Truth and verification


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Recently I made an thread that "X" poster person critical of the thread wanted my sources and proof. (About how the media and CNN lied about Nick Sandman in 2019). Thing is, every single item I went back too to prove it was "removed", unavailable or the versions I could find currently wouldn't refer to all the facts at the time. Google has changed their algorithms in the last year. So how do you find independent verifiable facts when they get removed or censored?
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I think I found it...with your comment to that post.

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How many people here remember the narrative the main stream media had about Nick Sandman in January of 2019 that they said He and some white boys in MAGA hats confronted some or Indian guy and used racist taunts? That NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER happened! That's the point here, at the time there was a complete video of these poor kids being taunted by the "Black Hebrew Israelites", and then the Indians taunting them as well led by Nathan Philips banging his drum trying to milk the situation. These are facts, yet its difficult to find them. We saw them, we KNOW it happened. It begs the question: When truth can be altered or erased so easily, HOW can you prove anything on the internet?
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This regarding the Nick Sandman was racism narrative CNN and the media was pushing, they didn't report what preceded the incident by black Hebrew Israelites:

CNN and the mainstream media became rather unprofessional if not biased and played a game of Chinese whispers and just reported propaganda without verifying the facts.
Everything you see from the media is bullshit. Everything. And there’s no such thing as actual fact finding in the MSM. It’s all narrative and manipulation.

This week has been a prime example. O’Keefe does some quality work exposing CNN as frauds. Did the rest of the media, their social media friends or their favored political party come back to question CNN? Hell no. They all went after O’Keefe for exposing it. Not one MSM outlet thought they should Perdue CNN. The wagons were immediately circled. Why? Because they are all in the same situation and exposing one would expose them all.
How can we disprove anything when those that control the media are also the ones that control facts and what the definition of what truth "IS". It's like something out of Orwell.
It just means you have to be very skeptical of the media and the government. The safest bet is to keep the government at a distance and to avoid social media.
In other words stop giving either of them more power. And shrink them both as much as you possibly can. The exact opposite of what the democrats are pushing.
Recently I made an thread that "X" poster person critical of the thread wanted my sources and proof. (About how the media and CNN lied about Nick Sandman in 2019). Thing is, every single item I went back too to prove it was "removed", unavailable or the versions I could find currently wouldn't refer to all the facts at the time. Google has changed their algorithms in the last year. So how do you find independent verifiable facts when they get removed or censored?
All part of the plan . Notice on here , all these democrats lie about everything , they never ever admit they lie. They are all in on it together. No good lying kunts
How many people here remember the narrative the main stream media had about Nick Sandman in January of 2019 that they said He and some white boys in MAGA hats confronted some or Indian guy and used racist taunts? That NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER happened! That's the point here, at the time there was a complete video of these poor kids being taunted by the "Black Hebrew Israelites", and then the Indians taunting them as well led by Nathan Philips banging his drum trying to milk the situation. These are facts, yet its difficult to find them. We saw them, we KNOW it happened. It begs the question: When truth can be altered or erased so easily, HOW can you prove anything on the internet?
The 5th estate is supposed to be about the truth and facts not spreading political propaganda for whatever current de jour political movement is in power. But instead we get toadyism and spreading propaganda for whom ever is running the current sh*tshow that is the Democrats/media. And that sure as hell isn't the American people!
Recently I made an thread that "X" poster person critical of the thread wanted my sources and proof. (About how the media and CNN lied about Nick Sandman in 2019). Thing is, every single item I went back too to prove it was "removed", unavailable or the versions I could find currently wouldn't refer to all the facts at the time. Google has changed their algorithms in the last year. So how do you find independent verifiable facts when they get removed or censored?

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