Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

It seems that TNM has never heard of the Bradley Effect.

The Bradley effect theorizes that the inaccurate polls were skewed by the phenomenon of social desirability bias.[7][8] Specifically, some white voters give inaccurate polling responses for fear that, by stating their true preference, they will open themselves to criticism of racial motivation. Members of the public may feel under pressure to provide an answer that is deemed to be more publicly acceptable, or 'politically correct'. The reluctance to give accurate polling answers has sometimes extended to post-election exit polls as well. The race of the pollster conducting the interview may factor in to voters' answers.

Bradley effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or the Royko Effect.

The son of a taxi driver, Royko wrote from a common man's perspective, specializing in City Hall corruption, a wistful love of the Chicago Cubs and a gritty lifting up of the multicultural neighborhoods from which he came.

One election year before the Illinois primary, Royko, angry with television stations calling winners before people finished voting, suggested readers do one simple thing when asked questions by pollsters: lie.

Screw up the whole television prediction game. For example, if on Saturday a pollster asks who you plan to support as you head into a Democratic caucus site, you say Obama if you like Clinton and Clinton if you like Obama.

Networks botch exit polls again - Opinion -

Tired of election-day exit polls that "project" winners, Chicago columnist Mike Royko urged his readers to lie to anyone asking how they had voted in the Illinois presidential primary. It would, he wrote, be "a good lie, a worthwhile lie, a lie that will put bounce in your step and a giggle in your voice and make you feel wonderful."

Picks and Pans Review: How Many People Think This Was a Good Idea? :
Did you ever think that people lie in an exit poll?

I have.

I always lie in exit polls because I don't believe it's anyones business but my own. I would bet that more Conservatives feel as I do. Maybe that's what skews the results more in red states.
Exit polls are the major way to detect fraud

By lying you are distroying our ability to detect election fraud.

If you wanted to catch election fraud you dont lie to pollsters
You pretend to care about election fraud and then purposely try to distroy one of our best tools to detect it?

How could you be so stupid?
And if you don't want early releasing of exit poll results to change the course of voting, lie to the exit pollsters. They'll eventually give up, and go away.
Why is it our country cant get exit polling right?

Is everyone else just better at exit polling than us?

Or is it that we are becoming the laughing stock of the world due to the massive cheating in elections that the republican party has done since 1988?

Why should we worry about getting exit polls right? The only purpose of exit polls is so the media has something to talk about on election day before the polls close. Exit polls are as irrelevant, meaningless, stupid and useless as you.
Exit polls are the major way to detect fraud

By lying you are distroying our ability to detect election fraud.

If you wanted to catch election fraud you dont lie to pollsters

The best ways to stop election fraud would include voter ID, regulary purging the voter rolls and dipping your finger in ink after you vote.

Telling some liberal maggot outside the polling place who you voted for wouldn't even make the top 100 best ideas to curb fraud.
If it were republicans lying in the polls then the result would be the opposite of what you see here

Try to follow.

100 voters, 49 Dems and 51 Republicans, vote in a precinct.
All 100 stop and talk to the idiot liberal conducting the exit poll.

49 Dems say, I vote for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

41 Republicans say they voted for the Republican.

10 Republicans lie and say they also voted for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

Exit poll results, Dem 59 votes, Republican 41 votes.
Actual result, Republican 51 votes, Dem 49 votes.
OMG! The fraud is terrible in this district. Get the Justice Department to investigate.

I blame Cheney!!!

I'm not sure that 10 Reps would claim to have voted for the Dem. Maybe 5 would and the other 5 would probably say,"None of your f'ing business, asshole" and the pollsters would assume they were Democrats.
tod you dont have a shred of integrity do you?

Exit polls are the standard barrer for keeping elections clean.

Some one has told you it would be a great idea to lie in them, why?

To hide the fraud
tod you dont have a shred of integrity do you?

Exit polls are the standard barrer for keeping elections clean.

Some one has told you it would be a great idea to lie in them, why?

To hide the fraud

Exit polls are useless. What is the participation rate?
Break it down by party.
I'll wait.
It seems that TNM has never heard of the Bradley Effect.

The Bradley effect theorizes that the inaccurate polls were skewed by the phenomenon of social desirability bias.[7][8] Specifically, some white voters give inaccurate polling responses for fear that, by stating their true preference, they will open themselves to criticism of racial motivation. Members of the public may feel under pressure to provide an answer that is deemed to be more publicly acceptable, or 'politically correct'. The reluctance to give accurate polling answers has sometimes extended to post-election exit polls as well. The race of the pollster conducting the interview may factor in to voters' answers.

Bradley effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or the Royko Effect.

The son of a taxi driver, Royko wrote from a common man's perspective, specializing in City Hall corruption, a wistful love of the Chicago Cubs and a gritty lifting up of the multicultural neighborhoods from which he came.

One election year before the Illinois primary, Royko, angry with television stations calling winners before people finished voting, suggested readers do one simple thing when asked questions by pollsters: lie.

Screw up the whole television prediction game. For example, if on Saturday a pollster asks who you plan to support as you head into a Democratic caucus site, you say Obama if you like Clinton and Clinton if you like Obama.

Networks botch exit polls again - Opinion -

Tired of election-day exit polls that "project" winners, Chicago columnist Mike Royko urged his readers to lie to anyone asking how they had voted in the Illinois presidential primary. It would, he wrote, be "a good lie, a worthwhile lie, a lie that will put bounce in your step and a giggle in your voice and make you feel wonderful."

Picks and Pans Review: How Many People Think This Was a Good Idea? :

So you walk out of your precinct and exit polling is being conducted by these 2:


Who did you vote for?
Exit polls are the major way to detect fraud

By lying you are distroying our ability to detect election fraud.

If you wanted to catch election fraud you dont lie to pollsters

Exit polls are no more than crap to fill time with before results are tabulated. The only data that matters is vote totals.
So you just desided that and ignore the fact that the entire world uses them as the number one indicator of stolen elections?
Exit poll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exit polls are also used to collect demographic data about voters and to find out why they voted as they did. Since actual votes are cast anonymously, polling is the only way of collecting this information.

Exit polls have historically and throughout the world been used as a check against and rough indicator of the degree of election fraud. Some examples of this include the Venezuelan recall referendum, 2004, and the Ukrainian presidential election, 2004.
In the United States, the National Election Pool (NEP) consists of ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, FOX News, and NBC conduct a joint election exit poll. Since 2004 this exit poll has been conducted for the NEP by Edison Media Research.

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