Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along

yep, on that we agree. Voter fraud is far more likely to be committed by a Democrat and checking ID will cut down democrats voting early and voting often. Now democrats will get one vote just like everyone else.
To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

That is one of Truthdoesn'tmatter's claims that she's never given proof for. She believes it just because it was in a Teamster's blog, with no proof. That is proof enough for her, but in the real world there has been no proof of the claim that these DMV's were in Democrat districts.


Ok... just a hypothetical then... let's suppose for a minute that it is true. Are you Conservatives OK with that? Do you have the internal strength to defend liberty even when it's your side that's trying to fuck with it? I mean, let's put it this way... If a Democratic Governor was doing this in GOP districts, we'd never hear the end of it from your side. Hell, it seems our president can't ride around in a bus without getting shit about it.

So what say you... if it turns out to be true, will you stand up against that kind of bullshit? thing at a time.....

If it were true? Whoever is responsible should be reprimanded...if not arrested for compromising the integrity of our elections. I believe in our elections and I consider it privelage. I dont care who is responsible....the guy/gal deserves to be prosecuted.

However, there is nothing that implies it is true YET we are not hearing the end of I need to laugh a bit when you say if a democratic governor was doing it we woiuldnt hear the end of it. for the bus tour....Freaking GWB couldnt fly over NO after Katrina without the left making a big deal about if you think the bus tour thing is unique, you are sadly mistken.

You I see it....our politicians have successfully taken the burden off of themselves and passed it along to us. They have we, the people, fighting their childish battles for them...and in the meantime, those selfish assholes have great salaries, unbelievable vacation time, exemptions from many laws we, the people must follow, health benefits matched by none, and pensions for life that many of us would sell our souls for...and all at our expense.

And here we are.....acting like children fighting their battles for them....arguing over bus tours and Elvis Preselys death anniversary.

It is pathetic.
the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along

yep, on that we agree. Voter fraud is far more likely to be committed by a Democrat and checking ID will cut down democrats voting early and voting often. Now democrats will get one vote just like everyone else.

Quite frankly, the fact that in the past someone has been able to walk up to a polling station and cast their vote WITHOUT a valid ID is what should have people upset. You need valid ID to buy beer at the local 7/11 and that's fine...but it's a "travesty" that you're going to be required to have a valid ID when you go to choose who leads our country?
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I can prove illegals vote.

Why do you have no problem with that?

Why do you want them to continue voting?

You have yet to prove illegals are voting and effecting elections in enough numbers to warrent the millions of tax payer dollars that these bills cost the people.

Funny none of these people on the right seem to mind you not answering questions.

I'm curious, TM...what numbers of illegals voting and effecting elections are you comfortable with? And your point is that we should allow this to happen because the "cost" is too high to stop it? That's an amazing stance...even for you.

If one can get away with it and he tells his friend, then two will do it next time...and the two of them tell their ten friends eahc and 22 will do it the time after that.
the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along

yep, on that we agree. Voter fraud is far more likely to be committed by a Democrat and checking ID will cut down democrats voting early and voting often. Now democrats will get one vote just like everyone else.

Quite frankly, the fact that in the past someone has been able to walk up to a polling station and cast their vote WITHOUT a valid ID is what should have people upset. You need valid ID to buy beer at the local 7/11 and that's fine...but it's a "travesty" that you're going to be required to have a valid ID when you go to choose who leads our country? brand new democracies, people had to have their fingers dipped in ink to avoid people cheating.

But here in the US...where it is law to carry an ID at all is considered an "inconvenience" to pull it out of your wallet to show it at a polling place.

LOL...I guess people are following Obamas lead. All he had to do was pull his BC ouyt of his wallet 3 years ago and it would have been a dead issue....but he found that to be too inconvenient to do.

And no...I am not a birther...I just found it funny that he found it too inconvenient to pull it out of his wallet.
To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

That is one of Truthdoesn'tmatter's claims that she's never given proof for. She believes it just because it was in a Teamster's blog, with no proof. That is proof enough for her, but in the real world there has been no proof of the claim that these DMV's were in Democrat districts.


Ok... just a hypothetical then... let's suppose for a minute that it is true. Are you Conservatives OK with that? Do you have the internal strength to defend liberty even when it's your side that's trying to fuck with it? I mean, let's put it this way... If a Democratic Governor was doing this in GOP districts, we'd never hear the end of it from your side. Hell, it seems our president can't ride around in a bus without getting shit about it.

So what say you... if it turns out to be true, will you stand up against that kind of bullshit?

If it were true that those offices were being shut down in areas that served mostly Democrats and it was apparent that this was being done in order to interfere with the abilities of low income people from obtaining an ID so that they could exercise their right to vote, I would be extremely angry and I would be more than happy to sign the petition for recall. It would not even have to be apparent, it would just have to smell of it.

TDM has provided no evidence that this is true in over 800 posts despite being asked to by me and several other posters dozens of times. In fact, Gov. Walker did the right thing when the plan was made public and it received the negative reaction it received. He revised his plan. He actually listened to the people! That in itself is damned amazing!

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WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.

Most of those charged have been Democrats, voting records show. Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules, a review of court records and interviews with prosecutors and defense lawyers show.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud - New York Times

There was no evidence about terrorists prior to 9/11, and look how that turned out.
If these laws were indeed helping secure the voting system then why are they only supported by the party that has a decades long history of working to keep legal American voters from voting to win elections?
WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.

Most of those charged have been Democrats, voting records show. Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules, a review of court records and interviews with prosecutors and defense lawyers show.

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud - New York Times

There was no evidence about terrorists prior to 9/11, and look how that turned out.

NO there was evidence for terrorist befoire 911 your Bush admin just ignored it until we got hit.
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- The estimated 178,000 South Carolina voters who don't have state-issued photo identification will be able to cast ballots in upcoming local elections despite a new ID law, according to an attorney general's opinion released Tuesday.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups are asking federal officials to reject the new law because they say it will disenfranchise the state's black and poor voters, who make up most of the registered voters without a photo ID.

There could be other snags in implementing the law even after the upcoming local elections. Andino said South Carolina won't be ready to launch a new voter registration system that prints pictures on voter cards until mid-October and doesn't plan to order the equipment needed until the U.S. Justice Department signs off on the voter identification requirements.

"We're waiting to find out if we get preclearance before we spend any money," Andino said.

A decision isn't expected before next week and it could take longer, depending on whether the Justice Department has additional questions, Andino said.

The opinion doesn't change how the ACLU feels about the law, said Victoria Middleton, executive director of the organization's South Carolina chapter.

"The voter ID law, even with this opinion, remains vague, and county boards of elections are still left a great deal of discretion in counting provisional ballots cast by voters without ID. This does nothing to alleviate concern that some people's votes won't count," Middleton said.

The federal government oversees changes in South Carolina's election laws because of the state's actions against black voters during the Civil Rights era.

The Justice Department has already asked for more details on the estimated 178,000 voters who do not have photo identification, Andino said. The state Election Commission created the list by comparing voter records and the Department of Motor Vehicles' driver's license and photo ID files.

APNewsBreak: SC voter ID can be briefly delayed - South Carolina & Regional - Wire -

Why don't they have ID's ?

Chris thinks it's because they are too stupid, and he hates them.
Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US - CNN

The following is a transcript of the August 6, 2001, presidential daily briefing entitled Bin Laden determined to strike in US. Parts of the original document were not made public by the White House for security reasons.

Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Laden implied in U.S. television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America."
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Hey Truthdoesn'tmatter, we're still waiting for you to prove your false claims (lies) in this thread.

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that the DMV's were in Democrat districts?

Prove your claims.

If these laws were indeed helping secure the voting system then why are they only supported by the party that has a decades long history of working to keep legal American voters from voting to win elections?

Why do you think black people, poor people, students and the elderly are all too stupid to get ID?

Why do you hate black people, poor people, students and the elderly?

Are ALL black people, poor people, students and the elderly Democrats?
Hey Truthdoesn'tmatter, we're still waiting for you to prove your false claims (lies) in this thread.

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that the DMV's were in Democrat districts?

Prove your claims.


:eusa_shhh: She's busy trying to change the subject.
Hey Truthdoesn'tmatter, we're still waiting for you to prove your false claims (lies) in this thread.

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that the DMV's were in Democrat districts?

Prove your claims.


There is ample evidence you just pretend it doesnt exist.
If these laws were indeed helping secure the voting system then why are they only supported by the party that has a decades long history of working to keep legal American voters from voting to win elections?

Why don't the Democrats support a law intended to stop illegals from voting?

Is it because they have a decades long history of working to get illegal votes?

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