Trumpsters: When you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.
That proves you're a fucking lunatic. How would we be better off, a new flood if illels to give welfare and healthcare to?

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Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

Since when?


Since the beginning of time.

Adults are in charge again and it pisses you off how?

Watch the end of the dickerson interview from the OP and tell me that you think Trump is acting like an adult. He couldn't have been more childish

He treated a douche bag the way he deserved to be treated.

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Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Don't forget petty, immature, and pathetic.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

Since when?


Since the beginning of time.

Adults are in charge again and it pisses you off how?
Watch the end of the dickerson interview from the OP and tell me that you think Trump is acting like an adult. He couldn't have been more childish

He treated a douche bag the way he deserved to be treated.

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Really? How was he a douchebag? By asking a simple question and asking the President to explain himself?

Trump likes to throw these vague controversial tweets out there then let the minions scramble. He doesn't explain himself or give clear details so when the talking heads do their interpretation he can call them fake news. When one of these guys interviews him and asks him directly to explain himself as to avoid the "fake news" conversation, Trump goes and hides behind his desk. He is clearly flustered. Just watch his body language. It shows a lot.
Trump surely was not a Boy Scout. Allzeit bereit, or "with portfolio" as some might say, simply is not how he approaches things.

Perhaps Trump should eat more poultry so as to grow larger wings.

"For nearly two years, news anchors have been trying to corner Donald Trump on his ridiculous pronouncements, opinions and contradictions. Too often they have failed, no match for Trump’s willingness to continue bending the truth, deflecting, rambling and otherwise redirecting the interview to new topics. A good example came when ABC News’s David Muir pressed the president in January on his false proclamations about illegal voting. Though the anchor admirably pushed the matter, the president found enough ways to distract from his falsehoods."

"JOHN DICKERSON: But you stand by that claim about him?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don’t stand by anything."


"He clearly stands by that," said Spicer.


What the hell is going on in our WH?

Opinion | ‘I don’t stand by anything’: Trump withers under heat from CBS News’s John Dickerson
I think the real question is why do so many partisans think this trivial shit matters? Most of the public don't even know about this exchange much less care about it.

Trump will be judged on the economy & international conflicts. Nothing more. If both of those go well all your childish bellyaching will mean nothing.
What it does is gives you another reason Trump won. Hillary went with the same old progressive Democrat tropes, but with added identity politics.

It didn't work.
Never the less, it still overlooks the obvious flaws in Trump's character.

While we're talking about identity politics, consider the identity politics spewed out of the Trump campaign. He would have you believe that each immigrant is here for nefarious reasons. To commit crimes against the white, native born population. He would have you believe that the contributions of women are largely ornamental and not substantive.

ILLEGAL immigrant, you guys keep forgetting the first part for some reason. Has he ever said anything bad about LEGAL immigrants?

And considering how much trust he shows in his Daughter, and other Women executives in his Companies, where do you get your idea he thinks women in general are "largely ornamental"?
He said mexico is sending bad hombres and that they are rapists. Mexico does send legal immigrants too...

Did he pick them out specifically? or was he trying to show that there are issues with letting in people without knowing who they are?

Legal immigrants are vetted. Some guy wading through the Rio Grande? Not so much.
He never says specifics. A blessing and a curse. In this case a curse. You can't say things like "mexicans are rapists" lol if he had modified his message he would have been better off. He reveals his true beliefs about minorities, not really a good look in 2017.
Trump didn't say Mexicans are racists, dumbass. Why can't you snowflakes ever quote him accurately?

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Never the less, it still overlooks the obvious flaws in Trump's character.

While we're talking about identity politics, consider the identity politics spewed out of the Trump campaign. He would have you believe that each immigrant is here for nefarious reasons. To commit crimes against the white, native born population. He would have you believe that the contributions of women are largely ornamental and not substantive.

ILLEGAL immigrant, you guys keep forgetting the first part for some reason. Has he ever said anything bad about LEGAL immigrants?

And considering how much trust he shows in his Daughter, and other Women executives in his Companies, where do you get your idea he thinks women in general are "largely ornamental"?
He said mexico is sending bad hombres and that they are rapists. Mexico does send legal immigrants too...

Did he pick them out specifically? or was he trying to show that there are issues with letting in people without knowing who they are?

Legal immigrants are vetted. Some guy wading through the Rio Grande? Not so much.
He never says specifics. A blessing and a curse. In this case a curse. You can't say things like "mexicans are rapists" lol if he had modified his message he would have been better off. He reveals his true beliefs about minorities, not really a good look in 2017.
Trump didn't say Mexicans are racists, dumbass. Why can't you snowflakes ever quote him accurately?

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You want a Liberal to post a fact in context?
Are you high?
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

Since when?


Since the beginning of time.

Adults are in charge again and it pisses you off how?

Watch the end of the dickerson interview from the OP and tell me that you think Trump is acting like an adult. He couldn't have been more childish

404, outrage not found.
"For nearly two years, news anchors have been trying to corner Donald Trump on his ridiculous pronouncements, opinions and contradictions. Too often they have failed, no match for Trump’s willingness to continue bending the truth, deflecting, rambling and otherwise redirecting the interview to new topics. A good example came when ABC News’s David Muir pressed the president in January on his false proclamations about illegal voting. Though the anchor admirably pushed the matter, the president found enough ways to distract from his falsehoods."

"JOHN DICKERSON: But you stand by that claim about him?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don’t stand by anything."


"He clearly stands by that," said Spicer.


What the hell is going on in our WH?

Opinion | ‘I don’t stand by anything’: Trump withers under heat from CBS News’s John Dickerson

But der GroppenFuhrer did manage at last to tell the truth. He Stands By Nothing.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

Since when?


Since the beginning of time.

Adults are in charge again and it pisses you off how?

Watch the end of the dickerson interview from the OP and tell me that you think Trump is acting like an adult. He couldn't have been more childish

404, outrage not found.

I wouldn't expect y'all to feel outrage... embarrassment perhaps.
No, one is a progressive step to the other.

No, I don't believe in zero restrictions, But I do believe that restrictions have to be minimal, and not based on some government drone saying 'you shouldn't have a gun" A law abiding citizen should be able to get a gun and carry a gun should the choose to.

A question to you, do you find NYC's law reasonable or not?
what specific laws, the SAFE act?

No, the NYC law that says I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees to get a revolver to keep in my apartment.

Is that law reasonable or not?
What are you talking about Marty?
The application fee for a handgun license is $340.00. As of February 1, 2015, the fingerprint fee is $87.00. These fees may be paid by credit card or with money orders when you submit your application. Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”
NYPD - Firearms Licenses - FAQs -

Add the copies you need, the Trips to 1 Police Plaza, and the cost goes up. Plus a lot of people get a service to do the leg work for them, that raises the cost to around $1000.
Marty, I can take the light rail to the ballpark and get bleacher seats and a meal for all for $40. Or I can take a limo and get a vip box with bottle service for $5000. Doesn't mean it costs $5000 to go to a ball game.

You are dodging the actual question. Do you think those restrictions constitute infringement or not?

Should a person have to go through all of that just to keep a revolver in their own home?

How about we apply a $200 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?
No, the NYC law that says I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees to get a revolver to keep in my apartment.

Is that law reasonable or not?
What are you talking about Marty?
The application fee for a handgun license is $340.00. As of February 1, 2015, the fingerprint fee is $87.00. These fees may be paid by credit card or with money orders when you submit your application. Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”
NYPD - Firearms Licenses - FAQs -

Add the copies you need, the Trips to 1 Police Plaza, and the cost goes up. Plus a lot of people get a service to do the leg work for them, that raises the cost to around $1000.

$400 is bad enough, wouldn't you say?

Why should poor people not be able to defend themselves?
eh, I am not too concerned about that.

Of course you refuse to give a direct answer.
The issue is that due to the lack of documentation, We don't know who are the bad ones or the good ones. That is why we need controls, and we need a wall to make it harder for them to just slip in.

And how about we talk about Clinton getting his dick sucked in the oval office by an intern 1/2 his age? That was an action, not just words. Or are you saying you are OK with Progressive men being lecherous bastards as long as they lie and keep it quiet?
Creating a pathway to legalization is a way to get them documented. There are millions that are here with no options but to live in the shadows, many of whom were brought here as children. And not many are "slipping" in across the southern border. The majority are visa overstays. A wall is a complete waste of money. Show me a wall and i'll give you 5 different ways to get over, under, or through it.

So we legalize, then 20 years later we do the same thing because we didn't prevent more from coming in, and we implied they could get away with it, just like the LAST time we gave amnesty.

The purpose of the wall is to make it harder, not impossible. By making people think twice, and by slowing down the ones who do decide to cross, making it easier to catch them.

As for Visa overstays, we can crack down on those too. The efforts are not mutually exclusive.
No, the idea is not to continually do "mass legalizations" the idea is to reform the immigration system so that people aren't waiting a decade to become a citizen!

Well that's what has happened. and until that can be guaranteed not to happen again, fuck the illegals and get them out of here.
No marty, it hasn't happened. People are still waiting decades for citizenship.

Mass legalizations have happened in the past. and why should we let someone who came here illegally become a citizen?
No, the NYC law that says I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees to get a revolver to keep in my apartment.

Is that law reasonable or not?
What are you talking about Marty?
The application fee for a handgun license is $340.00. As of February 1, 2015, the fingerprint fee is $87.00. These fees may be paid by credit card or with money orders when you submit your application. Money orders should be made payable to the “New York City Police Department.”
NYPD - Firearms Licenses - FAQs -

Add the copies you need, the Trips to 1 Police Plaza, and the cost goes up. Plus a lot of people get a service to do the leg work for them, that raises the cost to around $1000.

$400 is bad enough, wouldn't you say?

Why should poor people not be able to defend themselves?
That is expensive, and is in place because elected leaders wanted to make it more difficult to get firearms and wanted to have the funds to do bg checks and support the programs and enforcement measures that they deemed necessary. The same permit is under $10 in other areas of the State. The supreme court ruled that the Cities actions were constitutional. So the question to you is, do you think that cities and states should have the right to make policies like this or do you want the Federal Government dictating what each city is allowed to do?

So how about we make a $200 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion? After all, if the local leaders want to discourage the practice, and want to have programs to try to prevent them from happening, that's OK, right?

The concept of the 2nd amendment is to prevent government from infringing on the right of a citizen to keep and bear arms. This is infringement, with no purpose other than to discourage gun ownership "just because".

And what case specifically said NYC's laws are constitutional?

Cities and States cannot deny me my rights as a Citizen of the United States, and as a Citizen of the United States with no felony convictions and no mental adjudications, I have a right to keep a revolver in my house,. and a right to not have to go through hoops to get it.
Aw did the wifferals just figure out we aren't buying their lies anymore?
this thread is about the stream of lies from the WH, discuss or fuck off.

if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.
I liked my plan, I kept it...and my doctor. Didn't you?

My PPO tripled in cost, my company makes us do a wellness program. I had to switch to a high deductible plan because the PPO became un-affordable because they had to raise the costs.

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