am a fighter not a tactician and I am willing to admit that. We have tacticians and military men and women. Imagine all the towns near military bases when coons decide to desert and start raping and murdering....otherwise normal white people will take up arms if to just defend themselves and its going to turn ugly real quick. If little men in pajamas can do it so can angry white folks who are better armed and in a much worse environment politically and socially. Plus with open borders the terrorists will strike as well. Chemical,Biological,Nuclear weapons will be easy enough to get. Like I said. WHATEVER IT TAKES.
also the fact that george washington lost the majorty of his battles, he could never defeat the entire british government, he could barely defeat a few british garrisons on the other side of the planet. It's hard to manage a country when it takes you 2 months by boat to get a letter from there. The british thought it would better to let them try to run the colonies for a few years and it would eventually collapse, thats why they funded the confederacy.

It really was not that impressive of a war, and you are correct about the British strategy.

I remember I was in a conversation about whether George Washington was a greater general than Napoleon Bonaparte, and everyone said George Washington was better (two said that George was the best general that ever lived :laugh:)

I questioned how that was possible when George Washington only won campaigns with hundreds of military units, while Napoleon Bonaparte won campaigns with hundreds of thousands of military units.

Conclusion: People are stupid and uneducated.
its the jingoistic nationalism thats beaten into their heads from birth, school kids are still forced to bray out the pledge of allegiance like brainwased zombies in America everyday. Hell some of them say it to a picture of george washington hanging in many classrooms like north korea . Their taught that the brainless, pot-smoking, slave raping, drunken, toothless george washingotn, was actually a brilliant genius general/philosoper/god who freed the whole world lol.

The Yeoman (mixed white and native villagers) didn't feel free when he sent troops in to slaughter them, neither did the native Americans, or their black slaves. The french couldve taken the original 13 colonies away from the british or even another european country since there were over 30 different european languages being spoken at the time from yiddish to gaelic. There were even entire battalions that spoke only german. So by allowing Washington to run America, and have the constiution written in english and the signers of constituion being of mostly english descent and culture, they could prevent France or Spain or which ever country that wanted too, from taking the colonies out of their "sphere of influence". Which they still maintain today to some degree.
Plus with open borders the terrorists will strike as well. Chemical,Biological,Nuclear weapons will be easy enough to get. Like I said. WHATEVER IT TAKES.

Here is what you will need....

1. Large sustainable income. War costs money, and you will need hundreds of billions of it.

2. Weapon suppliers.There is no way you are accomplishing jackshit with shotguns and armalite rifles.

3. Manufacturing. Somehow you need to produce specialty ammunition, military vehicles, and heavy infantry weapons. Otherwise you will be torn to shreds by tanks, aircraft, and heavily armored soldiers.

4. Sustainable recruitment base. You will need millions of dedicated fighters mobilized at once to hold any sort of real advantage over the US military, and you will need to ensure that those forces can easily be replenished and rearmed.

5. A Front. If your idea is to overthrow the US government with small insurrectionist cells all over the country, you are going to have a bad time. You need to hold actual defensible territory, and you need to ensure that you have air superiority within this territory.

6. Organization. You need a chain of command complete with designated commanders and military divisions. You will have to delegate between land, naval, and air forces. If you leave the US navy and airforce uncontested, you do not stand a chance.

There are some other things which you need to keep in mind, such as public relations, foreign relations, territorial governance, logistics, research and development, ect.

Basically I would avoid advocating for a revolution until you have these things figured out.
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The inm
Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe

The article is of course a hit job and full of lies (especially about the birther issue) but I find it refreshing. People are NOT going to lay down and take the lies and corruption and vote rigging. :) Yall get ready for a BEAUTIFUL revolution!
The inmates have definitely taken over the prison. Or it's a mutiny on a ship. Unfortunately you've only convinced 45% of the crew so you're screwed.

Trump plan is to turn people off if not vote for him. Rudy Guliani, Chris Christy. Roger ailes. No way this team wins

Trump plan is to turn people off if not vote for him

You believe that Trump has to do something to get people not to vote for Hillary?

I know 2 hard core libs personally that would rather write in Pence than vote for Hillary.

and a grandson, granddaughter, and two great-nephews that are seriously considering not casting their first vote because of who's on the ballot.
You just proved my point. That's the Republicans hope is that the people who can't vote for trump will at least stay home.

I don't know why I have anxiety but they say trump has increased anxiety.

And the economies not even in bad shape. All the things like the debt will still be problems even if Republicans are in the white house.

I find it amazing Republicans are trying to pretend they want to help the middle class with tariffs. What a joke. I see it for the scam it is but Republicans are swallowing it hook line and sinker. Their hatred of the Clinton's has made them bat shit crazy
Brainwashed hater dupes. The GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. All Trump had to do to get nominated was parrot the Pubcrappe...Odium is right off the wall...
Trump sounds like usmb rwnj's. Amazing they nominated a birther. And to think their second choice would have been Ted cruz
Please try to start something.
What are you gonna do about it bulldyke?

Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe

The article is of course a hit job and full of lies (especially about the birther issue) but I find it refreshing. People are NOT going to lay down and take the lies and corruption and vote rigging. :) Yall get ready for a BEAUTIFUL revolution!

Good job, Donald.

You've turned angry stupid indiviguals into an angry stupid mob.

You want to see an angry stupid mob, put a trump bumper sticker on your car and leave it parked in a neighborhood full of hillary supporters. So far, most of the violence has been done by the anti trumpers.

Plus with open borders the terrorists will strike as well. Chemical,Biological,Nuclear weapons will be easy enough to get. Like I said. WHATEVER IT TAKES.

Here is what you will need....

1. Large sustainable income. War costs money, and you will need hundreds of billions of it.

2. Weapon suppliers.There is no way you are accomplishing jackshit with shotguns and armalite rifles.

3. Manufacturing. Somehow you need to produce specialty ammunition, military vehicles, and heavy infantry weapons. Otherwise you will be torn to shreds by tanks, aircraft, and heavily armored soldiers.

4. Sustainable recruitment base. You will need millions of dedicated fighters mobilized at once to hold any sort of real advantage over the US military, and you will need to ensure that those forces can easily be replenished and rearmed.

5. A Front. If your idea is to overthrow the US government with small insurrectionist cells all over the country, you are going to have a bad time. You need to hold actual defensible territory, and you need to ensure that you have air superiority within this territory.

6. Organization. You need a chain of command complete with designated commanders and military divisions. You will have to delegate between land, naval, and air forces. If you leave the US navy and airforce uncontested, you do not stand a chance.

There are some other things which you need to keep in mind, such as public relations, foreign relations, territorial governance, logistics, research and development, ect.

Basically I would avoid advocating for a revolution until you have these things figured out.
You don't need all of that. The income is there for the taking,weapons are there for the taking,ammo,vehicles etc are there for the taking,recruitment base on TOP of the 3% already well that will be easy when Soros,Clinton,Obama and company let loose their negros in the inner cities and it turns the normal every day white American into a radical over night. Oh we won't need to overthrow anything,the system will crash its self. Its barely crawling along right now as it is. Its going to collapse! Its teetering on the edge of collapse right now...Chain of command yes obviously but its a guerrilla war so the smaller a contingent the harder to find and kill. It will be a hit and run war. We know we will be outnumbered and outgunned and with less money but we want it more! Go read Harold Covington's books. They give me hope. Hell go read Turner Diaries....
The inm
Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe

The article is of course a hit job and full of lies (especially about the birther issue) but I find it refreshing. People are NOT going to lay down and take the lies and corruption and vote rigging. :) Yall get ready for a BEAUTIFUL revolution!
The inmates have definitely taken over the prison. Or it's a mutiny on a ship. Unfortunately you've only convinced 45% of the crew so you're screwed.

Trump plan is to turn people off if not vote for him. Rudy Guliani, Chris Christy. Roger ailes. No way this team wins

Trump plan is to turn people off if not vote for him

You believe that Trump has to do something to get people not to vote for Hillary?

I know 2 hard core libs personally that would rather write in Pence than vote for Hillary.

and a grandson, granddaughter, and two great-nephews that are seriously considering not casting their first vote because of who's on the ballot.
You just proved my point. That's the Republicans hope is that the people who can't vote for trump will at least stay home.

I don't know why I have anxiety but they say trump has increased anxiety.

And the economies not even in bad shape. All the things like the debt will still be problems even if Republicans are in the white house.

I find it amazing Republicans are trying to pretend they want to help the middle class with tariffs. What a joke. I see it for the scam it is but Republicans are swallowing it hook line and sinker. Their hatred of the Clinton's has made them bat shit crazy
Brainwashed hater dupes. The GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. All Trump had to do to get nominated was parrot the Pubcrappe...Odium is right off the wall...
Trump sounds like usmb rwnj's. Amazing they nominated a birther. And to think their second choice would have been Ted cruz
Not a snowball's chance in hell I would have voted for Cruz or ANY of the other candidates. PERIOD.
You don't need all of that.

Feel free to prove me wrong, but without those bare essentials you will get your hide tanned.

Oh we won't need to overthrow anything,the system will crash its self. Its barely crawling along right now as it is. Its going to collapse! Its teetering on the edge of collapse right now...

The state would just consolidate its power if you forest warriors ever made any real impact.

its a guerrilla war so the smaller a contingent the harder to find and kill. It will be a hit and run war. We know we will be outnumbered and outgunned and with less money but we want it more!

That's wishful thinking and it wont work.

You are never going to make any strategic or tactical gains that way, and you are underestimating the ability of the military to conduct COIN operations.

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