TRUTH BOMB: Obama’s Disastrous Economic “Recovery” In 9 Horrifying Charts

Maybe...just maybe...there are forces which have been in motion for a very long time. Forces which started turning everything to shit long before anyone even heard of some guy named Barack Obama.

Take a look at those charts. A GOOD look at them.

Obama: the greatest, most powerless POTUS EVAH!

The charts hate him because-- he's black!

Who is president now. Obama. What has Obama done to help the economy none. What has Obama done to stop the increase of anything under his tenor NONE> So why is it still Bush's fault 7 yrs in. ITS NOT .. Its OBAMA'S Fault!!!
Who is president now. Obama. What has Obama done to help the economy none. What has Obama done to stop the increase of anything under his tenor NONE> So why is it still Bush's fault 7 yrs in. ITS NOT .. Its OBAMA'S Fault!!!
Nope, it's Bush's fault. I recall when Clinton was president and the economy was booming, Conservatives credited Reagan, saying an economy lasts up to 12 years. Well based on what Conservatives say about the economy, this is Bush's economy for another 5 years. That mean it's still Bush fault clear through Hillary's first term. :thup:

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