try to convince me it was anything other than the official story.


look. still no explosives!!! :cuckoo:
what would make you think this was proof of no explosives this shows nothing but the facade it does not speak to what has happened to the massive structure within this lack of depth in thinking no wonder you believe as you do...and I thought this thread was about proving the official story invalid and that's been done

look again. STILL no explosives!!! :cuckoo:

no explosions. :cuckoo:

you can see the building buckle. :cuckoo:

the massive structure within is ON FIRE. :cuckoo:

your theories of explosives are now official dead. they just dont exist. :cuckoo:
OK your cracking up..time to take a are going candycornhole on us

if you can look at that video and still think that explosives were used to bring down the towers you are delusional, in denial, unable to comprehend logic and simply and idiot.

while i commend you on your faithfulness to your ideals, you simply are defending something that obviously does not exist. the building buckled and collapsed. no explosions.

perhaps its time to move on to some other conspiracy theories. personally, i like the ones involving saddam being involved in the oklahoma city bombing. since i was in cebu and actually got to check out some of the info myself i was actually quite impressed with this scenario and thought it deserved more investigation.

remind me to tell you how i met mahammed atta in a bar in pampanga philippines sometime. its actually a interesting story. still wish i would have punched him in the nose.
OK your cracking up..time to take a are going candycornhole on us

if you can look at that video and still think that explosives were used to bring down the towers you are delusional, in denial, unable to comprehend logic and simply and idiot.

while i commend you on your faithfulness to your ideals, you simply are defending something that obviously does not exist. the building buckled and collapsed. no explosions.

perhaps its time to move on to some other conspiracy theories. personally, i like the ones involving saddam being involved in the oklahoma city bombing. since i was in cebu and actually got to check out some of the info myself i was actually quite impressed with this scenario and thought it deserved more investigation.

remind me to tell you how i met mahammed atta in a bar in pampanga philippines sometime. its actually a interesting story. still wish i would have punched him in the nose.

really do your self a favour take the blue pill and go watch some football..

OK your cracking up..time to take a are going candycornhole on us

if you can look at that video and still think that explosives were used to bring down the towers you are delusional, in denial, unable to comprehend logic and simply and idiot.

while i commend you on your faithfulness to your ideals, you simply are defending something that obviously does not exist. the building buckled and collapsed. no explosions.

perhaps its time to move on to some other conspiracy theories. personally, i like the ones involving saddam being involved in the oklahoma city bombing. since i was in cebu and actually got to check out some of the info myself i was actually quite impressed with this scenario and thought it deserved more investigation.

remind me to tell you how i met mahammed atta in a bar in pampanga philippines sometime. its actually a interesting story. still wish i would have punched him in the nose.

really do your self a favour take the blue pill and go watch some football..

you are too fucking stupid
look where the fires were compared to where she was, look at the direction of the smoke from those fires
the fires were behind her and the wind was blowing in towards her
damn you guys will grasp at anything and try to twist it
a very minor difference

A very major difference. Non alloy steel "melts" at about 2400 deg F. any alloy of steel will tolorate much higher temps before failing. Non alloy steel loses about half its strength at around 1400 deg F.

Jet fuel ignites in regular air at about 410 deg F. With a concentration of oxygen it can burn much hotter. That did not occur in the trade centers. The only way to concentrate the oxygen would be to add it to the combustion by chemical proccess, preasurizing the combustion chamber as in tubocharging or fan compression or a direct infusion of pure oxygen. None of those proccesses were available.

I don't care how much you want to believe this or that theory. It was not physically possible for the jet fuel to weaken the steel enough to cause it to fail. Period!
if it "loses HALF its strength" at 1400° then at what temp does it START to lose its strength?
like how hot would it need to be to lose 10% of its structural integrity?
and since it is known that the temps from a jet fuel fire can reach temps in excess of 2000° it is very possible the temps got more than high enough

Pay attention I'm getting tired of trying to school you. I know what I am talking about and you do not. Period!

Half its strength is still very strong. A 1 foot wide by 2 ft high I beam with a 1 inch thickness made of mild steel can easily support a load in the hundreds of thousands of pounds in the middle of a 20 ft span. shear is approximately 10,000 lbs per sq in. You do the math. Alloys are stronger. Half the strength is way more than needed. Vertically the same beam can support millions of pounds.

I though I was clear that jet fuel does not reach temps anywhere 2000 deg. You could not get jet fuel to burn at anything higher than between 500 deg F. and 1000 deg F in the open like how the fires were in those buildings. To get higher temps you need added oxygen. Also the fuel in the buildings burned off in a couple of minutes. You would have to heat those beams with a steady fire of over 2000 deg right on the steel ...not feet away but right on it for over a couple of hours to get the steel to raise in temp even up to 5 or
600 degs.

You need to be trying to fool someone else. I weld and bend steel almost everyday.
A very major difference. Non alloy steel "melts" at about 2400 deg F. any alloy of steel will tolorate much higher temps before failing. Non alloy steel loses about half its strength at around 1400 deg F.

Jet fuel ignites in regular air at about 410 deg F. With a concentration of oxygen it can burn much hotter. That did not occur in the trade centers. The only way to concentrate the oxygen would be to add it to the combustion by chemical proccess, preasurizing the combustion chamber as in tubocharging or fan compression or a direct infusion of pure oxygen. None of those proccesses were available.

I don't care how much you want to believe this or that theory. It was not physically possible for the jet fuel to weaken the steel enough to cause it to fail. Period!
if it "loses HALF its strength" at 1400° then at what temp does it START to lose its strength?
like how hot would it need to be to lose 10% of its structural integrity?
and since it is known that the temps from a jet fuel fire can reach temps in excess of 2000° it is very possible the temps got more than high enough

Pay attention I'm getting tired of trying to school you. I know what I am talking about and you do not. Period!

Half its strength is still very strong. A 1 foot wide by 2 ft high I beam with a 1 inch thickness made of mild steel can easily support a load in the hundreds of thousands of pounds in the middle of a 20 ft span. shear is approximately 10,000 lbs per sq in. You do the math. Alloys are stronger. Half the strength is way more than needed. Vertically the same beam can support millions of pounds.

I though I was clear that jet fuel does not reach temps anywhere 2000 deg. You could not get jet fuel to burn at anything higher than between 500 deg F. and 1000 deg F in the open like how the fires were in those buildings. To get higher temps you need added oxygen. Also the fuel in the buildings burned off in a couple of minutes. You would have to heat those beams with a steady fire of over 2000 deg right on the steel ...not feet away but right on it for over a couple of hours to get the steel to raise in temp even up to 5 or
600 degs.

You need to be trying to fool someone else. I weld and bend steel almost everyday.
sure ya do
you are a fucking idito that owns a restaurant
at least that's what you've claimed before
so fuck of moron
if it "loses HALF its strength" at 1400° then at what temp does it START to lose its strength?
like how hot would it need to be to lose 10% of its structural integrity?
and since it is known that the temps from a jet fuel fire can reach temps in excess of 2000° it is very possible the temps got more than high enough

Pay attention I'm getting tired of trying to school you. I know what I am talking about and you do not. Period!

Half its strength is still very strong. A 1 foot wide by 2 ft high I beam with a 1 inch thickness made of mild steel can easily support a load in the hundreds of thousands of pounds in the middle of a 20 ft span. shear is approximately 10,000 lbs per sq in. You do the math. Alloys are stronger. Half the strength is way more than needed. Vertically the same beam can support millions of pounds.

I though I was clear that jet fuel does not reach temps anywhere 2000 deg. You could not get jet fuel to burn at anything higher than between 500 deg F. and 1000 deg F in the open like how the fires were in those buildings. To get higher temps you need added oxygen. Also the fuel in the buildings burned off in a couple of minutes. You would have to heat those beams with a steady fire of over 2000 deg right on the steel ...not feet away but right on it for over a couple of hours to get the steel to raise in temp even up to 5 or
600 degs.

You need to be trying to fool someone else. I weld and bend steel almost everyday.
sure ya do
you are a fucking idito that owns a restaurant
at least that's what you've claimed before
so fuck of moron

No you fuck off nitwit. I never said I own a restaurANT
if it "loses HALF its strength" at 1400° then at what temp does it START to lose its strength?
like how hot would it need to be to lose 10% of its structural integrity?
and since it is known that the temps from a jet fuel fire can reach temps in excess of 2000° it is very possible the temps got more than high enough

Pay attention I'm getting tired of trying to school you. I know what I am talking about and you do not. Period!

Half its strength is still very strong. A 1 foot wide by 2 ft high I beam with a 1 inch thickness made of mild steel can easily support a load in the hundreds of thousands of pounds in the middle of a 20 ft span. shear is approximately 10,000 lbs per sq in. You do the math. Alloys are stronger. Half the strength is way more than needed. Vertically the same beam can support millions of pounds.

I though I was clear that jet fuel does not reach temps anywhere 2000 deg. You could not get jet fuel to burn at anything higher than between 500 deg F. and 1000 deg F in the open like how the fires were in those buildings. To get higher temps you need added oxygen. Also the fuel in the buildings burned off in a couple of minutes. You would have to heat those beams with a steady fire of over 2000 deg right on the steel ...not feet away but right on it for over a couple of hours to get the steel to raise in temp even up to 5 or
600 degs.

You need to be trying to fool someone else. I weld and bend steel almost everyday.
sure ya do
you are a fucking idito that owns a restaurant
at least that's what you've claimed before
so fuck of moron

I never said that. Go fuck yourself idiot. I work for my own business in a machine shop nearly every day. I am expert in this field and you are a moron. I've been a machinist for over twenty years. Piss on you. You are a willfully ignorant asshole.
Pay attention I'm getting tired of trying to school you. I know what I am talking about and you do not. Period!

Half its strength is still very strong. A 1 foot wide by 2 ft high I beam with a 1 inch thickness made of mild steel can easily support a load in the hundreds of thousands of pounds in the middle of a 20 ft span. shear is approximately 10,000 lbs per sq in. You do the math. Alloys are stronger. Half the strength is way more than needed. Vertically the same beam can support millions of pounds.

I though I was clear that jet fuel does not reach temps anywhere 2000 deg. You could not get jet fuel to burn at anything higher than between 500 deg F. and 1000 deg F in the open like how the fires were in those buildings. To get higher temps you need added oxygen. Also the fuel in the buildings burned off in a couple of minutes. You would have to heat those beams with a steady fire of over 2000 deg right on the steel ...not feet away but right on it for over a couple of hours to get the steel to raise in temp even up to 5 or
600 degs.

You need to be trying to fool someone else. I weld and bend steel almost everyday.
sure ya do
you are a fucking idito that owns a restaurant
at least that's what you've claimed before
so fuck of moron

I never said that. Go fuck yourself idiot. I work for my own business in a machine shop nearly every day. I am expert in this field and you are a moron. I've been a machinist for over twenty years. Piss on you. You are a willfully ignorant asshole.
no, piss on you you fucking liar
I never said that. Go fuck yourself idiot. I work for my own business in a machine shop nearly every day. I am expert in this field and you are a moron. I've been a machinist for over twenty years. Piss on you. You are a willfully ignorant asshole.

when you graduate machine shop and start building 110 story tall buildings THEN you can call yourself and expert. until then you are a machinist.
I never said that. Go fuck yourself idiot. I work for my own business in a machine shop nearly every day. I am expert in this field and you are a moron. I've been a machinist for over twenty years. Piss on you. You are a willfully ignorant asshole.

when you graduate machine shop and start building 110 story tall buildings THEN you can call yourself and expert. until then you are a machinist.

Fuck you too moron. I have forgotten more about steel than you will ever know. I didn't tell you every thing I do. You and the other guy are just juvenile pricks that cannot stand being wrong. I've seen the other moron go on for many pages arguing a point he is totally wrong on. You seem no different. My posts on this matter are meant for intelligent viewers. You are just an ignorant agumentitive asshole.

You don't get the last word because you have no expertise. What you get is a big Fuck You. I'm done with you.
sure ya do
you are a fucking idito that owns a restaurant
at least that's what you've claimed before
so fuck of moron

I never said that. Go fuck yourself idiot. I work for my own business in a machine shop nearly every day. I am expert in this field and you are a moron. I've been a machinist for over twenty years. Piss on you. You are a willfully ignorant asshole.
no, piss on you you fucking liar

You are the biggest pussy on this board. The reason you are such a pussy is because you are so ignorant and missinformed. It gives you an inferiority complex. Drop by the shop sometime. It's in street ..Fenpro building.
I'll teach ya a little something about steel. Then you won't be such an ignorant least about steel.
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You don't get the last word because you have no expertise. What you get is a big Fuck You. I'm done with you.

you dont have any expertise either, asswipe!! :lol:

...but dont let that stop you from claiming you do. :tongue:
really do your self a favour take the blue pill and go watch some football..

Ayoko. i dont expect you to believe the atta story which is why i didnt bring it up earlier.

i'm still not sure how showing a dying woman waving for help as one of her last actions on this earth does anything to prove explosives were used.

she was standing at the impact point why is she alive ? how did she make it to this hole if fires blazed at temperatures hot enough to destroy the integrity of the entire structure ?

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