TrumpUSA: The Dharma Tribulation(!)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a comics-idealized TrumpUSA parable inspired by Bulworth and the Hindu mythological wars.




A shaman-like warrior named Elvin and his sacred daughter Elisa were considered very special to their American community. Elvin and Elisa believed in the power of self-defense and the patriotism towards democracy when the U.S. government produced beneficial results for the American people. Elvin and Elisa were big fans of Captain America (Marvel Comics) and Wonder Woman (DC Comics) and believed that the children of the world would be inspired by tales of great patriotic spirit in this modern age of terrorism which was creating a dark-cloud over 'TrumpUSA.'


America was involved in nuclear-warfare intrigue(?) during Labor Day 2017, the first real 'test' of newly-elected celebrity-president Donald Trump (a former casino-mogul and entertainment industry icon). Ronald Reagan, the last celebrity-president was much-criticized for his trickle-down Reaganomics, and Americans (specially anti-TrumpUSA protesters) were wary of this newest celebrity-president creating another form of indigestible economics (Trumponomics?). During the nuclear-warfare controversy of Labor Day 2017, Americans were thinking about media gluttony, Wall Street uncertainties, NATO ignominy, racism, and threats to 'American dharma' (if not karma!). This was all happening as the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang (South Korea) was approaching --- in 2018!


Americans did not know that the supreme deities Krishna (transcendental god of negotiation) and Shiva (transcendental god of destruction), and Medusa (Hellenic demon-deity of vanity) were discussing how America's dharma (sacred order of the universe) was being threatened by capitalism frivolity. There was much anti-Western (and hence anti-American) sentiment among new age terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Trump Administration appointed a secret team of democracy-defending 'operatives' known as 'G.I. Joes' to work with the media and on the field to ensure that patriotism was not being sullied by consumerism-related moral apathy, capitalism-related avarice, and of course, ignorance-based terrorism. Krishna, Shiva, and Medusa talked about how the priestly shaman-warrior Elvin and his special daughter Elisa were like the 'cup-holders' of new age optimism (so they gifted Elvin and Elisa with a special tarot-game which they could use to invoke the optimism-infusing spirit of a sacred love-goddess named Madison, a protector of democratic virtue!). Would America become an evil empire or a divine republic?


After the North Korean nuclear-crisis, the G.I. Joes effectively secured all global operations so that the Winter Olympics in South Korea went smoothly. When Norway won the most gold medals in the games, the G.I. Joes decided to ask President Trump for a special vacation-home in Norway, and the U.S. government gladly obliged them with this gift. The G.I. Joes invited Elvin and Elisa to vacation with them at this Norway mansion, now that Elvin and Elisa were famous (they were recently on the cover of TIME magazine after Krishna, Shiva, and Medusa sent the Washington Post photos of them praying about American destiny by a campfire). Elvin and Elisa were happy to visit the G.I. Joes in their vacation-home in Norway, but they had their own room in which they privately played with their tarot-cards (gifted to them by Krishna, Shiva, and Medusa) and prayed to their goddess Madison for more American happiness and good fortunes (and love!). The G.I. Joes remembered the days they had overcome and pondered how this modern age catalysed a serious threat to 'capitalism-dharma' since the days of 9/11 and were grateful for having access to public media (i.e., TV) on which they could celebrate patriotic sports-events such as Super Bowl 52 [2018].


There were a plethora of comic book adapted films being made in Hollywood (USA) including Iron Man, The Avengers, Justice League, Wonder Woman, and The Dark Knight. These vigilantism-daydream films captured all of the social civics paranoia related 'intrigue' associated with modern capitalism/democracy and 'TrumpUSA.' President Trump was a fan of these comics-adapted films and hoped the G.I. Joes were enjoying these colourful patriotic films (with Elvin and Elisa!) at their Norway vacation-home(!). Krishna, Shiva, and Medusa commented that American dharma was being safeguarded by the 'everyday heroism' of multiple individuals and teams across the globe (including the negotiated committee that oversaw the joint endorsement of North Korea and South Korea during the 2018 Winter Olympics!). Medusa suggested that the reason dharma was threatened was because people generally forgot about the basic optimism behind the innocence-daydreams exemplified by the shaman-warrior Elvin and his spirited daughter Elisa. Krishna suggested, however, that America would endure this terrible 'capitalism-mistrust tribulation.'


GOD: It looks like 'TrumpUSA' will work out for everyone...
SATAN: Thanks to Krishna, Shiva, Medusa, Elvin/Elisa, and the 'G.I. Joes.'
GOD: Well, all civilization developments come with labor and tribulation.
SATAN: Many skeptics claimed America would be another Rome (or Egypt!).
GOD: Yes, it was a real challenge (e.g., Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992).
SATAN: Will America be the 'great republic' its founding-fathers envisioned?
GOD: It all depends on how social contracts will be continued to be negotiated.
SATAN: The Winter Olympics in South Korea was a terrific media-success.
GOD: Yes, it went smoothly, and it should catalyse further peace-talks!
SATAN: Maybe American (capitalism) dharma is safeguarded by 'idealists.'
GOD: We have to temper idealism with real spiritual work (e.g., EWTN).
SATAN: The marketing of EWTN (Catholic-TV) and Al Jazeera (Muslim-TV) is great.
GOD: It will be great as long as Adam and Eve (and Elvin/Elisa!) are found praying.
SATAN: Will archaeologists of the future claim, "America wrestled with hell and won!"?
GOD: I think they'll at least say that the Statue of Liberty was a 'totem' of pluralism.
SATAN: I'll keep challenging the Trump Administration to oversee capitalism-ethos.
GOD: Don't rush to challenge 'TrumpUSA' with hasty-temptations regarding pornography.
SATAN: Yes, pornography and slang are the new 'dirty-categories' in modern networks.
GOD: Welcome to the Age of Dialects.
SATAN: I hope the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) defeat Brady's Patriots in another Super Bowl!



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