
Maybe if we took a closer look at the "empty hole" that you keep showing us.
Notice the debris scattered around and the guys standing at the top of the hole
View attachment 8882

Notice the scorched earth and the treeline that was burned.
View attachment 8883

View attachment 8884
Debris collected at the site.

hardly overwhelming evidence of an airliner wreackage.:lol: again I see no tail section,no engine,no seats,nothing.

Gee You want more pictures? Can't show everything in just 3, But there are hundreds if not thousands. You look them up they are our there.

I have never seen ANYBODY produce the seats,the tail section,the engine of the plane or the evidence you see at a wreakage of an airliner here before.
I have posted pictures of bodies and body parts for you, I will now post some again, Please do not look if you are squeamish.

View attachment 8885

View attachment 8886

View attachment 8887

Seen enough?

the bodies are of pentagon staff

WOW, you are truly amazing since those pictures were taken before any identifications were made. How did you do that? You ass wipe Flight 77 crashed into the pentagon the entire world knows it as fact because the black boxes, debris, and body parts found and Identified are all part of history. It is fact. Please go tell the families of those on that plane that their loved ones didn't die at the pentagon. But I want to be there when you do so I can tape you getting your ass kicked.

oh go fuck off Ollie we know its you and glen that hate the victims families

you said there was NO EVIDENCE. you lied. i proved you lied. you are an ass.

you talking about the flimsy evidence of those pics you showed on page three?:lol: as I told Manu,watch those 47 canada wants the truth videos I posted the link to,they debunk that.:lol:

the other reason we know that there was no airliner that hit it is not only that newscaster saying he was on the site of the lawn saying he saw no wreckage of an airliner,he is right in that the wreckage is totally inconsistant with that of an airliner,but also the dogs at the scene of the crime came out and just stood there when let loose to look for the bodies,they did not dig or bark like they do when they do find bodies. :lol:

Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw the plane hit the Pentagon dumb ass. HUNDREDS.

the thing your doing like you ALWAYS do in your posts disinfo agent-which of course is what the government pays you to do, is omit key points that those hundreds of witnesses testimonys conflict with each other.:rolleyes: Eots has posted many times before in the past their testimonys,dont worry,he'll come on and do it for you again.
I have never seen ANYBODY produce the seats,the tail section,the engine of the plane or the evidence you see at a wreakage of an airliner here before.

why would you think these things survived the impact intact? you are a moron. :cuckoo:

there is the engine of the plane right there in front of your eyes. the black boxes were recovered.

you said there was NO EVIDENCE. there is. i proved it. you lied. admit it. :eusa_liar:
you talking about the flimsy evidence of those pics you showed on page three?:lol: as I told Manu,watch those 47 canada wants the truth videos I posted the link to,they debunk that.:lol:

the other reason we know that there was no airliner that hit it is not only that newscaster saying he was on the site of the lawn saying he saw no wreckage of an airliner,he is right in that the wreckage is totally inconsistant with that of an airliner,but also the dogs at the scene of the crime came out and just stood there when let loose to look for the bodies,they did not dig or bark like they do when they do find bodies. :lol:

Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw the plane hit the Pentagon dumb ass. HUNDREDS.

the thing your doing like you ALWAYS do in your posts disinfo agent-which of course is what the government pays you to do, is omit key points that those hundreds of witnesses testimonys conflict with each other.:rolleyes: Eots has posted many times before in the past their testimonys,dont worry,he'll come on and do it for you again.

You prove your stupidity with every post. Of course what 2 people see and tell you will be different. People see things in a different manner, they have different life experiences. I cannot look at a jetliner in the air and tell you if it is a 757 or a 767. I wouldn't have a clue. But I used to be able to tell the difference between a MIG21 and a MIG19. You couldn't even do that. People saw things from different angles, etc...

5 guys in combat after a firefight will tell you 5 different versions of what happened during the fight. Its human nature.

I'm sure if I thought you were worth it i could find a more complete list. But you won't look anyway.
9-11 Research: Pentagon Eyewitnesses
the thing your doing like you ALWAYS do in your posts disinfo agent-which of course is what the government pays you to do, is omit key points that those hundreds of witnesses testimonys conflict with each other.:rolleyes: Eots has posted many times before in the past their testimonys,dont worry,he'll come on and do it for you again.

Hey, how can I get in on these payments?

the thing your doing like you ALWAYS do in your posts disinfo agent-which of course is what the government pays you to do, is omit key points that those hundreds of witnesses testimonys conflict with each other.:rolleyes: Eots has posted many times before in the past their testimonys,dont worry,he'll come on and do it for you again.

Hey, how can I get in on these payments?


Trust me, they really aren't enough.
the truthers conspire to withold facts. and they expect people to believe them? Whacko situation at best!
hey ..... you keep claiming an airplane full of people vanished with no proof .....

ive never claimed to have the answer to what really happened to them.whats been shown to us is not proof that an airliner slammed into the pentagon though.whats a known fact is the FBI illegally confiscated tapes from a gas station and hotel across the street and the pentagon with all those dozens of cameras they have everywhere in the pentagon,they are hiding what really happened since they wont release the tapes or photos and just show us those two flimsy images of on orange ball of fire which proves nothing.

Actually the tapes from the gas station and hotel have been released. They show a flash because the cameras weren't actually pointing at the Pentagon, Do try to keep up.

There were over EIGHTY tapes taken and there is not a single video showing flt 77. How the hell do people like you have the audacity to tell others to "keep up?"

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