Trumps warnings are hitting home

vote rigging.
28 state houses are run by Republicans. Ya'll need some brain rigging.
:) Yall get ready for a BEAUTIFUL revolution!
What a shock!!!
Some redneck from North Georgia Woods is mouthing off about the South doing it again.

How 'bout a rebel yell?
Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.

The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You mean the ones who told Barry to fuck off if he planned on trying to implement laws circumventing the Second Amendment? Those cops?
3% is all it took to fight and win the American Revolution.

Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Not a clue who that goofy band is....suck though.

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.

The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You're a fucken dolt. There are less than a million cops in the US and 90% would side with the Constitution.
Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.

The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You mean the ones who told Barry to fuck off if he planned on trying to implement laws circumventing the Second Amendment? Those cops?
Sure, why not? We'd love to hear what obscure irrelevancy makes you into another what's isname....
The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

You're easy like a two dollar hooker in Tijuana .....

DHS' Domestic Terror Warning Angers GOP

Veterans Targeted By Obama Adminstration As Potential Terrorists For Being Disgruntled

Napolitano stands by controversial report

Homeland security chief apologizes to veterans groups -

I'd keep going but you bore me.
All you'l do is watch Trump's new Breitbart Network. Like taking candy from babies...he's way too ADHD to be president, as well as a total scumbag. Like Rush, Sean, Savage and all your other stupid bought off heroes...

Ya want more links?
Holy Shit you're a glutton for punishment....

I'll take that as a no. I can understand you're trying to safeguard what little credibility you have left.
The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You mean the ones who told Barry to fuck off if he planned on trying to implement laws circumventing the Second Amendment? Those cops?
Those brainwashed racist hater dupes? Those TWO? lol. Background checks? lol....

What the fuck are you babbling about now?
Give me some links hater dupe..
The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You mean the ones who told Barry to fuck off if he planned on trying to implement laws circumventing the Second Amendment? Those cops?
Only 2000 died on both sides died in the American revolution, and only a couple hundred in combat.

We are talking about a different scale and a different playing field. What do you know about military theory? Have you ever read any military doctrine?

Crass is one of the best political punk bands, but your opinion is noted.

The message of the song is essentially that your violent and bloody "revolution" will just be another group of assholes trying to force pseudo-intellectual ideals down our throats.

The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You're a fucken dolt. There are less than a million cops in the US and 90% would side with the Constitution.
But you're just brainwashed, ignorant a-holes, pal. With guns. BANG!
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You mean the ones who told Barry to fuck off if he planned on trying to implement laws circumventing the Second Amendment? Those cops?
The argument that American troops will fire on Americans who support the Constitution is getting tiresome.
I mean when the Barry administration says returning vets are a domestic terrorist threat that should tell you liberal pukes where the militaries loyalties lie.
And it ain't with the leftist.
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You're a fucken dolt. There are less than a million cops in the US and 90% would side with the Constitution.
But you're just brainwashed, ignorant a-holes, pal. With guns. BANG!

Is that really your response.....?
Jesus you suck at this.
Thanks for proving you are a fool.

Unlike you, some hard core libs think about the country
If they like Mike Pence enough to say they would write him in, then they cannot be liberals.
They despise your candidate that much. Just like a good chunk of Bernie supporters despise her. I think its split 60-40 they are going for Stein and Johnson then Trump.
Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You mean the ones who told Barry to fuck off if he planned on trying to implement laws circumventing the Second Amendment? Those cops?
Link to that ridiculous bs, hater dupe?

Wow,you just made my last post prophetic!! Thanks dude!
The cops will fire on them. End of story. You people are brainwashed idiots..

You're a fucken dolt. There are less than a million cops in the US and 90% would side with the Constitution.
But you're just brainwashed, ignorant a-holes, pal. With guns. BANG!

Is that really your response.....?
Jesus you suck at this.
You don't have the constitution with you, or the facts, superdupe. I.m guessing you're being investigated right now lol...
Thanks for proving you are a fool.

Unlike you, some hard core libs think about the country
If they like Mike Pence enough to say they would write him in, then they cannot be liberals.
They despise your candidate that much. Just like a good chunk of Bernie supporters despise her. I think its split 60-40 they are going for Stein and Johnson then Trump.
You think wrong lol. There's the real world and there's Pub dupe world.
“This election is not rigged.”

— Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), quoted by CNN.
Rubio really? That dude is the poster boy for cuckservatism and RINO'ism.
Trump is your Alpha male and you need him so much surrounded as you are by "Libruls"

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jajajhajaqjajaajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
He is Orange we are building a wall
'Wall' of taco trucks being erected at Trump hotel

'Wall' of taco trucks being erected at Trump hotel
A "wall" of taco trucks will be erected outside the Trump International Las Vegas hotel before the final presidential debate there on Wednesday night.

The Culinary Union, an adversary of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, is going to “build” a wall of taco trucks at the hotel, according to BuzzFeed News.

Trump’s hotel is located just a few miles from the site of the debate at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

“We’re reminding Mr. Trump that immigrant workers here and across the country will be watching the debate and voting in November,” Yvanna Cancela, political director for the union, said.

The union has held almost 10 rallies outside Trump’s hotel since December.
Ms. Trump, 46, called the exchange between Mr. Trump and Mr. Bush “boy talk,” and said Mr. Trump had been “egged on” by the host “to say dirty and bad stuff.”

That’s boy talk from a man who was 59 years old at the time.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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