Trumpsters: When you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

So then we should assume that every illegal immigrant (I prefer undocumented immigrant) is here to commit crimes against the white native born? Really?

And let's directly comment on 'grabbing pussies' before we give Trump any accolades for his regard to women.

The issue is that due to the lack of documentation, We don't know who are the bad ones or the good ones. That is why we need controls, and we need a wall to make it harder for them to just slip in.

And how about we talk about Clinton getting his dick sucked in the oval office by an intern 1/2 his age? That was an action, not just words. Or are you saying you are OK with Progressive men being lecherous bastards as long as they lie and keep it quiet?
Couldn't we just arrest and deport the 'bad ones' once they commit a crime? Why hassle the rest, or cast negative aspersions on their character?

And while there was considerable outrage over the Lewinski affair, that outrage from the Right quickly dissipated over Trump's attitudes. Can you mouth form the words 'double standard'?

Well that's what some people are TRYING to do, and immigrant activists and their political allies are trying to stop EVEN THAT.

And all of them have broken laws just by being here.

The thing with Clinton is progressives were willing to overlook his ACTUAL BAD TREATMENT OF WOMEN (Lewinsky AND Hillary) because is politics are acceptable.

He can be accused of multiple infidelities, but those are OK because his Politics are good.

Most of Trumps "attitudes" are media constructs, as opposed to Clinton, who cheated on his wife with a "Long Island 5" in the Oval freaking Office.
Melania trump came here with a working visa that DID NOT permit her to work. She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and taking in 30k in untaxed money, illegally. The GOP obviously only has problems when the illegal workers are brown. If they are white they don't get deported, NO!, they go to the WHITE HOUSE!!

Where's the proof of that, fucktard?
common knowledge, you can find it anywhere.

Report: Melania Trump worked in U.S. without proper permit
No, one is a progressive step to the other.

No, I don't believe in zero restrictions, But I do believe that restrictions have to be minimal, and not based on some government drone saying 'you shouldn't have a gun" A law abiding citizen should be able to get a gun and carry a gun should the choose to.

A question to you, do you find NYC's law reasonable or not?
what specific laws, the SAFE act?

No, the NYC law that says I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees to get a revolver to keep in my apartment.

Is that law reasonable or not?
What are you talking about Marty?
The application fee for a handgun license is $340.00. As of February 1, 2015, the fingerprint fee is $87.00. These fees may be paid by credit card or with money orders when you submit your application. Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”
NYPD - Firearms Licenses - FAQs -

Add the copies you need, the Trips to 1 Police Plaza, and the cost goes up. Plus a lot of people get a service to do the leg work for them, that raises the cost to around $1000.

$400 is bad enough, wouldn't you say?

Why should poor people not be able to defend themselves?
Having gun control laws and taking everyone's guns are two different things marty. Do you suggest we have absolutely zero restrictions on weapons?

No, one is a progressive step to the other.

No, I don't believe in zero restrictions, But I do believe that restrictions have to be minimal, and not based on some government drone saying 'you shouldn't have a gun" A law abiding citizen should be able to get a gun and carry a gun should the choose to.

A question to you, do you find NYC's law reasonable or not?
what specific laws, the SAFE act?

No, the NYC law that says I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees to get a revolver to keep in my apartment.

Is that law reasonable or not?
What are you talking about Marty?
The application fee for a handgun license is $340.00. As of February 1, 2015, the fingerprint fee is $87.00. These fees may be paid by credit card or with money orders when you submit your application. Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”
NYPD - Firearms Licenses - FAQs -

Add the copies you need, the Trips to 1 Police Plaza, and the cost goes up. Plus a lot of people get a service to do the leg work for them, that raises the cost to around $1000.
Marty, I can take the light rail to the ballpark and get bleacher seats and a meal for all for $40. Or I can take a limo and get a vip box with bottle service for $5000. Doesn't mean it costs $5000 to go to a ball game.
Meh. Assumption.
I remember Bernie supporters freaking out and "Hillary is not better than trump" was a pretty popular thing on social media.
Also, its only the "reality" because of the voters having the exact mindset you just displayed ;)
So how do you see it playing out had Bernie clammed up. Who do thinkhis silence would have helped in the election? And which candidates agenda do you think would better progress bernies ideas?
Im tired of doing this with you. Our standards are obviously way too off balance to discuss this with each other.
Didn't mean to strike a nerve. I share your frustration with the duality of our political system and would support any movement we can implement to get rid of the Rs and Ds and open our leadership to an election process that focuses more on diversity of ideas
You didn't strike a nerve. I just didn't feel like we were going anywhere lol
We weren't... there is not easy answer. I didn't vote for Clinton or Trump so I guess I was going against my own argument. haha
Oh gosh, I didn't either. I liked trump up until about the time he clinched the nomination. At that point, I just wanted Clinton to lose.
Sadly, my vote was just pissing in the wind. Who the fuck wants someone sane?
what specific laws, the SAFE act?

No, the NYC law that says I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees to get a revolver to keep in my apartment.

Is that law reasonable or not?
What are you talking about Marty?
The application fee for a handgun license is $340.00. As of February 1, 2015, the fingerprint fee is $87.00. These fees may be paid by credit card or with money orders when you submit your application. Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”
NYPD - Firearms Licenses - FAQs -

Add the copies you need, the Trips to 1 Police Plaza, and the cost goes up. Plus a lot of people get a service to do the leg work for them, that raises the cost to around $1000.

$400 is bad enough, wouldn't you say?

Why should poor people not be able to defend themselves?
eh, I am not too concerned about that.
This fucking loser op believes in man made globalwarming, he still would never admit Al Gore is full of shit, he does not care that muslim countries put gays to death for being gay, and he actually thinks democrats actually care for the poor.

He apparently also believes in horoscopes.

They do not have any control whatsoever over how hypocritical and stupid they allow themselves to get.
So then we should assume that every illegal immigrant (I prefer undocumented immigrant) is here to commit crimes against the white native born? Really?

And let's directly comment on 'grabbing pussies' before we give Trump any accolades for his regard to women.

The issue is that due to the lack of documentation, We don't know who are the bad ones or the good ones. That is why we need controls, and we need a wall to make it harder for them to just slip in.

And how about we talk about Clinton getting his dick sucked in the oval office by an intern 1/2 his age? That was an action, not just words. Or are you saying you are OK with Progressive men being lecherous bastards as long as they lie and keep it quiet?
Creating a pathway to legalization is a way to get them documented. There are millions that are here with no options but to live in the shadows, many of whom were brought here as children. And not many are "slipping" in across the southern border. The majority are visa overstays. A wall is a complete waste of money. Show me a wall and i'll give you 5 different ways to get over, under, or through it.

So we legalize, then 20 years later we do the same thing because we didn't prevent more from coming in, and we implied they could get away with it, just like the LAST time we gave amnesty.

The purpose of the wall is to make it harder, not impossible. By making people think twice, and by slowing down the ones who do decide to cross, making it easier to catch them.

As for Visa overstays, we can crack down on those too. The efforts are not mutually exclusive.
No, the idea is not to continually do "mass legalizations" the idea is to reform the immigration system so that people aren't waiting a decade to become a citizen!

Well that's what has happened. and until that can be guaranteed not to happen again, fuck the illegals and get them out of here.
No marty, it hasn't happened. People are still waiting decades for citizenship.
This fucking loser op believes in man made globalwarming, he still would never admit Al Gore is full of shit, he does not care that muslim countries put gays to death for being gay, and he actually thinks democrats actually care for the poor.

He apparently also believes in horoscopes.

They do not have any control whatsoever over how hypocritical and stupid they allow themselves to get.
Made a new fan?

Seems you have Aries all figured out, or so you think.

He is a she.
There now you actually know something about me you didn't have to fabricate through emotional nonsensical outbursts.
what specific laws, the SAFE act?

No, the NYC law that says I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees to get a revolver to keep in my apartment.

Is that law reasonable or not?
What are you talking about Marty?
The application fee for a handgun license is $340.00. As of February 1, 2015, the fingerprint fee is $87.00. These fees may be paid by credit card or with money orders when you submit your application. Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”
NYPD - Firearms Licenses - FAQs -

Add the copies you need, the Trips to 1 Police Plaza, and the cost goes up. Plus a lot of people get a service to do the leg work for them, that raises the cost to around $1000.

$400 is bad enough, wouldn't you say?

Why should poor people not be able to defend themselves?
That is expensive, and is in place because elected leaders wanted to make it more difficult to get firearms and wanted to have the funds to do bg checks and support the programs and enforcement measures that they deemed necessary. The same permit is under $10 in other areas of the State. The supreme court ruled that the Cities actions were constitutional. So the question to you is, do you think that cities and states should have the right to make policies like this or do you want the Federal Government dictating what each city is allowed to do?
This fucking loser op believes in man made globalwarming, he still would never admit Al Gore is full of shit, he does not care that muslim countries put gays to death for being gay, and he actually thinks democrats actually care for the poor.

He apparently also believes in horoscopes.

They do not have any control whatsoever over how hypocritical and stupid they allow themselves to get.
Made a new fan?

Seems you have Aries all figured out, or so you think.

He is a she.
There now you actually know something about me you didn't have to fabricate through emotional nonsensical outbursts.
Yeah right. More like a dude with boobs.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.

yes, kissing the 2nd amendment goodbye via Judical fiat would be FUCKING GREAT....
Ah yes....the "They're gonna take our guns away" gambit.
This fucking loser op believes in man made globalwarming, he still would never admit Al Gore is full of shit, he does not care that muslim countries put gays to death for being gay, and he actually thinks democrats actually care for the poor.

He apparently also believes in horoscopes.

They do not have any control whatsoever over how hypocritical and stupid they allow themselves to get.
Made a new fan?

Seems you have Aries all figured out, or so you think.

He is a she.
There now you actually know something about me you didn't have to fabricate through emotional nonsensical outbursts.
Yeah right. More like a dude with boobs.
what makes me masculine, having an opinion or having the nerve to speak it? :asshole:

"A women with an opinion! How dare she! Quick, attack her appearance."
that GOP trick still works when they've never actually seen the woman their attacking?
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.

But it just didn't work out that way, now did it? :D

It did not. Unfortunately, the GOP did a great job in stealing the election. Gotta give those bastards credit, they're amazing at playing dirty and cheating.

Don't worry,all the illegal CA votes will be exposed sooner or later. :)
Ah yes....another thing the so-called president has yet to prove.
The owl apparently forgot that he was suppose to be wise, not an ignorant asshole :2up:
"For nearly two years, news anchors have been trying to corner Donald Trump on his ridiculous pronouncements, opinions and contradictions. Too often they have failed, no match for Trump’s willingness to continue bending the truth, deflecting, rambling and otherwise redirecting the interview to new topics. A good example came when ABC News’s David Muir pressed the president in January on his false proclamations about illegal voting. Though the anchor admirably pushed the matter, the president found enough ways to distract from his falsehoods."

"JOHN DICKERSON: But you stand by that claim about him?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don’t stand by anything."


"He clearly stands by that," said Spicer.


What the hell is going on in our WH?

Opinion | ‘I don’t stand by anything’: Trump withers under heat from CBS News’s John Dickerson

Yet you continue to not stand for anything.

Also there is a difference between not standing for something and not standing by anything.
"For nearly two years, news anchors have been trying to corner Donald Trump on his ridiculous pronouncements, opinions and contradictions. Too often they have failed, no match for Trump’s willingness to continue bending the truth, deflecting, rambling and otherwise redirecting the interview to new topics. A good example came when ABC News’s David Muir pressed the president in January on his false proclamations about illegal voting. Though the anchor admirably pushed the matter, the president found enough ways to distract from his falsehoods."

"JOHN DICKERSON: But you stand by that claim about him?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don’t stand by anything."


"He clearly stands by that," said Spicer.


What the hell is going on in our WH?

Opinion | ‘I don’t stand by anything’: Trump withers under heat from CBS News’s John Dickerson

Yet you continue to not stand for anything.

Also there is a difference between not standing for something and not standing by anything.
I continually make my values evident. If you think I do not stand for anything you aren't paying attention. I come on this conservative majority board daily and articulate very well what I stand for. Also, unlike trump I am a woman of my word, and I stand by it.

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