Truthers, how was this engine planted?

A more important question to me is why were the attacks of 9/11 not properly investigated and why are several military air crash investigators so sceptically of the official story and the evidence presented

And isn't it amazing that only in the United States, where no one can keep their mouth shut about even the most sensitive and most classified intelligence and all it takes for enemies to find out our secrets is to read our own newspapers, especially if leaking it will damage the US in ANY way -that this massive conspiracy involving our government to slaughter its OWN CITIZENS was carried off without a hitch, without a leak, plotted and carried out to perfection in a matter of mere months and even before the President was able to get his full administration in place and most importantly without a single person stepping forward and admitting any role in what would really be the most evil government plot in modern times. It actually took Al Qaeda more than 3 years to plot, plan and train for this but it only took mere WEEKS for our government. Even though it takes the better part of a year just for a new President to get his administration up and running but for the most evil plot in modern times for mass murder by government THAT is pulled off in mere weeks! And what you never mention is that it would mean it was carried out without the least bit reluctance, without any objections, without any moral compunction by the HUNDREDS of people who had to have been part of the plot to kill innocent fellow citizens! Assuming the ringleader of this plot already had no compunction about mass murder, finding just one other person who also had no moral compunction about mass murder of thousands of innocents would be difficult -but finding HUNDREDS who had no problem with slaughtering innocents was EASY! And no regrets or remorse since because not a single person has stepped forward to give their tearful confession about how they just didn't know what they were doing, or about how they were unwitting pawns in the plot, had believed it would result in good but now their eyes are open and they see how evil it really was, or didn't realize so many would be killed or about how they can't sleep at night because of their role in mass murder of their own fellow citizens or blah, blah, blah on any of the usual regrets by someone with even a rudimentary conscience.

And let's think about this one too. That would mean THE most evil plot in modern times was actually carried out by THE most transparent government on the planet and not by one of the least -which hey, would sure suggest that having one of the LEAST transparent governments, ones where its own citizens cannot see what their own government is doing and cannot see how it carries out its assigned job -is actually much better than having the most transparent after all, huh? Because now we all know that keeping the most evil plots and secrets in modern history is undoubtedly easier to do in the most transparent governments and not in the least transparent ones after all.........except that it is just one more thing that makes no sense in all this gibberish. On the same plane as insisting that Bush lied about WMD and did so because of his "evil genius" to get us into war -but was just too stupid to PLANT any -which not only would have required far fewer participants in THAT plot than would have been needed for 9/11 but had years to plant them and would still have been accepted by the world at face value -yet never did that. Even if you think Bush was just too stupid (while also having this Machiavellian evil genius) then surely at least one of the evil participants had enough on the ball to realize planting WMD was a no-brainer and much simpler plot to carry out than 9/11! LOL In fact it requires the total abandonment of all common sense, the ability to reason AND every shred of critical thinking skills to join ranks with you fruitcakes. And not only can't I do that, I have no perverted NEED to do so.

The only thing you nutjobs have EVER been able to prove is true -is that your perverted NEED to believe the absolute worst about your own government is much, much stronger than your ability to reason. I'm even willing to bet that in spite of your belief our own government did this, you were also in favor of that monstrosity of a "health care" bill that nearly doubles the size of government and massively expands its powers, one that stripped enough very real rights from its citizens that it resulted in the US being downgraded from a "free nation" to a "mostly free nation". I feel pretty safe in reaching that conclusion because I've been around for a while now and see that is exactly how life works for those with no critical thinking skills.

Go add another layer to your foil hat -they are stealing your brainwaves again.

is this the delusion you live in
hahahahahaha!!!! so your proof that the engine was planted is that the FBI didnt release pictures of them planting the engine?!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha!!! :lol:
This is the second time you didn't read what I said very well, but if you like to look ignorant, so be it.

The FBI did release one photo of them planting the engine, the one in the OP, just not any photos of them bringing the engine in by truck that they were about to plane, like you asked of.

Next time, READ.

You are a moron, there are dozens if not hundreds of pictures of the debris from flt 93. There was no way it could have been planted. Plus the DNA evidence was all there.

Who are you really?


you have hundreds of pictures...really...can we see them ?
there isnt a shovel in the other one either
Then what is that silver shiny metal piece with the curved corner and dirt piled on the middle of it, like it's a shovel someone was using to dig?

I would also like to know what that large photo proves in general.

and both photos were taken at the crash site
That's not what I meant by the photo of the window pieces. Where was the spot that window piece was taken?
let me get this straight. your entire evidence consists of you claiming the engine and the bucket of the backhoe are relatively the same size. and this is your proof it was planted??
No. This is the 3rd time you couldn't comprehend what I was saying. Please get some glasses and or enroll in some English classes.

And for the 3rd time, watch that video I asked you to. It has many pieces of evidence why that engine was planted by the backhoe.

It also talks about the ever changing story about the other engine allegedly found.
you have hundreds of pictures...really...can we see them ?

what happened? you get banned from google images for trying to find too much gay porn? :cuckoo:

I wouldn't even know if you can find gay porn on goggle image or that you can get banned for-it but clearly you do...but I have only seen the same 6-12 images of flt 93 posted again and Again so if there are indeed hundreds I would like to see them
No. This is the 3rd time you couldn't comprehend what I was saying. Please get some glasses and or enroll in some English classes.

And for the 3rd time, watch that video I asked you to. It has many pieces of evidence why that engine was planted by the backhoe.

It also talks about the ever changing story about the other engine allegedly found.

i watched the video. it had a lovely rendition of "little engine" and absolutely no evidence of anything at all. :cuckoo:

so rather than sending me all over the internet trying to find YOUR evidence for you, why dont you lay out what evidence there is that the engine was planted.

i mean, other evidence. we know that so far all we have determined is that the evidence shows the bucket of the backhoe and the piece of the engine are relatively the same size. that just cant happen without it being an inside job, right?!!! :lol:
you have hundreds of pictures...really...can we see them ?

what happened? you get banned from google images for trying to find too much gay porn? :cuckoo:

Thank you for the great example of hypocrisy. An OCTA makes a claim without evidence and when that is requested you go straight to ad hom mode.

well if you feel bad for him you can email him some pics from your gay porn collection. :ahole-1:
what happened? You get banned from google images for trying to find too much gay porn? :cuckoo:

thank you for the great example of hypocrisy. An octa makes a claim without evidence and when that is requested you go straight to ad hom mode.

well if you feel bad for him you can email him some pics from your gay porn collection. :ahole-1:

why do you always want to talk about gay porn and gay sex in 9/11 threads its really weird cant you and liwabilty just pm each other about your mutual hobbies ??...SO ABOUT THOSE HUNDREDS OF FLT 93 PICTURES ?
why do you always want to talk about gay porn and gay sex in 9/11 threads its really weird cant you and liwabilty just pm each other about your mutual hobbies ??...SO ABOUT THOSE HUNDREDS OF FLT 93 PICTURES ?
i asked if you were banned from google for looking at too much gay porn. obviously you are too scared to admit it.

if you arent banned then this link will work just fine for you. i got 5,790,000 results. how many did you get?

flight 93 - Google Search
thank you for the great example of hypocrisy. An octa makes a claim without evidence and when that is requested you go straight to ad hom mode.

well if you feel bad for him you can email him some pics from your gay porn collection. :ahole-1:

why do you always want to talk about gay porn and gay sex in 9/11 threads its really weird cant you and liwabilty just pm each other about your mutual hobbies ??...SO ABOUT THOSE HUNDREDS OF FLT 93 PICTURES ?

They do it as a way of fishing for fresh meat. It's a pretty efficient use of time....they get to hunt for cock shots while ignoring the fact they can't support their claims.
why do you always want to talk about gay porn and gay sex in 9/11 threads its really weird cant you and liwabilty just pm each other about your mutual hobbies ?? about those hundreds of flt 93 pictures ?
i asked if you were banned from google for looking at too much gay porn. Obviously you are too scared to admit it.

If you arent banned then this link will work just fine for you. I got 5,790,000 results. How many did you get?

flight 93 - google search

how many results you got on a goggle search is completely you found 5,790,ooo results for the same dozen photos of nothing,,,and your point is what ?
why do you always want to talk about gay porn and gay sex in 9/11 threads its really weird cant you and liwabilty just pm each other about your mutual hobbies ??...SO ABOUT THOSE HUNDREDS OF FLT 93 PICTURES ?
i asked if you were banned from google for looking at too much gay porn. obviously you are too scared to admit it.

if you arent banned then this link will work just fine for you. i got 5,790,000 results. how many did you get?

flight 93 - Google Search

So you are saying he should support Ollie's claim. What a fuxxing hypocrite.
how many results you got on a goggle search is completely you found 5,790,ooo results for the same dozen photos of nothing,,,and your point is what ?

please prove your contention that they are ALL the same 12 photos.

go ahead....

go look at all 5,790,000 of them and see.

then post the 12 here and i will go through and see if i can find one to make it 13. :lol:

you fucking moron. dont you see the irony here? you claim there are 12. he claims there are hundreds. you both did the same fucking thing so stop crying like a little girl.
So you are saying he should support Ollie's claim. What a fuxxing hypocrite.

no jackass. i am saying there are lots of pictures. more than one. more than a dozen. if you include duplicates a couple million.

so whats your point again? :cuckoo:

all you need is one picture of airplane debris to have more evidence that a airliner crashed in PA than evidence one didnt crash there.

there is more evidence that flight 93 crashed there than evidence it didnt. :cuckoo:
I consistently see only the same few pictures consistently post the same pictures...if 95 % of a plane was recovered and all these peoples remains identified.. Where are all the pictures ???

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