Trumpsters: When you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

So we should have voted for a lying, murderous, sociopathic, psychopathic bitch?

"Murderous." lol, get a fucking grip.

Sure, but how many people do you know that have that many people they know shoot themselves in the back of the head twice?
Back of the head twice, eh? :rofl:
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

Conservatives voted for Hillary?????
Having gun control laws and taking everyone's guns are two different things marty. Do you suggest we have absolutely zero restrictions on weapons?

No, one is a progressive step to the other.

No, I don't believe in zero restrictions, But I do believe that restrictions have to be minimal, and not based on some government drone saying 'you shouldn't have a gun" A law abiding citizen should be able to get a gun and carry a gun should the choose to.

A question to you, do you find NYC's law reasonable or not?
Which politician said "you shouldn't have a gun"? I've heard them say it about mentally unstable people and felons, but I haven't heard it about law abiding citizens. Can you be more specific about who you are talking about?

When you have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees for a FREAKING REVOLVER, not to carry, but just to keep at home, it is clear the people in charge want as few people to have a firearm. They don't have to say it, the law speaks for itself.

This is what you have to go through for a NYC handgun permit.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns
I think it should be difficult to get a gun. If the right had it their way we'd be handing out grenades at kindergarten graduations.

And this is why you are an asshole. Why should you get to decide, or government if I want a freaking revolver for my own home? Not a grenade (argumentum ad absurdum), not an AR-15, A REVOLVER.

Go fuck yourself.
if you can pass background checks, and can afford one- YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE ONE. If you're a nut case with four open assault charges, if you are an abusive husband with a bunch of domestic charges, if you are mentally unstable, i don't think you should be able to get guns. It is unsafe for the public and every time some sick in the head person shoots up a school, we see how dangerous it can be to hand out weapons to just anybody.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

It's mind boggling that they vote for the most corrupt politician in modern history while complaining about trump. It never occurs that had they nominated a decent human being they could have easily won.

But then they'd have to find a decent human being among the Democrat leadership
Because you and the other far left idiots bought into everything Hillary told you no questions asked and even throw away your receipt. Wanna see a true hypocrite asshole go look in the mirror now kindly fuck off and waste someone else's time with your useless bullshit.
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.

Never met a socialist whose heart was in the right place. It's hard to claim to be in the right place when you want to take money from people by force
Because you and the other far left idiots bought into everything Hillary told you no questions asked and even throw away your receipt. Wanna see a true hypocrite asshole go look in the mirror now kindly fuck off and waste someone else's time with your useless bullshit.
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.

She had good ideas,

What were they?

I am still waiting for Al gores secret plan..

17 years later...
Because you and the other far left idiots bought into everything Hillary told you no questions asked and even throw away your receipt. Wanna see a true hypocrite asshole go look in the mirror now kindly fuck off and waste someone else's time with your useless bullshit.
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.

She had good ideas,

What were they?

I am still waiting for Al gores secret plan..

17 years later...
she had good ideas about reforming ACA, we already know clintons are great with economics, making education affordable for the poor/middle class, equal pay, immigration reform etc. etc.
the great wall of mexico, punishing women who get abortions, muslim ban- These things are unrealistic, unconstitutional, and you guys fell for it hook line and sinker.
if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.
So sick of hearing that line

That's why we keep using it.

Also, have the ocean's started to lower, and the Earth healed itself? I thought that was one of his promises as well....
did he take all your guns?

He would have tried to if people didn't do things to stop him.

Progressives want all gun control like we have in NYC, where you have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees just to keep a revolver in your home legally.
Having gun control laws and taking everyone's guns are two different things marty. Do you suggest we have absolutely zero restrictions on weapons?
Why did the NRA not allow their members to carry their guns at their convention? Isn't that gun restriction?
So sick of hearing that line

That's why we keep using it.

Also, have the ocean's started to lower, and the Earth healed itself? I thought that was one of his promises as well....
did he take all your guns?

He would have tried to if people didn't do things to stop him.

Progressives want all gun control like we have in NYC, where you have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees just to keep a revolver in your home legally.
Having gun control laws and taking everyone's guns are two different things marty. Do you suggest we have absolutely zero restrictions on weapons?
Why did the NRA not allow their members to carry their guns at their convention? Isn't that gun restriction?
I thought guns didn't kill people, people kill people?
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

So we should have voted for a lying, murderous, sociopathic, psychopathic bitch?

"Murderous." lol, get a fucking grip.

Sure, but how many people do you know that have that many people they know shoot themselves in the back of the head twice?
Back of the head twice, eh? :rofl:

As I always tell the feeble minded, research is your friend. The powerful have many ways to send a message.
Because you and the other far left idiots bought into everything Hillary told you no questions asked and even throw away your receipt. Wanna see a true hypocrite asshole go look in the mirror now kindly fuck off and waste someone else's time with your useless bullshit.
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.

She spoke in generalities and platitudes, good lord you idiots elected Obama because all he kept saying was "Hope and Change" and "Yes We Can".
Because you and the other far left idiots bought into everything Hillary told you no questions asked and even throw away your receipt. Wanna see a true hypocrite asshole go look in the mirror now kindly fuck off and waste someone else's time with your useless bullshit.
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.

She had good ideas,

What were they?

I am still waiting for Al gores secret plan..

17 years later...
she had good ideas about reforming ACA, we already know clintons are great with economics, making education affordable for the poor/middle class, equal pay, immigration reform etc. etc.
the great wall of mexico, punishing women who get abortions, muslim ban- These things are unrealistic, unconstitutional, and you guys fell for it hook line and sinker.

So she wanted to reform her own plan

Please elaborate more?
bet you can't explain why :asshole:
Because you and the other far left idiots bought into everything Hillary told you no questions asked and even throw away your receipt. Wanna see a true hypocrite asshole go look in the mirror now kindly fuck off and waste someone else's time with your useless bullshit.
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.

She had good ideas,

What were they?

I am still waiting for Al gores secret plan..

17 years later...
she had good ideas about reforming ACA, we already know clintons are great with economics, making education affordable for the poor/middle class, equal pay, immigration reform etc. etc.
the great wall of mexico, punishing women who get abortions, muslim ban- These things are unrealistic, unconstitutional, and you guys fell for it hook line and sinker.

So she wanted to reform her own plan

Please elaborate more?
Reform her own plan? ACA was not her plan. ACA is actually modeled after Mitt Romney's Mass. healthcare system.
So sick of hearing that line

That's why we keep using it.

Also, have the ocean's started to lower, and the Earth healed itself? I thought that was one of his promises as well....
did he take all your guns?

He would have tried to if people didn't do things to stop him.

Progressives want all gun control like we have in NYC, where you have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees just to keep a revolver in your home legally.
Having gun control laws and taking everyone's guns are two different things marty. Do you suggest we have absolutely zero restrictions on weapons?
Why did the NRA not allow their members to carry their guns at their convention? Isn't that gun restriction?

Security issue.

Why do the secret service not allow the trumpster be in his own helicopters and planes?

Because you and the other far left idiots bought into everything Hillary told you no questions asked and even throw away your receipt. Wanna see a true hypocrite asshole go look in the mirror now kindly fuck off and waste someone else's time with your useless bullshit.
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.

She had good ideas,

What were they?

I am still waiting for Al gores secret plan..

17 years later...
she had good ideas about reforming ACA, we already know clintons are great with economics, making education affordable for the poor/middle class, equal pay, immigration reform etc. etc.
the great wall of mexico, punishing women who get abortions, muslim ban- These things are unrealistic, unconstitutional, and you guys fell for it hook line and sinker.

So she wanted to reform her own plan

Please elaborate more?
Reform her own plan? ACA was not her plan. ACA is actually modeled after Mitt Romney's Mass. healthcare system.


It was all Hillary and the Chicago Democrat machine once again
Everything that hillary spoke about and promised was realistic. She didn't try to sell us on the great wall of mexico or any other BS. She had good ideas, AND the ability to accomplish them. All trump had was unrealistic slogans and we are currently see that he does not have the ability to accomplish anything, even with both houses. Did you keep your receipt? You'll need it..... and soon.

She had good ideas,

What were they?

I am still waiting for Al gores secret plan..

17 years later...
she had good ideas about reforming ACA, we already know clintons are great with economics, making education affordable for the poor/middle class, equal pay, immigration reform etc. etc.
the great wall of mexico, punishing women who get abortions, muslim ban- These things are unrealistic, unconstitutional, and you guys fell for it hook line and sinker.

So she wanted to reform her own plan

Please elaborate more?
Reform her own plan? ACA was not her plan. ACA is actually modeled after Mitt Romney's Mass. healthcare system.


It was all Hillary and the Chicago Democrat machine once again
No really, ACA is modeled after Mass. Romneycare.

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