Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Truthdoesn'tmatter, why do you insist on ignoring anything that proves you wrong?

Even your own links prove that you have no idea what you're talking about, yet you claim that they are evidence that backs you up.

Try reading for comprehension instead of just coming here and posting the items that you're instructed to post from someone else.

Maybe if you actually read your links you'd know that the people who instruct you to post them are liars and are making you look like a fool.

The Eagleton Institute research relied on data from 2004, before some of the toughest ID laws were passed. It shows that as requirements stiffen — from stating a name to signing it to presenting documentation — turnout drops slightly. The researchers considered other factors, including contested elections, registration requirements, race, ethnicity, age, education and income. They used a 2004 Census Bureau survey to determine racial and ethnic breakdowns.

"It validates some of the things that have been said all along about the problems of voter ID," said Kimball Brace of Election Data Services. Taken together with the earlier research by Tova Wang and Job Serebrov that found little evidence of voter fraud at polling places, it shows voter ID laws can have more of a negative than a positive impact, Brace said.


More opinion and no links to support where you got this from.

Note the word "can".

Not evidence.

Wisconsin DMV Tells Boy His Bank Account Doesn

A video has surfaced of a boy trying to get one of the new Wisconsin Voter IDs that were ushered in by the signing of new a voting law in the state. Shot by the boy's mother with the clear intention of indicting the process, the video shows the pair going from station to station at the DMV, asking all of the right questions as to why there are so many hurdles to acquiring this constitutionally guaranteed ID card.

It is a shame the video is not edited more briskly -- at almost ten minutes in length its viral spread will certainly be thwarted -- but it nonetheless lends itself to breath-holding drama because of this fact.

The first station clerk determines that the boy's bank account does not display enough "activity" to constitute a proof of address form. This is not only absurd ("does he use it?") but a clear privacy infringement as is the follow up question of whether or not the account is of the "checking" or "savings" variety. "Oh, it's just a savings," the clerk remarks. The mother throws a subtle jab, countering that "he's unemployed."


Do you really insist on showing how utterly stupid one person can be? None of what you've posted feverishly in the last 10 minutes has been evidence of any of your claims.

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these DMV's are in Democrat districts?


She's looping.

Rob's blog?

I have not watched the video. One person's trouble with obtaining an id is not evidence. Also, if I did watch the video, would I find that the woman was aggressive or downright rude towards the clerk?

And after finally completing the endeavor, they were told to pay $28 (a poll tax?) even though the Voter ID's are supposed to be completely free.

That sentence bothers me. I have always stated that the ID's should be free and still believe that.

None of this is evidence of what you claimed in the OP, TDM.

So, now she's going to go back and get each and every opinion piece that she's posted throughout this thread. All of them have been discredited, but she ignores that because it doesn't fit her agenda.

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these DMV's are in Democrat districts?

Wisconsin DMV Tells Boy His Bank Account Doesn

A video has surfaced of a boy trying to get one of the new Wisconsin Voter IDs that were ushered in by the signing of new a voting law in the state. Shot by the boy's mother with the clear intention of indicting the process, the video shows the pair going from station to station at the DMV, asking all of the right questions as to why there are so many hurdles to acquiring this constitutionally guaranteed ID card.

It is a shame the video is not edited more briskly -- at almost ten minutes in length its viral spread will certainly be thwarted -- but it nonetheless lends itself to breath-holding drama because of this fact.

The first station clerk determines that the boy's bank account does not display enough "activity" to constitute a proof of address form. This is not only absurd ("does he use it?") but a clear privacy infringement as is the follow up question of whether or not the account is of the "checking" or "savings" variety. "Oh, it's just a savings," the clerk remarks. The mother throws a subtle jab, countering that "he's unemployed."


Same event as the one from Rob's blog.

Not evidence of your false claims.

New avatar idea for TM.....

So you just saw that study for the first time?

you have been ignoring the evidence havent you
Why do Chris and TM hate black people, students, poor people and the elderly?

Why do Chris and TM think black people, students, poor people and the elderly are too stupid to get proper ID?

Why do Chris and TM think black people, students, poor people and the elderly are all Democrats?

Why do Chris and TM think anyone should be able to vote in a US election, without proving they are eligible?

Why do Chris and TM not want the votes of US citizens to be unchallengeable?

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