Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Indiana's photo ID law barred twelve retired nuns in South Bend, Indiana from voting in that state's 2008 Democratic primary election. The women lacked the photo IDs required under a state law that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in April 2008.
They lacked the proper ID, they knew they lacked the ID. They stated they'd have it for the general election (all noted in your previously posted article on the SAME SUBJECT.

John Borkowski, a South Bend lawyer volunteering as an election watchdog for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, said, "This law was passed supposedly to prevent and deter voter fraud, even though there was no real record of serious voter fraud in Indiana."[6][7]

Proponents of a similar law proposed for Texas In March 2009 also argued that photo identification was necessary to prevent widespread voter fraud. Opponents respond that there is no evidence of such voter fraud in Texas, so no remedy is required, especially if such a remedy would decrease voting by senior citizens, the disabled, and lower-income residents. Opponents cited a study asserting that 1 million of the state's 13.5 million registered voters do not have a photo ID.[4]
Where is the link to the article proving anyone was PREVENTED from voting???

State Sen. Troy Fraser (R-Horseshoe Bay) said, "Voter fraud not only is alive and well in the U.S., but also alive and well in Texas. The danger of voter fraud threatens the integrity of the entire electoral process." Democratic Caucus Chairwoman Leticia Van de Putte (D-San Antonio) said the proposed law "is not about voter fraud. There is no voter fraud. This is about voter suppression." Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) spent $1.4 million investigating voter fraud but did not report any cases where a person tried to impersonate an eligible voter at a polling place—arguably the only kind of fraud that photo ID laws would prevent.[4]

Legislation to impose restrictive photo ID requirements has been prepared by the conservative organization ALEC and circulated to conservative state legislators[5].

In 2011, more than 100 Democratic members of Congress urged the Department of Justice to oppose such legislation, arguing that it "has the potential to block millions of eligible American voters, and thus suppress the right to vote."[8]
So... your argument is that it has 'the potential to suppress the right to vote, not that is HAS suppressed the right to vote, and so voter ID laws should not be implemented.

Interesting. You use the same logic that you whine about the proponents of voter ID laws using... 'potential voter fraud', therefore voter ID laws ARE needed.

Voter suppression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess 'potential' is only important if it's on your side, not the opponents, huh.
Lets just take a look at Chris and his "sources".

Campus progress
Cap Times
Center for Media and Democracy

How do the liberal dip shits up in arms about voter ID laws NOT understand that showing your ID in order to vote PREVENTS anyone from challenging your vote? They liberals of the past used to understand it. They considered it a badge of honor to show their ID when they voted, knowing that no one could then discount their vote.

I guess liberals got stupid.

Because a lot of Americans don't have IDs.

And the voter ID laws won't count student IDs from state colleges. Why? Because the purpose of the voter ID laws is to prevent students and African Americans from voting.

Is there no evil the Republican Party won't endorse?

my God, you're stupid.
How do the liberal dip shits up in arms about voter ID laws NOT understand that showing your ID in order to vote PREVENTS anyone from challenging your vote? They liberals of the past used to understand it. They considered it a badge of honor to show their ID when they voted, knowing that no one could then discount their vote.

I guess liberals got stupid.

Because a lot of Americans don't have IDs.

And the voter ID laws won't count student IDs from state colleges. Why? Because the purpose of the voter ID laws is to prevent students and African Americans from voting.

Is there no evil the Republican Party won't endorse?

my God, you're stupid.
Amazing, eh?

Oh well, that's youngin's these days......And a fine example of the state of our public school sytems.
How do the liberal dip shits up in arms about voter ID laws NOT understand that showing your ID in order to vote PREVENTS anyone from challenging your vote? They liberals of the past used to understand it. They considered it a badge of honor to show their ID when they voted, knowing that no one could then discount their vote.

I guess liberals got stupid.

Because a lot of Americans don't have IDs.

And the voter ID laws won't count student IDs from state colleges. Why? Because the purpose of the voter ID laws is to prevent students and African Americans from voting.

Is there no evil the Republican Party won't endorse?

The purpose of voter ID laws is to prevent voter fraud. I must have more faith in students and African Americans than you do, Chris. You for some reason seem to feel that "they" don't have the grey matter upstairs to figure out how to get themselves an ID so they can vote. Now I've gotten ID's in numerous States during my life time and it's never been very hard to do. Heck, I was even able to do it when "I" was a student. For some reason I didn't need my hand held...and that was before the dawn of the internet...which makes things a lot easier now.
The purpose of voter ID laws is to suppress the student and African American vote.

That's why Republicans are so hot for it.

Voter suppression is what they do.
How do the liberal dip shits up in arms about voter ID laws NOT understand that showing your ID in order to vote PREVENTS anyone from challenging your vote? They liberals of the past used to understand it. They considered it a badge of honor to show their ID when they voted, knowing that no one could then discount their vote.

I guess liberals got stupid.

Because a lot of Americans don't have IDs.

And the voter ID laws won't count student IDs from state colleges. Why? Because the purpose of the voter ID laws is to prevent students and African Americans from voting.

Is there no evil the Republican Party won't endorse?

The purpose of voter ID laws is to prevent voter fraud. I must have more faith in students and African Americans than you do, Chris. You for some reason seem to feel that "they" don't have the grey matter upstairs to figure out how to get themselves an ID so they can vote. Now I've gotten ID's in numerous States during my life time and it's never been very hard to do. Heck, I was even able to do it when "I" was a student. For some reason I didn't need my hand held...and that was before the dawn of the internet...which makes things a lot easier now.

There is no voter fraud.

Only voter suppression.
The purpose of voter ID laws is to suppress the student and African American vote.

That's why Republicans are so hot for it.

Voter suppression is what they do.
How so.........Why can't students and AA's get the required ID's?

Are they too stupid, or what?

Really Chris, it's not a monumental task to get a damn I.D....Millions of people have been doing it for years.

So, explain yourself.
WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.

Most of those charged have been Democrats, voting records show. Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules, a review of court records and interviews with prosecutors and defense lawyers show.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud - New York Times
A wave of voter suppression legislation is emerging from newly elected GOP governors and Republican legislators that would make it much more difficult for traditional Democratic constituencies to vote -- just in time for the 2012 election. About a dozen states are are actively considering legislation that would make voting much more difficult for college students, minorities, the elderly and the disabled. In some states, like Ohio, it is estimated that close to one million people would be affected by these changes.

An editorial in the New York Times linked this wave of voter suppression to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). On ALEC's website, there is a "Voter ID Act" link that is only accessible to members. But Campus Progress obtained a copy of the ALEC Voter ID Model Legislation that provides a roadmap to this coordinated assault on voter rights. Most of the bills being debated require a specific list of state-issued IDs to vote, like a birth certificate, or in Texas, a handgun license. Some end "same day" voter registration often used by students. In others, college student IDs are often not acceptable or other hurdles are created. College students were a key demographic in President Obama's successful 2008 campaign.

Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country | Center for Media and Democracy
Awwww, are we having a meltdown because someone may want to make illegals casting votes in American elections more difficult?.......
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- The estimated 178,000 South Carolina voters who don't have state-issued photo identification will be able to cast ballots in upcoming local elections despite a new ID law, according to an attorney general's opinion released Tuesday.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups are asking federal officials to reject the new law because they say it will disenfranchise the state's black and poor voters, who make up most of the registered voters without a photo ID.

There could be other snags in implementing the law even after the upcoming local elections. Andino said South Carolina won't be ready to launch a new voter registration system that prints pictures on voter cards until mid-October and doesn't plan to order the equipment needed until the U.S. Justice Department signs off on the voter identification requirements.

"We're waiting to find out if we get preclearance before we spend any money," Andino said.

A decision isn't expected before next week and it could take longer, depending on whether the Justice Department has additional questions, Andino said.

The opinion doesn't change how the ACLU feels about the law, said Victoria Middleton, executive director of the organization's South Carolina chapter.

"The voter ID law, even with this opinion, remains vague, and county boards of elections are still left a great deal of discretion in counting provisional ballots cast by voters without ID. This does nothing to alleviate concern that some people's votes won't count," Middleton said.

The federal government oversees changes in South Carolina's election laws because of the state's actions against black voters during the Civil Rights era.

The Justice Department has already asked for more details on the estimated 178,000 voters who do not have photo identification, Andino said. The state Election Commission created the list by comparing voter records and the Department of Motor Vehicles' driver's license and photo ID files.

APNewsBreak: SC voter ID can be briefly delayed - South Carolina & Regional - Wire -
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- The estimated 178,000 South Carolina voters who don't have state-issued photo identification will be able to cast ballots in upcoming local elections despite a new ID law, according to an attorney general's opinion released Tuesday.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups are asking federal officials to reject the new law because they say it will disenfranchise the state's black and poor voters, who make up most of the registered voters without a photo ID.

There could be other snags in implementing the law even after the upcoming local elections. Andino said South Carolina won't be ready to launch a new voter registration system that prints pictures on voter cards until mid-October and doesn't plan to order the equipment needed until the U.S. Justice Department signs off on the voter identification requirements.

"We're waiting to find out if we get preclearance before we spend any money," Andino said.

A decision isn't expected before next week and it could take longer, depending on whether the Justice Department has additional questions, Andino said.

The opinion doesn't change how the ACLU feels about the law, said Victoria Middleton, executive director of the organization's South Carolina chapter.

"The voter ID law, even with this opinion, remains vague, and county boards of elections are still left a great deal of discretion in counting provisional ballots cast by voters without ID. This does nothing to alleviate concern that some people's votes won't count," Middleton said.

The federal government oversees changes in South Carolina's election laws because of the state's actions against black voters during the Civil Rights era.

The Justice Department has already asked for more details on the estimated 178,000 voters who do not have photo identification, Andino said. The state Election Commission created the list by comparing voter records and the Department of Motor Vehicles' driver's license and photo ID files.

APNewsBreak: SC voter ID can be briefly delayed - South Carolina & Regional - Wire -

Why don't they have ID's ?
First, a very brief history lesson. There is no right to vote in the U.S. Constitution. In the nation's early years, many states restricted voting rights to white men who owned property. By the Civil War, most white men could vote whether they owned property or not. However, several places had literacy tests, poll taxes and religious tests, and most white women and minorities were prohibited from voting.

This has changed over the years. Amendments to the Constitution gave the right to vote to African-Americans and women, and various federal legislation helped ensure the voting rights of minorities.

On June 22, The Plain Dealer's editorial board came out against the ID proposal in Ohio:

Just as in the House, Sen. Keith Faber's committee approved the ID requirements with little notice and little input from critics -- such as the nonpartisan League of Women Voters -- or, even more troubling, from the local elections officials who will have to carry out the law. If they had done more fact-finding, they would have heard that there's no evidence of widespread vote fraud in Ohio -- a crime that's already a felony. During the House's sometimes emotional discussions of voter ID, the measure's two main sponsors, Reps. Louis Blessing and Robert Mecklenborg, both Cincinnati Republicans, repeatedly cited just one case -- that of a Hamilton County man who admitted voting twice. No wonder they said their proposal was designed to combat "the perception of voter fraud." It's a perception fueled by partisan fear-mongering, not by facts.

Voter ID proposal for Ohio 'dead,' but is it really out of the picture? A Closer Look |
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The purpose of voter ID laws is to suppress the student and African American vote.

That's why Republicans are so hot for it.

Voter suppression is what they do.

What's stopping students and blacks from obtaining an ID?

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

That is one of Truthdoesn'tmatter's claims that she's never given proof for. She believes it just because it was in a Teamster's blog, with no proof. That is proof enough for her, but in the real world there has been no proof of the claim that these DMV's were in Democrat districts.


Ok... just a hypothetical then... let's suppose for a minute that it is true. Are you Conservatives OK with that? Do you have the internal strength to defend liberty even when it's your side that's trying to fuck with it? I mean, let's put it this way... If a Democratic Governor was doing this in GOP districts, we'd never hear the end of it from your side. Hell, it seems our president can't ride around in a bus without getting shit about it.

So what say you... if it turns out to be true, will you stand up against that kind of bullshit?
Todd put up or shut up.

Go get some proof of what you claim

I can prove illegals vote.

Why do you have no problem with that?

Why do you want them to continue voting?

You have yet to prove illegals are voting and effecting elections in enough numbers to warrent the millions of tax payer dollars that these bills cost the people.

Funny none of these people on the right seem to mind you not answering questions.

I'm curious, TM...what numbers of illegals voting and effecting elections are you comfortable with? And your point is that we should allow this to happen because the "cost" is too high to stop it? That's an amazing stance...even for you.
To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

That is one of Truthdoesn'tmatter's claims that she's never given proof for. She believes it just because it was in a Teamster's blog, with no proof. That is proof enough for her, but in the real world there has been no proof of the claim that these DMV's were in Democrat districts.


Ok... just a hypothetical then... let's suppose for a minute that it is true. Are you Conservatives OK with that? Do you have the internal strength to defend liberty even when it's your side that's trying to fuck with it? I mean, let's put it this way... If a Democratic Governor was doing this in GOP districts, we'd never hear the end of it from your side. Hell, it seems our president can't ride around in a bus without getting shit about it.

So what say you... if it turns out to be true, will you stand up against that kind of bullshit?

Here's the problem. Not one of you can prove that it is true. I wonder why that is? If the link in the OP says it's true then they surely have some proof of this, no? It's just too bad that not one person can find this proof and post it here to shut all of us up.

I don't deal in the hypothetical, I deal in facts. And the fact don't support Truthdoesn'tmatter's claims. And when asked for proof of her claims she runs away with her tail between her legs only to come back later and try to ignore the requests for proof. She is a liar and it's been proven time and again.


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