Trumps warnings are hitting home

“This election is not rigged.”

— Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), quoted by CNN.
Rubio really? That dude is the poster boy for cuckservatism and RINO'ism.
All your candidates were bought off POSs lol. But at least they weren't scumbag con men like this guy- just bought off liars lol. Thanks Gop propaganda machine and greedy idiot billionaires/propagandists.

Bring back the Fairness Doctrine- when propaganda couldn't get out of control and produce a whole PARTY of misinformed loudmouths. Remember when candidates got something like equal time on the news and a blowhard reality star couldn't take over the media? It was rigged alright lol...
If anything does, I'm going to hide in the basement
WHY!? Come join the fun!
It will not be fun for anyone.

And idiots like Duhecea are showing what ignorant ass hats they are by trying to goad people into a civil war the left will certainly lose.
Fronco the Nitwit laughs at the thought of a civil war in America.

What fools these people are. The USA has hundreds of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans that our current government failed to defeat, but yet these idiot libtards think they will beat us?

“This election is not rigged.”

— Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), quoted by CNN.
Rubio really? That dude is the poster boy for cuckservatism and RINO'ism.
All your candidates were bought off POSs lol. But at least they weren't scumbag con men like this guy- just bought off liars lol. Thanks Gop propaganda machine and greedy idiot billionaires/propagandists.

Bring back the Fairness Doctrine- when propaganda couldn't get out of control and produce a whole PARTY of misinformed loudmouths. Remember when candidates got something like equal time on the news and a blowhard reality star couldn't take over the media? It was rigged alright lol...
You mean bring back the lefts control of the media, that they already have 90% of anyway, you just cant allow for that 10% not controled as the truth has a funny way of getting around despite the leftwingers lies.

When have you murderous scum not gone on massive killing sprees? The Jacobins did, the Bolshevikes did, the Maoists did, The Stalinists did, the Khmer Rogue did, etc.

Now the leftist built ISIS Salafi fanatics are doing the same thing all over again and they were established by friends of Bill and Hillary Clinton while she took millions of dollars in gifts from their state sponsors.

You stupid ass losers are trying to win the current struggles with tactics and rhetoric from the 19th century and you wonder why anyone fails to take you seriously?

If anything does, I'm going to hide in the basement
WHY!? Come join the fun!
It will not be fun for anyone.

And idiots like Duhecea are showing what ignorant ass hats they are by trying to goad people into a civil war the left will certainly lose.
Fronco the Nitwit laughs at the thought of a civil war in America.

What fools these people are. The USA has hundreds of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans that our current government failed to defeat, but yet these idiot libtards think they will beat us?

you crazy ass punks are not going to do all will develop "Heel spurs"
“This election is not rigged.”

— Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), quoted by CNN.
Rubio really? That dude is the poster boy for cuckservatism and RINO'ism.
All your candidates were bought off POSs lol. But at least they weren't scumbag con men like this guy- just bought off liars lol. Thanks Gop propaganda machine and greedy idiot billionaires/propagandists.

Bring back the Fairness Doctrine- when propaganda couldn't get out of control and produce a whole PARTY of misinformed loudmouths. Remember when candidates got something like equal time on the news and a blowhard reality star couldn't take over the media? It was rigged alright lol...
You mean bring back the lefts control of the media, that they already have 90% of anyway, you just cant allow for that 10% not controled as the truth has a funny way of getting around despite the leftwingers lies.

When have you murderous scum not gone on massive killing sprees? The Jacobins did, the Bolshevikes did, the Maoists did, The Stalinists did, the Khmer Rogue did, etc.

Now the leftist built ISIS Salafi fanatics are doing the same thing all over again and they were established by friends of Bill and Hillary Clinton while she took millions of dollars in gifts from their state sponsors.

You stupid ass losers are trying to win the current struggles with tactics and rhetoric from the 19th century and you wonder why anyone fails to take you seriously?

The media beside Fox, Rush, Savage, Beck, Heritage, Breitbart etc etc etc are trying to be journalists. Sorry the facts and history are all against your lying propagandists and bought off pols, superdupe.

We're not communists, brainwashed functional moron, we're pragmatic centrists, and you've fallen off your flat RW bs planet. Historic landslide coming!
This hasn't been covered very much by the corrupt MSM. Gee, go figure?

He is Orange we are building a wall
'Wall' of taco trucks being erected at Trump hotel

'Wall' of taco trucks being erected at Trump hotel
A "wall" of taco trucks will be erected outside the Trump International Las Vegas hotel before the final presidential debate there on Wednesday night.

The Culinary Union, an adversary of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, is going to “build” a wall of taco trucks at the hotel, according to BuzzFeed News.

Trump’s hotel is located just a few miles from the site of the debate at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

“We’re reminding Mr. Trump that immigrant workers here and across the country will be watching the debate and voting in November,” Yvanna Cancela, political director for the union, said.

The union has held almost 10 rallies outside Trump’s hotel since December.
Admitting to voter fraud by allowing illegals to vote.
Rubio really? That dude is the poster boy for cuckservatism and RINO'ism.
No Tru Scotsman would let you be the decider and definer of anything.
No idea what the babble is about. There is NO DIFFERENCE between the republican and democrat parties. Rubio is a pro amnesty,pro open borders,pro anti worker trade deals JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER POLITICIAN in DC. I can probably name 5-10 MAX out of 534 politicians in DC that are worth a shit. He ain't one of them. He wants to stop Trump just as much as Clinton does.
By calling Rubio a RINO (a ridiculous accusation) you employed the
No True Scotsman Fallacy:

The coining of the term is attributed to professor Antony Flew, who gave an example of a Scotsman who in his 1975 book, Thinking About Thinking, wrote;

“Imagine Hamish McDonald, a Scotsman, sitting down with his Glasgow Morning Herald and seeing an article about how the "Brighton Sex Maniac Strikes Again". Hamish is shocked and declares that "No Scotsman would do such a thing". The next day he sits down to read his Glasgow Morning Herald again; and, this time, finds an article about an Aberdeen man whose brutal actions make the Brighton sex maniac seem almost gentlemanly. This fact shows that Hamish was wrong in his opinion, but is he going to admit this? Not likely. This time he says: "No true Scotsman would do such a thing".
Thus, when McDonald confronts evidence of a Scotsman doing even worse acts, his response is that "no true Scotsman would do such a thing." This denies membership in the group "Scotsman" to the criminal on the basis that the commission of a heinous crime is evidence for him not having been a Scotsman (or at least a "true" Scotsman) in the first place.

This reasoning is clearly fallacious, as there exists no premise in the definition of "Scotsman" which makes such acts impossible (or even unlikely).
No True Scotsman - RationalWiki
By calling Rubio a RINO (a ridiculous accusation) you employed the
No True Scotsman Fallacy:

The coining of the term is attributed to professor Antony Flew, who gave an example of a Scotsman who in his 1975 book, Thinking About Thinking, wrote;

“Imagine Hamish McDonald, a Scotsman, sitting down with his Glasgow Morning Herald and seeing an article about how the "Brighton Sex Maniac Strikes Again". Hamish is shocked and declares that "No Scotsman would do such a thing". The next day he sits down to read his Glasgow Morning Herald again; and, this time, finds an article about an Aberdeen man whose brutal actions make the Brighton sex maniac seem almost gentlemanly. This fact shows that Hamish was wrong in his opinion, but is he going to admit this? Not likely. This time he says: "No true Scotsman would do such a thing".
Thus, when McDonald confronts evidence of a Scotsman doing even worse acts, his response is that "no true Scotsman would do such a thing." This denies membership in the group "Scotsman" to the criminal on the basis that the commission of a heinous crime is evidence for him not having been a Scotsman (or at least a "true" Scotsman) in the first place.

This reasoning is clearly fallacious, as there exists no premise in the definition of "Scotsman" which makes such acts impossible (or even unlikely).
No True Scotsman - RationalWiki
Rubio is a RINO. For Amnesty,For open borders,For more bad trade deals. RINO

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