Truth IS: Eisenhower's V-Day for Vaccinations can Help us Today

What these people who think that it is illegal for the govt. or a company to mandate a vaccine do not know the law or the history of the US on this matter. Thanks for the thread because Policlick is an enigma of what a liar is.
Virtually all of us have Many MANDATORY vaccines for many diseases which allow us to go to elementary school.
The legality of this was Upheld by the Supreme Court.

We have laws against smoking in public places (second hand smoke) which have little opposition because Trump Clowns hadn't made it an issue.
But they want no masks in public and be able to kill someone with a single breath.

We must wear seat belts. No Hypocrite MAGAts objecting.
Where are you hypocrite clowns?

And this thread was started to refute the LIE of Political Chic that Eisenhower was somehow warning against the C19 vaccines and science.

Truth is he would be urging Americans to get the vaccines.. like any decent human being with an IQ above 90.
(which would exclude several IDIOTIC posters above like LA Ram Fan and Harmonica, who hopefully practice what they preach and ergo won't be posting here much longer) (They're not exactly 'science section' posters IAC, except the political one.)
you are a real dumbass--that' can't even do basic math
MOST people don't get Covid
of those, most don't die
of those most are elderly and/or lazy fatasses - I'm neither of those
in the worst year, there were ONLY 58,000 cases!!!!!!
I personally knew people with the polio disease and they were not happy being a statistic in yer don't give a fuck column.
you are a real dumbass--that' can't even do basic math
MOST people don't get Covid
of those, most don't die
of those most are elderly and/or lazy fatasses - I'm neither of those
Most people don't get killed by not wearing mandatory seat belts.
Maybe 10k-20K
700K have already died from COVID.

Most people didn't get polio.
Most didn't die.
the percent infected was lower for it.

That aside, almost everyone WOULD get very contagious C19, esp Delta, were it not for precautions we have taken.
47 Million have gotten C19 and it would be "most" (virtually ALL actually) were it not for those precautions. Masks, distancing, working at home, shutdowns and 60% Vaxed.

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Most people don't get killed by not wearing seat belts.
Maybe 10k-20K
700K have already died from COVID.

Most people didn't get polio.
Most didn't die.
the percent infected was lower for it.

That aside, almost everyone WOULD get very contagious C19, esp Delta, were it not for precautions we have taken.
47 Million have gotten C19 and it would be "most" (virtually ALL actually) were it not for those precautions. Masks, distancing, working at home, shutdowns and 60% Vaxed.

you are babbling crap
you are babbling crap
Showing off that low IQ again instead of being able to respond to points made.
You're doing great.
You might have 10 short sentences in 10 posts, but the bulk of them is "HAHAHAHA........"
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Virtually all of us have Many MANDATORY vaccines for many diseases which allow us to go to elementary school.
The legality of this was Upheld by the Supreme Court.

We have laws against smoking in public places (second hand smoke) which have little opposition because Trump Clowns hadn't made it an issue.
But they want no masks in public and be able to kill someone with a single breath.

We must wear seat belts. No Hypocrite MAGAts objecting.
Where are you hypocrite clowns?

Let's get on down to them brass tacks, partner. The unvaccinated worry yer little mind so? Why don't ya go house to house a trying to force jab us all? Shots for shots . . . that's what you'll be gettin' fer yer trouble. So quit yer crying and come on out and try giving us the shot.
Despite the Anti-Vax abuse of ["channeling"] Eisenhower by a Political poster here,
He Urged Americans to get the Polio Vaccine!

Opinion: Eisenhower's V-Day for vaccinations can help us today
By William Lambers
Aug 18, 2021
Austin American-Statesman

To eliminate the dreaded disease polio in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower called for a V-day, asking everyone to schedule a vaccine shot. V-day was to inspire a victory through vaccination against disease.

America had won World War II, culminating with V-days in Europe and Asia. Now they could do the same against polio, a disease that potentially killed or crippled. I remember very well my Aunt Eleanor, who had trouble walking because she had polio as a child in the early 1900s. Had the vaccine been available then it would have saved her from a lifetime medical crisis.

The polio vaccines that were developed saved many lives and eventually made it a very rare disease. But that was only possible because of a sustained vaccination effort to increase participation. It was not easy.

When announcing V-day against polio, Eisenhower said: "Many people are needlessly risking death or lifetime handicap simply because they have failed to take advantage of one of medicine's great achievements." Today many people are also missing out on the COVID-19 vaccine that can save them from hospitalization or death. Not even half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, and meanwhile the very highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.

That’s why we need a V-day, or a V-week, to rally everyone to get the vaccine against COVID-19. That is our best chance in making COVID-19 a rare disease, too. President Joe Biden and the former presidents could make televised statements urging vaccinations for V-day 2021.

I had to :p at your post of overstating your case. Most people don't think polio virus which affected children, was paralyzing, and one had to go inside an iron lung breathing machine. Older people like you die from the flu and covid-19 and we know the latter is much worse in terms of deaths. Why don't you talk about the Delta variant that is more contagious and deadly? The medical people are saying its symptoms could be worse if you haven't been vaccinated.
Let's get on down to them brass tacks, partner. The unvaccinated worry yer little mind so? Why don't ya go house to house a trying to force jab us all? Shots for shots . . . that's what you'll be gettin' fer yer trouble. So quit yer crying and come on out and try giving us the shot.
The "brass tacks" is nothing about 'my worry' or "fer "yer" dumb redneck @ss.
It was about...

1. What Eisenhower's view was Contrary to what PoliticalChick's posted.
2. Whether getting vaccinated is a good idea or not, and also mandatory or not.

So you contributed Nothing but to try and make this personal with your goofy put down attempt.
Come back with some facts/topical content.
unless you can (LOFL) I'm done with you now BOY.

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I had to :p at your post of overstating your case. Most people don't think polio virus which affected children, was paralyzing, and one had to go inside an iron lung breathing machine. Older people like you die from the flu and covid-19 and we know the latter is much worse in terms of deaths. Why don't you talk about the Delta variant that is more contagious and deadly? The medical people are saying its symptoms could be worse if you haven't been vaccinated.
Hey wack job Haysoos boy!
In fact, I did talk about "especially Delta" just above you BLIND IDIOT!

Post #25
Me: "...That aside, almost everyone WOULD get very contagious C19, esp Delta, were it not for precautions we have taken. 47 Million have gotten C19 and it would be "most" (virtually ALL actually) were it not for those precautions. Masks, distancing, working at home, shutdowns and 60% Vaxed.​

Is it your FundaMENTAList duty to make a fool of yourself in Every exchange?
Permanently blind to anything that isn't in the NT/GenecYst.

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Hey wack job Haysoos boy!
In fact, I did talk about "especially Delta" just above you BLIND IDIOT!

Post #25
Me: "...That aside, almost everyone WOULD get very contagious C19, esp Delta, were it not for precautions we have taken. 47 Million have gotten C19 and it would be "most" (virtually ALL actually) were it not for those precautions. Masks, distancing, working at home, shutdowns and 60% Vaxed.​

Is it your FundaMENTAList duty to make a fool of yourself in Every exchange?
Permanently blind to anything that isn't in the NT/GenecYst.

>>The medical people are saying its symptoms could be worse if you haven't been vaccinated.<<

Lol, start in with the ad hominem attacks as you've been getting your arse whipped by everyone in this forum. Your argument doesn't make much sense bringing in polio. I was saying leave that out and discuss the delta variant which you didn't say enough about. I made a better argument than you in one sentence. You should've just agreed with me, took your lumps, and crawled away from this embarrassing nonsensical thread.

Here's what I got from my health care provider:

Here’s what we know about the delta variant so far:

  • Delta is highly contagious — it seems to spread more easily and quickly than other variants [See footnote 1].
  • Unvaccinated people are at higher risk now than they were before Delta emerged.
  • More young people are getting sick with delta compared with earlier strains [See footnote 2].
  • You can reduce your risk of contracting the virus if you’re fully vaccinated.
  • A small number of fully vaccinated people have become infected. Their symptoms tend to be mild, but they can spread the virus to others [See footnote 3].
>>The medical people are saying its symptoms could be worse if you haven't been vaccinated.<<

Lol, start in with the ad hominem attacks as you've been getting your arse whipped by everyone in this forum. Your argument doesn't make much sense bringing in polio. I was saying leave that out and discuss the delta variant which you didn't say enough about. I made a better argument than you in one sentence. You should've just agreed with me, took your lumps, and crawled away from this embarrassing nonsensical thread.

Here's what I got from my health care provider:

Here’s what we know about the delta variant so far:

  • Delta is highly contagious — it seems to spread more easily and quickly than other variants [See footnote 1].
  • Unvaccinated people are at higher risk now than they were before Delta emerged.
  • More young people are getting sick with delta compared with earlier strains [See footnote 2].
  • You can reduce your risk of contracting the virus if you’re fully vaccinated.
  • A small number of fully vaccinated people have become infected. Their symptoms tend to be mild, but they can spread the virus to others [See footnote 3].
You Lying Idiot.
1. Show me a single instance of me getting my "arse whipped."
You can't.
In fact, just this afternoon and evening was about 20-0.

2. YOU got your idiot Arse whipped by suggesting I didn't mention Delta in your last post!!!
But in fact I had ("esp/Especially Delta" in mentioning 'virtually everyone would get it') just a few posts above (#25) your Error/Lie.
So YOU got your arse kicked 100% and you have not Admitted you blew it.

3. Everyone knows about Delta already you Idiot.
You post as if it's News!
It would only be News to someone living in a closet or in an Institution with you.
Your article is 3 Months old.
("what we know so far"?/Aug 3rd!, LOL)
Everyone knows it's more contagious (est 2.5x, with a viral load 1000x more than the original.)
Here's News: Delta Peaked about 7 weeks ago and has now faded to just a tiny fraction thereof.

100% wrong/Lying/Obsolete on every point.

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You Lying Idiot.
1. Show me a single instance of me getting my "arse whipped."
You can't.
In fact, just this afternoon and evening was about 20-0.

2. YOU got your idiot Arse whipped by suggesting I didn't mention Delta in your last post!!!
But in fact I had ("esp/Especially Delta" in mentioning 'virtually everyone would get it') just a few posts above (#25) your Error/Lie.
So YOU got your arse kicked 100% and you have not Admitted you blew it.

3. Everyone knows about Delta already you Idiot.
You post as if it's News!
It would only be News to someone living in a closet or in an Institution with you.
Your article is 3 Months old.
("what we know so far"?/Aug 3rd!, LOL)
Everyone knows it's more contagious (est 2.5x, with a viral load 1000x more than the original.)
Here's News: Delta Peaked about 7 weeks ago and has now faded to just a tiny fraction thereof.

100% wrong/Lying/Obsolete on every point.

Nobody's convinced from you. Bringing up Eisenhower means you're really old and prolly getting senile. You were whipped badly yesterday as you couldn't produce anything from your scientists that was observable. What did your scientists do? We had Louis Pasteur who found pasteurization, so our children wouldn't have to die from food borne bacteria and germs. He invented the swan neck flask experiment to disprove atheist's idiotic abiogenesis ideas.
Despite the Anti-Vax abuse of ["channeling"] Eisenhower by a Political poster here,
He Urged Americans to get the Polio Vaccine!

Opinion: Eisenhower's V-Day for vaccinations can help us today
By William Lambers
Aug 18, 2021
Austin American-Statesman

To eliminate the dreaded disease polio in the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower called for a V-day, asking everyone to schedule a vaccine shot. V-day was to inspire a victory through vaccination against disease.

America had won World War II, culminating with V-days in Europe and Asia. Now they could do the same against polio, a disease that potentially killed or crippled. I remember very well my Aunt Eleanor, who had trouble walking because she had polio as a child in the early 1900s. Had the vaccine been available then it would have saved her from a lifetime medical crisis.

The polio vaccines that were developed saved many lives and eventually made it a very rare disease. But that was only possible because of a sustained vaccination effort to increase participation. It was not easy.

When announcing V-day against polio, Eisenhower said: "Many people are needlessly risking death or lifetime handicap simply because they have failed to take advantage of one of medicine's great achievements." Today many people are also missing out on the COVID-19 vaccine that can save them from hospitalization or death. Not even half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, and meanwhile the very highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.

That’s why we need a V-day, or a V-week, to rally everyone to get the vaccine against COVID-19. That is our best chance in making COVID-19 a rare disease, too. President Joe Biden and the former presidents could make televised statements urging vaccinations for V-day 2021.

My dad got it as a kid he musta been like 10 to 12 years old
You can shove your Trump university vaxxx

You get boosters

Completely undiscernible if there's a point in there?
Your dad got Polio?
You can "shove Trump University"?
A meme maybe about C19 vaccine?
My dad got the polio vax as a kid ....during Ike
What's so hard to comprehend

This is not a polio vaxxx
This is not even a vaxx

The only thing it's effective at is killing and maiming people

You should totally get all your boosters though
For safety and fortified democracy


This confused you


Ya see the elites are on to something ....they wanna kill billions ....I mean somedays ya gotta agree with em .........just syain

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