TrumpSpeak: How is everything the worst ever, or the worst in human history, or...

If you play a drinking game and took a shot for everytime Trump said something was the worst thing ever. Someone did the worst job ever, in human history, in the history of the world or said "bad bad" how dead would your liver be the next day?
Kinda like all the promises Obama made while campaigning? Then broke every one of them. Did you not listen to all the doom and gloom he was talking about? Hell he still blames Bush for his incompetence.

Obama and Trump isnt even spelled closely alike goof ball
Just proving you have no credibility. Your guy can say and do anything. You don't care how many times you are lied to. Heck you even make excuses for the lies. Trump stepped back a little this week, but he said he would follow the law. Which states that illegal immigrants should be deported. Pay attention for once. Maybe you should pay closer attention to your candidate.

You mistake assertions for proof. I provided examples and in typical republican form you respond back saying everything was promised and everything was a lie.
No, a lie would be saying you didn't email classified information on a unsecured server. When you know you sent hundreds. That is a lie that costed lives, but you don't care about that.

Comey said it was only 3 and they were mislabled but you dont care about that as you find lying about it to be easier
Kinda like all the promises Obama made while campaigning? Then broke every one of them. Did you not listen to all the doom and gloom he was talking about? Hell he still blames Bush for his incompetence.

Obama and Trump isnt even spelled closely alike goof ball
Just proving you have no credibility. Your guy can say and do anything. You don't care how many times you are lied to. Heck you even make excuses for the lies. Trump stepped back a little this week, but he said he would follow the law. Which states that illegal immigrants should be deported. Pay attention for once. Maybe you should pay closer attention to your candidate.

You mistake assertions for proof. I provided examples and in typical republican form you respond back saying everything was promised and everything was a lie.
No, a lie would be saying you didn't email classified information on a unsecured server. When you know you sent hundreds. That is a lie that costed lives, but you don't care about that.

Comey said it was only 3 and they were mislabled but you dont care about that as you find lying about it to be easier
Lol, that's bullshit. Anyway there has been about 15,000 more emails discovered. Comey stated that more than likely our enemies got classified information. We know that she ousted an Iranian spy and got him hung.
On top of that Trump only seems to be able to respond to things with the opposite of that word.

Example: Warren said he had thin skin. His response was "I dont have thin skin, I have thick very thick skin"

Or when everyone said his speech at the convention was negative and he says "It wasnt negative, actually it was very positive"

I'm not a racist. Actually, I love taco bowls!
Ya gotta love the guy. Lives rent free in libtards heads.
Yeah...just these random threads on a random guy for no reason......not like he's doing anything running for President or anything......
If you play a drinking game and took a shot for everytime Trump said something was the worst thing ever. Someone did the worst job ever, in human history, in the history of the world or said "bad bad" how dead would your liver be the next day?
Kinda like all the promises Obama made while campaigning? Then broke every one of them. Did you not listen to all the doom and gloom he was talking about? Hell he still blames Bush for his incompetence.

Obama and Trump isnt even spelled closely alike goof ball
Just proving you have no credibility. Your guy can say and do anything. You don't care how many times you are lied to. Heck you even make excuses for the lies. Trump stepped back a little this week, but he said he would follow the law. Which states that illegal immigrants should be deported. Pay attention for once. Maybe you should pay closer attention to your candidate.
We need an IRONY smiley for posts like this one.
The left just hates FACTS like sky high black unemployment, inner city riots after decades of Democratic party control, insane drop out rates in their failed schools, the millions of inner city young black men they have sent to prisons.

I always enjoy it when Conservatives show concern over the plight of black Americans

Conservatives don't identify and divide people by the color of their skin, the lowlife filth scum Democrats play that game.
That is so fucking funny...thanks for sharing
Any of you Hillaty worshipers care to enlighten me on just how her plans to raise taxes and increase regulations on corporation will result in the creation of jobs?

If taxes go to major infrastructure improvements....what happens?

Before any taxes are received, the corporations will lay off employees or move out of the country. They will also reduce their dividends paid to retired seniors and reduce employee stock options. You will see a further decrease in employment. If she brings in thousands of Syrian refugees and both legal and illegal immigrants as she proposes to do, there will be increased job competition especially among the lower skilled and you will see a further uptick in the Black male unemployment rate which the Democrats have already gotten to 58%.
No they won't, if there is a demand for their product, they will fill it.

If tax money is spent, it creates jobs. If tax cuts are just kept, no jobs are created.
The same way everything was the worst ever in 2008 according to Obama.

It was ...were you around in 2008?

I was. I don't recall all the folks in soup lines you guys claim. There weren't nearly as many who had dropped out of the labor force and given up looking for a job. The number of folks on EBT and entitlement programs weren't nearly so great. The income of the Middle Class family was over $4,000.00 per year higher than it is now.
700,000 people losing their jobs...remember that one?
Stock Market dropping 7000 points.....remember that?
If you play a drinking game and took a shot for everytime Trump said something was the worst thing ever. Someone did the worst job ever, in human history, in the history of the world or said "bad bad" how dead would your liver be the next day?
Kinda like all the promises Obama made while campaigning? Then broke every one of them. Did you not listen to all the doom and gloom he was talking about? Hell he still blames Bush for his incompetence.

Obama delivered on his promises.......passed Healthcare, repealed Bush tax cuts, got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, killed bin Laden, stopped a depression

What else did you want him to do?
Failed on healthcare, obamacare has raised premiums and deductibles. Also you can't keep your doctor.
Not all of Bush's tax cuts were repealed.
We are back in Iraq, because Obama cut and ran.
Obama's gdp record is worst than any president in history.
Try again.
Obama delivered on his promises. Unless Republicans come up with something better, it is the best damned program there is
Obama promised to repeal the upper bracket cuts...they were
Bush gave us NEGATIVE GDP of over 7
We have hundreds in Iraq instead of hundreds of thousands
Any of you Hillaty worshipers care to enlighten me on just how her plans to raise taxes and increase regulations on corporation will result in the creation of jobs?

If taxes go to major infrastructure improvements....what happens?

Before any taxes are received, the corporations will lay off employees or move out of the country. They will also reduce their dividends paid to retired seniors and reduce employee stock options. You will see a further decrease in employment. If she brings in thousands of Syrian refugees and both legal and illegal immigrants as she proposes to do, there will be increased job competition especially among the lower skilled and you will see a further uptick in the Black male unemployment rate which the Democrats have already gotten to 58%.
No they won't, if there is a demand for their product, they will fill it.

If tax money is spent, it creates jobs. If tax cuts are just kept, no jobs are created.

Like that is actually working now? Where's your infrastructure under Obama?
If you play a drinking game and took a shot for everytime Trump said something was the worst thing ever. Someone did the worst job ever, in human history, in the history of the world or said "bad bad" how dead would your liver be the next day?
Kinda like all the promises Obama made while campaigning? Then broke every one of them. Did you not listen to all the doom and gloom he was talking about? Hell he still blames Bush for his incompetence.

Obama delivered on his promises.......passed Healthcare, repealed Bush tax cuts, got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, killed bin Laden, stopped a depression

What else did you want him to do?
Failed on healthcare, obamacare has raised premiums and deductibles. Also you can't keep your doctor.
Not all of Bush's tax cuts were repealed.
We are back in Iraq, because Obama cut and ran.
Obama's gdp record is worst than any president in history.
Try again.
Obama delivered on his promises. Unless Republicans come up with something better, it is the best damned program there is
Obama promised to repeal the upper bracket cuts...they were
Bush gave us NEGATIVE GDP of over 7
We have hundreds in Iraq instead of hundreds of thousands

Iran has 100,000 in Iraq. It's working though.
The same way everything was the worst ever in 2008 according to Obama.

It was ...were you around in 2008?

I was. I don't recall all the folks in soup lines you guys claim. There weren't nearly as many who had dropped out of the labor force and given up looking for a job. The number of folks on EBT and entitlement programs weren't nearly so great. The income of the Middle Class family was over $4,000.00 per year higher than it is now.
700,000 people losing their jobs...remember that one?
Stock Market dropping 7000 points.....remember that?

No. I don't.
The left just hates FACTS like sky high black unemployment, inner city riots after decades of Democratic party control, insane drop out rates in their failed schools, the millions of inner city young black men they have sent to prisons.

I always enjoy it when Conservatives show concern over the plight of black Americans

Conservatives don't identify and divide people by the color of their skin, the lowlife filth scum Democrats play that game.
That is so fucking funny...thanks for sharing

You're proof he is correct. You're the very kind of person he is speaking of.
The left just hates FACTS like sky high black unemployment, inner city riots after decades of Democratic party control, insane drop out rates in their failed schools, the millions of inner city young black men they have sent to prisons.

I always enjoy it when Conservatives show concern over the plight of black Americans

Conservatives don't identify and divide people by the color of their skin, the lowlife filth scum Democrats play that game.
That is so fucking funny...thanks for sharing

Your butt hurt is noted lib.
If you play a drinking game and took a shot for everytime Trump said something was the worst thing ever. Someone did the worst job ever, in human history, in the history of the world or said "bad bad" how dead would your liver be the next day?
Kinda like all the promises Obama made while campaigning? Then broke every one of them. Did you not listen to all the doom and gloom he was talking about? Hell he still blames Bush for his incompetence.

Obama delivered on his promises.......passed Healthcare, repealed Bush tax cuts, got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, killed bin Laden, stopped a depression

What else did you want him to do?
Failed on healthcare, obamacare has raised premiums and deductibles. Also you can't keep your doctor.
Not all of Bush's tax cuts were repealed.
We are back in Iraq, because Obama cut and ran.
Obama's gdp record is worst than any president in history.
Try again.
Obama delivered on his promises. Unless Republicans come up with something better, it is the best damned program there is
Obama promised to repeal the upper bracket cuts...they were
Bush gave us NEGATIVE GDP of over 7
We have hundreds in Iraq instead of hundreds of thousands
Obama has had the worse gdp of any president in history.
Obama told the republicans to get in the back of the bus on healthcare. So democrats own this failure, totally.
If Obama ended the iraq war successfully as he bragged about. We wouldn't be sending troops back.
So your fantasy about Obama being a successful president is bullshit. Hell it took him over six months, after knowing where bin Laden was. To make the decision to take him out. Also thanks to Bush for the intelligence that got the location of him.
It's the worst today than ever in my memory and I have a long memory. It's worse than in the 60s.
Just go look for a job and see what is available. You will see that the numbers we are being told doesn't match with our own experience. Something is definately wrong when it takes six months to find a any job.
On top of that Trump only seems to be able to respond to things with the opposite of that word.

Example: Warren said he had thin skin. His response was "I dont have thin skin, I have thick very thick skin"

Or when everyone said his speech at the convention was negative and he says "It wasnt negative, actually it was very positive"

His new one is that he is softening on Immigration. So what did Donald say in response? Use the algorithm!

"Its not a softening, people are calling it a....HARDENING" lol

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