Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Exit polls are unreliable and are becoming even more so. In some cases it is because the turn out AFTER the poll is done is higher and the demographics have changed. In others it is because people simply did not tell the truth.

There is no credible evidence that exit polls reflect the voting occurring as evidenced by the fact they are WRONG.
How many people would lie in an exit poll to create these results?

That is utter conjecture and bullshit
In the 288 state elections which were exit polled, 240 shifted from the exit poll to the Republican and 48 shifted to the Democrat. The average 3% margin of error was exceeded in 113 elections. One would expect an approximately equal shift. The one-sided red-shift to the Republican implies that the exit polls were incorrect or the votes were miscounted. It could not have been due to chance. But we have 288 exit polls, not just a few. Exit polls are known to be quite accurate – outside the USA.
Why is it our country cant get exit polling right?

Is everyone else just better at exit polling than us?

Or is it that we are becoming the laughing stock of the world due to the massive cheating in elections that the republican party has done since 1988?
There is NO place to hide this information.

This information is the life blood of this country.

when republicans cheat this badly it will come home to roost on your party.
Footprints: 1988-2008 State Exit Poll Discrepancies

In 2008, the exit poll discrepancies (10.6 WPD) were substantially greater than in other elections. The True Vote Model (TVM) exactly matched Obama’s 58.1% aggregate share of the unadjusted state exit polls – a 23 million vote margin. In 45 states there was a red-shift from the exit poll to the vote in favor of McCain. The 3.0% exit poll margin of error was exceeded in 37 states, all but one for McCain. Obama’s landslide margin was much greater than the 9.5 million recorded.

Within Precinct Error (WPE) is the difference between the unadjusted exit poll and recorded vote margins. “Error” implies that the exit polls were wrong and the election was fraud-free . But millions of votes are uncounted in every election (nearly 11 million in 1988 and 4 million in 2004). Therefore, it is more accurate to refer to Within Precinct Discrepancy (WPD). A positive WPD indicates that the vote shift favored the GOP; a negative WPD favored the Democrat. In 2004, Kerry won the state exit polls by 52-47% but lost the recorded vote by 50.7-48.3%, a WPD of 7.4%. The Final National Exit Poll is always forced to match the recorded vote.

113 of 288 Exit Polls Exceed the Margin of Error

When a long haired maggot stands outside my polling place and asks who I voted for, it's obvious I'm going to tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
If it were republicans lying in the polls then the result would be the oppisite of what yuou see here
If it were republicans lying in the polls then the result would be the opposite of what you see here
How many people would lie in an exit poll to create these results?

That is utter conjecture and bullshit

Conservatives are usually rushing from the polling place to get to work.

Unemployed Libs are more likely to stay and chat with the poll taker, they're in no hurry to get back home and watch their soap operas.
There is NO place to hide this information.

This information is the life blood of this country.

when republicans cheat this badly it will come home to roost on your party.

sorry obama were just not going anywhere. America gives obama that let's be friend after the breakup talk.
If it were republicans lying in the polls then the result would be the opposite of what you see here

Try to follow.

100 voters, 49 Dems and 51 Republicans, vote in a precinct.
All 100 stop and talk to the idiot liberal conducting the exit poll.

49 Dems say, I vote for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

41 Republicans say they voted for the Republican.

10 Republicans lie and say they also voted for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

Exit poll results, Dem 59 votes, Republican 41 votes.
Actual result, Republican 51 votes, Dem 49 votes.
OMG! The fraud is terrible in this district. Get the Justice Department to investigate.

I blame Cheney!!!
If it were republicans lying in the polls then the result would be the opposite of what you see here

Try to follow.

100 voters, 49 Dems and 51 Republicans, vote in a precinct.
All 100 stop and talk to the idiot liberal conducting the exit poll.

49 Dems say, I vote for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

41 Republicans say they voted for the Republican.

10 Republicans lie and say they also voted for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

Exit poll results, Dem 59 votes, Republican 41 votes.
Actual result, Republican 51 votes, Dem 49 votes.
OMG! The fraud is terrible in this district. Get the Justice Department to investigate.

I blame Cheney!!!
I make it a point to lie in every phone poll and exit poll I take.
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