TRUTH BOMB: Obama’s Disastrous Economic “Recovery” In 9 Horrifying Charts

Just FYI our economy does not suffer from deregulation or trickle down... To suggest such is pure ignorance of economics. Simply put, to claim that one of the most regulated markets in the world is hurting from deregulation disqualifys you from any economic debate.

However, feel free to take that position.
Your vote for the plutocracy and their very expensive form of socialism and immunity from prosecution is entirely unsurprising.

I have no idea what yer talking about, I have never voted Democrat..... Or Republican for that matter, I'm not a peeon sucker.
Whatever, if you still believe in trickle down economics at this late date then you can't be that smart.

I don't subscribe to any of that. I believe in the concepts presented by Austrian economics as it's the most accurate and oddly the most simple economic idea to date. "Trickle down" is the idea that less taxes will spur more business, more profits and thus more good jobs... The issue is when you have overwhelming Government, a central bank and stimulus it's impossible to claim we have some "free market low tax system."

I don't believe in voodoo economics, many liberals do, many conservatives do... Bush did and so did Obama, hence the weak economy that without .02 interest rates and continus spending on welfare we would be in a depression (correction).
The economy is rigged by so many conflicting interests that no economic theory applies. We need to kick the economic theory to the curb and come to terms with how we deal with a plutocracy. Do we just accept it as the American way or do we risk their wrath to regain some of the democracy we have lost?

Incorrect, Austrian economics is always working as it considers whatever economic condition applied to a society. Austrian economics is not a voodoo system of number shuffling, it's an understanding and application of human nature in the market place.

For instance, Keynesian economics extracts human greed from the equation and in so works on paper but fails in ever single real life scenario. Strangely enough Keynesian economics fails in a rather easily predictable way if Austrian economics is used to figure the shortcomings. The predictable problem with Keyns is that you spend in hard times to stimulate but then save in good times... Saving would require cuts in programs started in the hard times, cuts in welfare crated in the hard time... Greed of those gaining from the programs will never allow cuts and politicians don't want to lose that voter base by pissing them off.

The answers to "fixing" America's economic and political problems are actually astonishingly easy, but it has been said once the voters find out they can vote themselves money (welfare) the republic is dead. Bernie Sanders is a great example of how far the country has fallen.

I would hope that people would self educate on economics as it's pretty simple. I Own a gym and also have a complete gym in my home, when I work out I dominantly watch economic philosophy and social structure videos and speakers on youtube. I'd suggest if you are curious in answers to not frequent these boards in hopes of learning much of anything other than how stupid our populace is.

If you are curious just search Austrian economics and watch some videos, spend some quality time listening and see if you at some point can apply this thought to real life situations. When you have done this it will feel something like learning to read or understanding math... You just can't go back to primitive thinking.
Funny ... the trends in 8 of those charts began before Obama became president. Leave it to the nuts at the heritage foundation to blame Obama for a mess created by Bush. :eusa_naughty:

They cover Obama terms


Fluffers gotta Fulff
And all but one of them began under Bush. Seems your complaint is that Obama couldn't fix all of Bush's disasters.
Funny ... the trends in 8 of those charts began before Obama became president. Leave it to the nuts at the heritage foundation to blame Obama for a mess created by Bush. :eusa_naughty:

They cover Obama terms


Fluffers gotta Fulff
And all but one of them began under Bush. Seems your complaint is that Obama couldn't fix all of Bush's disasters.

8 years later and all charts heading wrong direction (still) and all they got "he started it". 7 yrs to fix!
So let's seeeeee...

Food stamps. I see by your charts, they started skyrocketing in 2001. Was Obama President back then?

Federal debt. I see by your charts, it was going down in the late 90s, and then started climbing again in 2002. Was Obama President then?

LFPR: I see by this chart, it started plunging in 2001. Was Obama President then?

Health Insurance Costs: I see they have been outpacing inflation for decades. Has Obama been President that long?

Worker's Share of Economy: I see by your charts, that started plunging in 2001. Was Obama President back then?

Median Family Income: I see by your charts, the bottom fell out in 2006. Was Obama President back then?

Home Ownership: I see by your charts it started plunging in 2006. Was Obama President back then.

It looks to me like Obama was handed one seriously gigantic ball of shit by his predecessor, whoever that was, eh?
When a Republican whines about declining home ownership rates, does this mean they want to make it easier to get a home loan?'d that work out last time while Bush was President?
I say it all the time. There is a certain kind of rube which had to have been in a coma from January 2001 until January 2009.

Even now, when they have the charts right in front of them, they think the world began in January 2009 and we were all in the garden of Eden prior to then!

Anything on the charts prior to January 2009 is completely invisible to them! :ack-1:
Well, judging from the posts of the moonbat brigade, Obama is a big fat loser... 7 years in and it is still all Bush's fault.... I guess Barry "I'll lower the oceans" Kardashian hasn't been able to do jackshit... except jack up the poverty and entitlement rolls.

Maybe...just maybe...there are forces which have been in motion for a very long time. Forces which started turning everything to shit long before anyone even heard of some guy named Barack Obama.

Take a look at those charts. A GOOD look at them.
Maybe...just maybe...there are forces which have been in motion for a very long time. Forces which started turning everything to shit long before anyone even heard of some guy named Barack Obama.

Take a look at those charts. A GOOD look at them.

Yes, yes.. we know... it's all Bush's fault.


Ya gotta love the moonbats.


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.
So let's seeeeee...

Food stamps. I see by your charts, they started skyrocketing in 2001. Was Obama President back then?

Federal debt. I see by your charts, it was going down in the late 90s, and then started climbing again in 2002. Was Obama President then?

LFPR: I see by this chart, it started plunging in 2001. Was Obama President then?

Health Insurance Costs: I see they have been outpacing inflation for decades. Has Obama been President that long?

Worker's Share of Economy: I see by your charts, that started plunging in 2001. Was Obama President back then?

Median Family Income: I see by your charts, the bottom fell out in 2006. Was Obama President back then?

Home Ownership: I see by your charts it started plunging in 2006. Was Obama President back then.

It looks to me like Obama was handed one seriously gigantic ball of shit by his predecessor, whoever that was, eh?
Re foodstamps 2001:
Something major happened in 2001......what was that again?? Something that hit travel, tourism and hospitality really hard??
Anyhoo. according to that chart I see foodstamps doubling from 2001-2008. Then I see it TRIPLE since then
If I could just remember what happened in 2001


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

which you cant prove. ask an idiot how many of the insured under obama were people who HAD NO CHOICE but to take obamacare because THEY LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD BECAUSE of obamacare and the idiots go silent
Maybe...just maybe...there are forces which have been in motion for a very long time. Forces which started turning everything to shit long before anyone even heard of some guy named Barack Obama.

Take a look at those charts. A GOOD look at them.

Yes, yes.. we know... it's all Bush's fault.

That is not what I said.

Try again.


BUSH: Rising health costs, lowering number of insured.

OBAMA: Rising health costs, increasing number of insured.

which you cant prove. ask an idiot how many of the insured under obama were people who HAD NO CHOICE but to take obamacare because THEY LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD BECAUSE of obamacare and the idiots go silent
You are talking in circles.

If someone had insurance, and then lost their insurance, and then got insurance, that is a zero sum in the number of insured, idiot.

The number of insured under ObamaCare has increased. Fact.
Bottom line... Barry Polesmoker has only fucked things up even further... yet moonbats like G sing his praises.

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