Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

If it were republicans lying in the polls then the result would be the opposite of what you see here

Try to follow.

100 voters, 49 Dems and 51 Republicans, vote in a precinct.
All 100 stop and talk to the idiot liberal conducting the exit poll.

49 Dems say, I vote for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

41 Republicans say they voted for the Republican.

10 Republicans lie and say they also voted for the Dem, Bushchimpy McHitler!

Exit poll results, Dem 59 votes, Republican 41 votes.
Actual result, Republican 51 votes, Dem 49 votes.
OMG! The fraud is terrible in this district. Get the Justice Department to investigate.

I blame Cheney!!!

Why is it that you think so many republicans are liars?
Why have the exit polls in this country ALONE all of the sudden are no longer reliable?

Why does that correlate with casns sayoing they like to lie to pollsters?

when did it become fashionable to LIE in cons minds and why?

Who told you you needed to lie to pollsters?

Exit polls have never been reliable, why is that important to you? they don't require an ID, they just stand outside of a polling place and ask people who they voted for after they voted, that's it. It's not the vote it's just a question. The vote isn't over until the fat lady sings on election night and the ballots have been counted.
Why have the exit polls in this country ALONE all of the sudden are no longer reliable?

Why does that correlate with casns sayoing they like to lie to pollsters?

when did it become fashionable to LIE in cons minds and why?

Who told you you needed to lie to pollsters?

Exit polls have never been reliable, why is that important to you? they don't require an ID, they just stand outside of a polling place and ask people who they voted for after they voted, that's it. It's not the vote it's just a question. The vote isn't over until the fat lady sings on election night and the ballots have been counted.


they used to be VERY reliable.

since 1988 they have not been.

ONLY in the US
This information seems to scare the SHIT out of some people

It doesn't scare me at all, but I do think it wise to have a valid state issued Id so we know who you are, how old you are and if you are leagal to vote. That's it. I don't want illegals or foreigners electing any of my politicians., they don't pay taxes here, they have no skin in the game, so therefore, they have no say. I don't go to their countries and expect to vote in their elections, so don't come to mine and expect to vote in mine.
Why have the exit polls in this country ALONE all of the sudden are no longer reliable?

Why does that correlate with casns sayoing they like to lie to pollsters?

when did it become fashionable to LIE in cons minds and why?

Who told you you needed to lie to pollsters?

Exit polls have never been reliable, why is that important to you? they don't require an ID, they just stand outside of a polling place and ask people who they voted for after they voted, that's it. It's not the vote it's just a question. The vote isn't over until the fat lady sings on election night and the ballots have been counted.


they used to be VERY reliable.

since 1988 they have not been.

ONLY in the US

Not ONLY in the US, Corky, or will you ignore this again?

Well, this should blow your theory that foreign polling is always accurate out of the water.

Reason 3: Indians are compulsive liars

Chandan Mitra in his column in the Daily Pioneer wrote: I have often expressed my deep skepticism about opinion polls, although I must admit that they do make compelling reading or viewing. Rarely have these cursory sample surveys, usually churned out by a host of fly-by-night operators, turned out accurate. There are a variety of reasons why opinion polls serve no other purpose than provide artificial excitement to politicians and journalists. These polls usually fail to reflect the eventual outcome because, among other things, Indians are compulsive liars. We refuse to divulge our preferences in public, so much so that people come out of a polling booth and still lie about whom they voted for! Ours is the only country where even exit polls are routinely known to go wrong. International polling organizations of repute, such as Gallup, are yet to set up shop in India despite ours being the world's biggest democracy and the business prospect of roping in a plethora of media houses as clients ought to be attractive. Such firms only provide technical consultancy to some polling or market research outfits, but baulk at the thought of accepting full responsibility for the outcome.

Sakshi Times - Exit Polls: Are we (Indians) liars or is our methodology wrong?
Electoral fraud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Statistical indicators

Various forms of statistics can be indicators for election fraud e.g. exit polls which diverge from the final results. Well-conducted exit polls serve as a deterrent to electoral fraud. However, exit polls are still notoriously imprecise. For instance, in the Czech Republic, some voters are afraid or ashamed to admit that they voted for the Communist Party (exit polls in 2002 gave the Communist party 2-3 percentage points less than the actual result).

When elections are marred by ballot-box stuffing (e.g., the Armenian presidential elections of 1996 and 1998), the affected polling stations will show abnormally high voter turnouts with results favoring a single candidate. By graphing the number of votes against turnout percentage (i.e., aggregating polling stations results within a given turnout range), the divergence from bell-curve distribution gives an indication of the extent of the fraud.[20] Stuffing votes in favor of a single candidate affects votes vs. turnout distributions for that candidate and other candidates differently; this difference could be used to quantitatively assess the amount of votes stuffed. Also, these distributions sometimes exhibit spikes at round-number turnout percentage values.[21][22] High numbers of invalid ballots, overvoting or undervoting are other potential indicators.
Electoral fraud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Statistical indicators

Various forms of statistics can be indicators for election fraud e.g. exit polls which diverge from the final results. Well-conducted exit polls serve as a deterrent to electoral fraud. However, exit polls are still notoriously imprecise. For instance, in the Czech Republic, some voters are afraid or ashamed to admit that they voted for the Communist Party (exit polls in 2002 gave the Communist party 2-3 percentage points less than the actual result).

When elections are marred by ballot-box stuffing (e.g., the Armenian presidential elections of 1996 and 1998), the affected polling stations will show abnormally high voter turnouts with results favoring a single candidate. By graphing the number of votes against turnout percentage (i.e., aggregating polling stations results within a given turnout range), the divergence from bell-curve distribution gives an indication of the extent of the fraud.[20] Stuffing votes in favor of a single candidate affects votes vs. turnout distributions for that candidate and other candidates differently; this difference could be used to quantitatively assess the amount of votes stuffed. Also, these distributions sometimes exhibit spikes at round-number turnout percentage values.[21][22] High numbers of invalid ballots, overvoting or undervoting are other potential indicators.

Do you even bother to read what you post??
The right pretends they care about elections.

they only care about winning no matter what their party does to this countries election integrity
This information seems to scare the SHIT out of some people

It doesn't scare me at all, but I do think it wise to have a valid state issued Id so we know who you are, how old you are and if you are leagal to vote. That's it. I don't want illegals or foreigners electing any of my politicians., they don't pay taxes here, they have no skin in the game, so therefore, they have no say. I don't go to their countries and expect to vote in their elections, so don't come to mine and expect to vote in mine.

The only person it 'scares the shit out of' is TruthDon'tMatter. Liars are afraid of the truth.
why are the exit poll numbers problematic in this country since 1988?

For a variety of reasons. In my case, when I lived in Chicago, I always said I voted straight Democrat, even though I would split the votes depending on who was running in individual races. Why? Because the alderman in my ward was a Democrat, and if he found out you voted for a Republican or an Independent, you would have an extremely hard time getting any services from his office, and you can forget about getting a permit for a block party or a parade. And if he got really upset, your garbage might get "accidentally" missed for a few pick-up days. And strangely enough, you would get an abandoned vehicle ticket on your car, even if you just parked it an hour ago. Then you have to go to the precinct station to get it voided.

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