TRUTH BOMB: Obama’s Disastrous Economic “Recovery” In 9 Horrifying Charts



BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

which you cant prove. ask an idiot how many of the insured under obama were people who HAD NO CHOICE but to take obamacare because THEY LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD BECAUSE of obamacare and the idiots go silent
You are talking in circles.

If someone had insurance, and then lost their insurance, and then got insurance, that is a zero sum in the number of insured, idiot.

The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.

Ok, what were the number of uninsured in 2009 vs. today?


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

which you cant prove. ask an idiot how many of the insured under obama were people who HAD NO CHOICE but to take obamacare because THEY LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD BECAUSE of obamacare and the idiots go silent
You are talking in circles.

If someone had insurance, and then lost their insurance, and then got insurance, that is a zero sum in the number of insured, idiot.

The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.

Ok, what were the number of uninsured in 2009 vs. today?
I gave you a FRED chart. FRED charts were good enough for the OP.


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

So, The Center for American Progress and Huff 'n Puff?... two whackjob organizations.
Are you denying health care costs have not been increasing faster than inflation for decades?

It has been and still is... And according to the census bureau, the numbers of insured is down about 2%... which hardly substantiates any claims about the greatness of the ACA. Our group insurance rates have gone up about 40% since the ACA passed.

The ACA is a debacle by any standards.... Obama's a disaster.


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

which you cant prove. ask an idiot how many of the insured under obama were people who HAD NO CHOICE but to take obamacare because THEY LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD BECAUSE of obamacare and the idiots go silent
You are talking in circles.

If someone had insurance, and then lost their insurance, and then got insurance, that is a zero sum in the number of insured, idiot.

The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.
Because people that didn't want, or feel they needed, insurance were forced to buy it.

The big evil insurance industry loves you and Obama, and they thank you for the billions in added revenue
If you have a broken leg and someone throws you on the ground, it is going to take you longer to get back on your feet than if you did not have a broken leg.

We now have a broken leg, and every time our economy gets thrown to the ground, it is going to take longer and longer to get back on our feet.

When all debt (government, corporate, and personal) is added up, it equals 350% of GDP in the US and 440% in developed countries on average. Lacy kept emphasizing his conviction that any number over 275% results in limited growth and eventual deflation.

We crossed the 275% line around 2000/2001.
The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.
Because people that didn't want, or feel they needed, insurance were forced to buy it.

I knew someone out there would be stupid enough to say this.

The big evil insurance industry loves you and Obama, and they thank you for the billions in added revenue

I detest ObamaCare. I believe the GOP sold us all down the river to single payer years ago.

But facts are facts. There are more people insured today than there were in 2009, and they are mostly those who were involuntarily uninsured.
The number one problem that needs to be solved above all others is our national debt.

It's a big shit sandwich, and everyone has to take a bite.


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

which you cant prove. ask an idiot how many of the insured under obama were people who HAD NO CHOICE but to take obamacare because THEY LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD BECAUSE of obamacare and the idiots go silent
You are talking in circles.

If someone had insurance, and then lost their insurance, and then got insurance, that is a zero sum in the number of insured, idiot.

The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.
Because people that didn't want, or feel they needed, insurance were forced to buy it.

The big evil insurance industry loves you and Obama, and they thank you for the billions in added revenue

No to mention people that have really good insurance pay a penalty...
The number one problem that needs to be solved above all others is our national debt.

It's a big shit sandwich, and everyone has to take a bite.
The number one problem that needs to be solved above all others is our national debt.

It's a big shit sandwich, and everyone has to take a bite.

I'd prefer that those who continually advocate profligate spending go first...namely the leftists, progressives and country club Republican types.
The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.
Because people that didn't want, or feel they needed, insurance were forced to buy it.

I knew someone out there would be stupid enough to say this.

The big evil insurance industry loves you and Obama, and they thank you for the billions in added revenue

I detest ObamaCare. I believe the GOP sold us all down the river to single payer years ago.

But facts are facts. There are more people insured today than there were in 2009, and they are mostly those who were involuntarily uninsured.
Bullshit "stupid enough"
We took a hit and people needed help.
Then we took another hit and more people needed help.
Now even more people need help.
The fact remains that, according to the chart FS usage doubled between 2001-2008 and tripled since then.

And you have no figures that shows most insurance recipients were uninsured involuntarily, just as I can't prove they were uninsured by choice.
You can go find a dozen links to support your claim and I can find just as many to prove mine.
But you can't deny that a certain number of people have been FORCED to buy health insurance, whether they wanted it or not.
Maybe...just maybe...there are forces which have been in motion for a very long time. Forces which started turning everything to shit long before anyone even heard of some guy named Barack Obama.

Take a look at those charts. A GOOD look at them.

Those forces are called liberalism and the Democrat Party.


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

which you cant prove. ask an idiot how many of the insured under obama were people who HAD NO CHOICE but to take obamacare because THEY LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD BECAUSE of obamacare and the idiots go silent
You are talking in circles.

If someone had insurance, and then lost their insurance, and then got insurance, that is a zero sum in the number of insured, idiot.

The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.
Because people that didn't want, or feel they needed, insurance were forced to buy it.

The big evil insurance industry loves you and Obama, and they thank you for the billions in added revenue

No to mention people that have really good insurance pay a penalty...
The number one problem that needs to be solved above all others is our national debt.

It's a big shit sandwich, and everyone has to take a bite.
The number one problem that needs to be solved above all others is our national debt.

It's a big shit sandwich, and everyone has to take a bite.

I'd prefer that those who continually advocate profligate spending go first...namely the leftists, progressives and country club Republican types.

It's funny how all the ticks sucking on the ass of society never have to take a bite of the sandwich.
The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.
Because people that didn't want, or feel they needed, insurance were forced to buy it.

I knew someone out there would be stupid enough to say this.

The big evil insurance industry loves you and Obama, and they thank you for the billions in added revenue

I detest ObamaCare. I believe the GOP sold us all down the river to single payer years ago.

But facts are facts. There are more people insured today than there were in 2009, and they are mostly those who were involuntarily uninsured.

What is "sold us down the river to single payer" supposed to mean?
Funny ... the trends in 8 of those charts began before Obama became president. Leave it to the nuts at the heritage foundation to blame Obama for a mess created by Bush. :eusa_naughty:

They cover Obama terms


Fluffers gotta Fulff
And all but one of them began under Bush. Seems your complaint is that Obama couldn't fix all of Bush's disasters.

8 years later and all charts heading wrong direction (still) and all they got "he started it". 7 yrs to fix!
Glad you agree with my post. :thup:
So let's seeeeee...

Food stamps. I see by your charts, they started skyrocketing in 2001. Was Obama President back then?

Federal debt. I see by your charts, it was going down in the late 90s, and then started climbing again in 2002. Was Obama President then?

LFPR: I see by this chart, it started plunging in 2001. Was Obama President then?

Health Insurance Costs: I see they have been outpacing inflation for decades. Has Obama been President that long?

Worker's Share of Economy: I see by your charts, that started plunging in 2001. Was Obama President back then?

Median Family Income: I see by your charts, the bottom fell out in 2006. Was Obama President back then?

Home Ownership: I see by your charts it started plunging in 2006. Was Obama President back then.

It looks to me like Obama was handed one seriously gigantic ball of shit by his predecessor, whoever that was, eh?

Obama was handed a ball of shit ...and made it worse

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