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try to convince me it was anything other than the official story.

You stupid mother fucker. I will tell you once and only once. I am a sergeant, you do not attack my integrity, I have never lied. Is that understood you silly little ass wipe?
You have nothing to prove a damn thing. I will trust in the government before i trust in an asshole. And you run with the best of those. Now I'll send some neg rep your way. Never, ever attack my integrity.


Grow up.

why.....are people not allowed to get upset and defend their integrity if they feel attacked....

It's the constant bragging of using the neg rep to drop childish remarks. How much integrity can exist in such pettiness?
total bullshit while it is not proof of alternative theories the fact that both NIST investigators and 9/11 commission members denounce the very reports you support
is proof of a deliberate cover up of the real events of 9/11..it could be believable that a person could accept the official story and the investigation into the cause of the collapse
was deeply flawed and required a re-investigation and be genuine in their belief's ...but anyone that fully supports the collapse scenario rejected by the man who formulated it
and accepts the logistics of the commission that states the its investigation and official story was a cover up,...is either completely disingenuous and operating from an agenda or is suffering from complete denial...you are one or the other

i dont endorse any report. i welcome any investigation. in the absence of any prrof of explosives despite fanatical efforts to find them i am supporting the logical which is:

1. hijackers flew planes into the buildings.
2. since physical evidence points to al-qeda and al-qeda has admitted it i blame al-qeda.
3. the buildings were structural damaged and caught on fire.
4. a structurally damaged building on fire collapsed.
5. nobody has provided any evidence of explosives and there is video of the structure buckling so it seems apparent and logical the building collapsed without the use of explosives.
6. the effort required to pre-wire explosives and have that pre-wiring stay intact during a plane collision seems absurd.
i started this thread with the hopes that some people had some real evidence to share that conflicts with the official story. it quickly became apparent that there is none.

with the exception of maybe one or two just about everyone else seems to let their preconceived anti-government views to get in the way of their logical thinking.

some idiots even are trying to convince others that i work for the government. seriously, how friggin stupid must they be?? :cuckoo:

When I pointed out the official version is a conspiracy theory you responded by claiming I needed a lesson in the definition of the term so you posted the definition. I showed how it fits precisely with what the admin claimed and I don't know if you responded to that or not. Your complaints of bias must swing both ways and your resistance to admitting the obvious fact the OV is a conspiracy theory is troubling.

There is a lot of evidence contradicting the OV and events that show problems of consistency and evidence of concealment but you choose to ignore the most disturbing evidence. A great example is how the bush admin offered hush money before the fucking dead bodies could all be pulled out and you dismissed that out of hand. Not a huge point to be sure, but it indicates a cover up from the start.

How do you explain the 500+ testimonies of firefighters, cops, etc that were kept hidden by the State of New York for over 4 years after 9E? Hell, the 9E Commission report was released over a year before those testimonies were released. Full investigation? Where in the CR do those testimonies appear? Why was Mineta's testimony omitted? These are not random points as they show consistent patterns of concealment. Do you ever address the lack of physical evidence at the Pentagon? How do you explain how Hanjour couldn't fly a single engine Cessna 3 weeks prior to supposedly executing expert maneuvers on a huge commercial airliner? Do you know Hanjour's name was not even on the first manifest list released and was added two days after 9/11? Just off the top of my head I can point to a lot of reasons why the OV does not make sense, and I'm a complete fucking idiot. So how is it someone who is so much smarter buys bush's version?

you really think that each and every testimony needs to be included in the final report? i have a very easy reason for Hanjour not to be able fly a cessna. he needed to be able to land it. are you saying that landing was one of the "expert manuevers" (cough, cough) that Hanjour was able to successfully accomplish in a 757? he didnt. he CRASHED it into the pentagon, one of the biggest office buildings in the world, and he ALMOST MISSED IT!! how in the world does that require expert manuevers?

i used to have a private pilots license. i may not be able to land a 757 but i am pretty sure i can hit one of the worlds largest buildings, such as the pentagon.

...and besides, i thought you said a 757 didnt even hit the pentagon!!

by the way, here is the definition of CONSPIRACY. the official story doesnt fit any of the definitions of conspiracy.

con⋅spir⋅a⋅cy  [kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA
–noun, plural -cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

I didn't say each and every testimony needs to be included.







Why do you keep putting words in others mouths? You totally avoided the question by doing that and you do it every time you can't address the facts.

The official story doesn't fit the definition of a conspiracy? Let's see, the Bush admin claims alkida members secretly conspired to commit evil and unlawful acts by combining hijackings and crashing planes. What the hell are you smoking to post the definition then claim it doesn't fit?

You have proven to be the liar others accused you of being. Bye bye.
When I pointed out the official version is a conspiracy theory you responded by claiming I needed a lesson in the definition of the term so you posted the definition. I showed how it fits precisely with what the admin claimed and I don't know if you responded to that or not. Your complaints of bias must swing both ways and your resistance to admitting the obvious fact the OV is a conspiracy theory is troubling.

There is a lot of evidence contradicting the OV and events that show problems of consistency and evidence of concealment but you choose to ignore the most disturbing evidence. A great example is how the bush admin offered hush money before the fucking dead bodies could all be pulled out and you dismissed that out of hand. Not a huge point to be sure, but it indicates a cover up from the start.

How do you explain the 500+ testimonies of firefighters, cops, etc that were kept hidden by the State of New York for over 4 years after 9E? Hell, the 9E Commission report was released over a year before those testimonies were released. Full investigation? Where in the CR do those testimonies appear? Why was Mineta's testimony omitted? These are not random points as they show consistent patterns of concealment. Do you ever address the lack of physical evidence at the Pentagon? How do you explain how Hanjour couldn't fly a single engine Cessna 3 weeks prior to supposedly executing expert maneuvers on a huge commercial airliner? Do you know Hanjour's name was not even on the first manifest list released and was added two days after 9/11? Just off the top of my head I can point to a lot of reasons why the OV does not make sense, and I'm a complete fucking idiot. So how is it someone who is so much smarter buys bush's version?

you really think that each and every testimony needs to be included in the final report? i have a very easy reason for Hanjour not to be able fly a cessna. he needed to be able to land it. are you saying that landing was one of the "expert manuevers" (cough, cough) that Hanjour was able to successfully accomplish in a 757? he didnt. he CRASHED it into the pentagon, one of the biggest office buildings in the world, and he ALMOST MISSED IT!! how in the world does that require expert manuevers?

i used to have a private pilots license. i may not be able to land a 757 but i am pretty sure i can hit one of the worlds largest buildings, such as the pentagon.

...and besides, i thought you said a 757 didnt even hit the pentagon!!

by the way, here is the definition of CONSPIRACY. the official story doesnt fit any of the definitions of conspiracy.

con⋅spir⋅a⋅cy  [kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA
–noun, plural -cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

I didn't say each and every testimony needs to be included.







Why do you keep putting words in others mouths? You totally avoided the question by doing that and you do it every time you can't address the facts.

The official story doesn't fit the definition of a conspiracy? Let's see, the Bush admin claims alkida members secretly conspired to commit evil and unlawful acts by combining hijackings and crashing planes. What the hell are you smoking to post the definition then claim it doesn't fit?

You have proven to be the liar others accused you of being. Bye bye.

the official story is that al-qeda flew planes into the buildings. the official story is not a conspiracy, you idiot. the official story is not conspiring to do anything. the official story isnt conspiring to commit evil, jackass. the official story isnt committing any unlawful acts. it isnt doing anything secret. IT DOESNT FIT THE DEFINITION OF CONSPIRACY, douchebag.

other people conspiring does not make the official story a conspiracy. it makes it an al-qeda conspiracy.

i cant believe you cant even follow that simple reasoning. no wonder you believe in some wildly stupid shit. its because you are stupid.:cuckoo:

I didn't say each and every testimony needs to be included.
no. you just complained that one was missing. :lol:
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Now that you have made it clear you do not comprehend simple and widely used acronyms it makes perfect sense why you believe Bush's version.

WMDs is widely used and accepted. what color is the sky in your world?

from ABC:
Al Qaeda Supporters' Tape to Call for Use of WMDs - ABC News

from NY Daily News:

from fox news:
Fox News: "Are Saddam Hussein's WMDs Now in Hezbollah's Hands?" | Media Matters for America

the BBC:
BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush's Iraq WMDs joke backfires

i can go on and on... but you get the point by now.

....ok, maybe you dont get it. but most normal people get it.
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Now that you have made it clear you do not comprehend simple and widely used acronyms it makes perfect sense why you believe Bush's version.

WMDs is widely used and accepted. what color is the sky in your world?

from ABC:
Al Qaeda Supporters' Tape to Call for Use of WMDs - ABC News

from NY Daily News:
Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein bluffed about WMDs fearing Iranian arsenal, secret FBI files show

from fox news:
Fox News: "Are Saddam Hussein's WMDs Now in Hezbollah's Hands?" | Media Matters for America

the BBC:
BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush's Iraq WMDs joke backfires

i can go on and on... but you get the point by now.

....ok, maybe you dont get it. but most normal people get it.

I could post planted global warming news storys as well whats your point
I could post planted global warming news storys as well whats your point

my point is that correcting somebody for using the term "WMDs" and saying it isnt widely used is pretty moronic.
con⋅spir⋅a⋅cy  [kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA
–noun, plural -cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

what in any of this definition is not applicable to the conspiracy theory that bin laden conspired with his co-conspirators and planed an evil and unlawful act ,, in secret ..to bring about a result....fuck are you retarted
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OK dumb shits, get the billions of dollars together and lets have another investigation, Who would you put on this new commission? I already know the answers for several of the people you would prefer But be real about it. And what results do you really believe they would find? And by all means lets hear what their objectives would be also.
When I pointed out the official version is a conspiracy theory you responded by claiming I needed a lesson in the definition of the term so you posted the definition. I showed how it fits precisely with what the admin claimed and I don't know if you responded to that or not. Your complaints of bias must swing both ways and your resistance to admitting the obvious fact the OV is a conspiracy theory is troubling.

There is a lot of evidence contradicting the OV and events that show problems of consistency and evidence of concealment but you choose to ignore the most disturbing evidence. A great example is how the bush admin offered hush money before the fucking dead bodies could all be pulled out and you dismissed that out of hand. Not a huge point to be sure, but it indicates a cover up from the start.

How do you explain the 500+ testimonies of firefighters, cops, etc that were kept hidden by the State of New York for over 4 years after 9E? Hell, the 9E Commission report was released over a year before those testimonies were released. Full investigation? Where in the CR do those testimonies appear? Why was Mineta's testimony omitted? These are not random points as they show consistent patterns of concealment. Do you ever address the lack of physical evidence at the Pentagon? How do you explain how Hanjour couldn't fly a single engine Cessna 3 weeks prior to supposedly executing expert maneuvers on a huge commercial airliner? Do you know Hanjour's name was not even on the first manifest list released and was added two days after 9/11? Just off the top of my head I can point to a lot of reasons why the OV does not make sense, and I'm a complete fucking idiot. So how is it someone who is so much smarter buys bush's version?

you really think that each and every testimony needs to be included in the final report? i have a very easy reason for Hanjour not to be able fly a cessna. he needed to be able to land it. are you saying that landing was one of the "expert manuevers" (cough, cough) that Hanjour was able to successfully accomplish in a 757? he didnt. he CRASHED it into the pentagon, one of the biggest office buildings in the world, and he ALMOST MISSED IT!! how in the world does that require expert manuevers?

i used to have a private pilots license. i may not be able to land a 757 but i am pretty sure i can hit one of the worlds largest buildings, such as the pentagon.

...and besides, i thought you said a 757 didnt even hit the pentagon!!

by the way, here is the definition of CONSPIRACY. the official story doesnt fit any of the definitions of conspiracy.

con⋅spir⋅a⋅cy  [kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA
–noun, plural -cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

I didn't say each and every testimony needs to be included.







Why do you keep putting words in others mouths? You totally avoided the question by doing that and you do it every time you can't address the facts.

The official story doesn't fit the definition of a conspiracy? Let's see, the Bush admin claims alkida members secretly conspired to commit evil and unlawful acts by combining hijackings and crashing planes. What the hell are you smoking to post the definition then claim it doesn't fit?

You have proven to be the liar others accused you of being. Bye bye.
wow, how ironic
do you have any clue how fucking annoying you god damned troofers are?
OK dumb shits, get the billions of dollars together and lets have another investigation, Who would you put on this new commission? I already know the answers for several of the people you would prefer But be real about it. And what results do you really believe they would find? And by all means lets hear what their objectives would be also.

Alex Jones
Steven Jones
and that fucking idiot that made loose change
what in any of this definition is not applicable to the conspiracy theory that bin laden conspired with his co-conspirators and planed an evil and unlawful act ,, in secret ..to bring about a result....fuck are you retarted

nothing is not applicable. its a bin laden conspiracy and the definition is fine. calling it a government conspiracy is where the error is. the government didnt conspire or have co-conspirators or plan an evil or unlawful act.

i cant believe you people are too stupid to understand this.

let me put this in a language that even twoofers can understand.

suppose for a minute that the Warren Commision officially found that Lee Harvey Oswald had accomplices.

if you want to call it the lee harvey oswald conspiracy thats fine.

calling it a Warren Commision Conspiracy is wrong. the Warren Commision had nothing to do with the conspiracy. they didnt conspire or plan evil. got it yet?
No fuzznuts the government agencies put forth there theory of the conspiracy that occurred on 9/11 and is therefore the official conspiracy theory

when has a government agency ever called 9/11 a conspiracy?
you calling the governments view a "theory" doesnt even fit the definition of theory.

a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

sorry, but the official government conclusions are not "theory". it is backed up by actual facts. on the other hand, your explosives "theory" is exactly that. only a theory because it has no facts to back it up.
OK dumb shits, get the billions of dollars together and lets have another investigation, Who would you put on this new commission? I already know the answers for several of the people you would prefer But be real about it. And what results do you really believe they would find? And by all means lets hear what their objectives would be also.

yes indeed it would clearly cost billions of dollars...stop being stupid...no one wants the truth and has fought for the truth than the family members of victims and the family steering committee definitely a part of any members to an independent inquiry

An “independent” investigation means, specifically, independent from the U.S. administrations that were in power prior to, and at the time of, the 9/11 attacks, who might have things to hide. As shown by New York Times writer Philip Shenon in his 2008 book, The Commission, the 9/11 Commission was run by its executive director, Philip Zelikow, and he was very closely associated with the Bush administration. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which issued the official reports on the destruction of the World Trade Center, is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, which means that, while writing these reports, it was an agency of the Bush-Cheney administration. We need an investigation that is free from such conflicts of interest.

Letter to Congress regarding the 9/11 Commission Report 9/13/04, signed by the following 25 military, intelligence, and law enforcement veterans: National Security Whistleblowers Coalition

"[W]e the undersigned wish to bring to the attention of the Congress and the people of the United States what we believe are serious shortcomings in the report and its recommendations. …

Omission is one of the major flaws in the Commission’s report. We are aware of significant issues and cases that were duly reported to the commission by those of us with direct knowledge, but somehow escaped attention. …
The omission of such serious and applicable issues and information by itself renders the report flawed, and casts doubt on the validity of many of its recommendations. ...

The Commission, with its incomplete report of "facts and circumstances", intentional avoidance of assigning accountability, and disregard for the knowledge, expertise and experience of those who actually do the job, has now set about pressuring our Congress and our nation to hastily implement all its recommendations. ...

We the undersigned, who have worked within various government agencies (FBI, CIA, FAA, DIA, Customs) responsible for national security and public safety, call upon you in Congress to include the voices of those with first-hand knowledge and expertise in the important issues at hand. We stand ready to do our part." National Security Whistleblowers Coalition

Edward J. Costello, Jr. – Former Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI. Former Judge pro tem., Los Angeles, CA

John M. Cole – Former Intelligence Operations Specialist, in the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. In charge of FBI’s foreign intelligence investigations covering India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. 18-year FBI career.

Mark Conrad, JD – Retired Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs, U.S. Customs, responsible for the internal integrity and security for areas encompassing nine states and two foreign locations. Former Federal Sky Marshall. 27-year U.S. Customs career. Currently Associate General Counsel, National Association of Federal Agents. Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Troy University.

Rosemary N. Dew – Former Supervisory Special Agent, Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence, FBI. Former member of The President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC) and the Electronic Commerce/Cyber Crime Working Group. 13-year FBI career.

Bogdan Dzakovic – Witness before the 9/11 Commission. 14-year Counter-terrorism expert in the Security Division of the Federal Aviation Administration. Team Leader of the FAA's Red (Terrorism) Team, which conducted undercover tests on airport security through simulated terrorist attacks. Former Team Leader in the Federal Air Marshal program. Former Coast Guard officer. (See also individual statement above.)

Sibel D. Edmonds – Witness before the 9/11 Commission. Former Language Translation Specialist, performing translations for counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations, FBI. (See also individual statement above.)

Steve Elson – Former Special Agent with the U.S. Navy and the FAA. Specialist in Counterterrorism, Intelligence, and Security. Twenty-two years military experience, primarily in Naval Special Warfare and nine years Federal service with the FAA and DEA. Retired Navy SEAL. (See also individual statement above.)

David Forbes – Former head of Thames Valley Police Fraud Squad, trained at New Scotland Yard. Over 30 years experience in law enforcement, commercial and industrial security-related risk management, and service sector business management. Currently Aviation, Logistics and Govt. Security Analyst, BoydForbes, Inc.

Melvin A. Goodman – Former Division Chief and Senior Analyst at the Office of Soviet Affairs, CIA,1966 - 1990. Senior Analyst at the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, State Department, 1974 - 1976. Professor of International Security at the National War College 1986 - 2004. Currently Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy and Adjunct Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author and co-author of five books on international relations. (See also individual statement above.)

Mark Graf – Former Security Supervisor, Planner, and Derivative Classifier, Department of Energy. Former Chairman of the Rocky Flats (DOE) Physical Security Systems Working Group from 1990 through 1995.

Gilbert M. Graham – Retired Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI. 24-year FBI

Diane Kleiman – Former Special Agent, US Customs.

Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Also served on the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency. 20-year Air Force veteran and eyewittness (pentagon) (See also individual statement above.)

Lynne A. Larkin – Former CIA Operations Officer. Served in several CIA foreign stations and in the CIA's counter-intelligence center helping chair a multi-agency task force and seminars on coordinating intelligence among intelligence and crime prevention agencies.

David MacMichael, PhD – Former Senior Estimates Officer with special responsibility for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the CIA's National Intelligence Council. Former Captain, U.S. Marine Corps.

Raymond L. McGovern – Former Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates, CIA, responsible for preparing the President’ Daily Brief (PDB) for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. 27-year CIA veteran. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. (See also individual statement above.)

Theodore J. Pahle – Former Senior Intelligence Officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency. His 37-year intelligence career was exclusively as a HUMINT (Human Intelligence) operations officer with DIA, Office of Naval Intelligence and U.S. Army Intelligence. He is a Middle East and Latin American operations specialist. Today, he continues to support the HUMINT effort as a contract instructor.

Behrooz Sarshar – Retired Language Translation Specialist, performing Farsi translations for counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations dealing with Iran and Afghanistan, FBI.

Brian F. Sullivan – Retired Special Agent and Risk Management Specialist, FAA. Retired Lieutenant Colonel, Military Police.

Commander Larry J. Tortorich, U.S. Navy (ret) – Former Deputy Program Manager for Logistics – Tomahawk Cruise Missiles. 24-year Navy career in the fields of aviation and counterterrorism. Two years as a federal employee with DHS/TSA in the fields of security and counterterrorism.

Jane A. Turner – Retired Special Agent, FBI. 24-year FBI career.

John B. Vincent – Retired Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI. 27-year FBI career

Fred Whitehurst, JD, PhD – Retired Supervisory Special Agent / Laboratory Forensic Examiner, FBI. 16-year FBI career. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer.

Col. Ann Wright, U.S. Army (ret) – Retired Army officer and former U.S. Diplomat. Served 13 years on active duty with the U.S. Army and 16 years in the U.S. Army Reserves. She was a member of the International law team in Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada and served in Panama and Somalia. She joined the Foreign Service in 1987 and served as Deputy Chief of Mission of U.S. Embassies in Sierra Leone, Micronesia and Afghanistan. She helped reopen the US Embassy in Kabul in December, 2001. One of three U.S. State Department officials to publicly resign in direct protest of the invasion of Iraq in March, 2003. (See also individual statement above.)

Matthew J. Zipoli – Special Response Team (SRT) Officer, DOE. Vice President, Security Police Officer's Association, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry." http://www.911truth.org/article

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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And I bet every person you would want on any new investigation would be one of those. Or straight up one of your truther idiots.


This really crystallizes just how deep the denial runs. Eots posted info from intelligent and credible individuals showing legitimate reasons why it is healthy to question the OCT but the predictable response is to ignore it.

So it appears the OCT cheerleaders keep making false claims about being open to examining logic and evidence. It doesn't matter how many whistle blowers sound the horn because most OCTAs will first and foremost seek a way to close their eyes and ears.
you really think that each and every testimony needs to be included in the final report? i have a very easy reason for Hanjour not to be able fly a cessna. he needed to be able to land it. are you saying that landing was one of the "expert manuevers" (cough, cough) that Hanjour was able to successfully accomplish in a 757? he didnt. he CRASHED it into the pentagon, one of the biggest office buildings in the world, and he ALMOST MISSED IT!! how in the world does that require expert manuevers?

i used to have a private pilots license. i may not be able to land a 757 but i am pretty sure i can hit one of the worlds largest buildings, such as the pentagon.

...and besides, i thought you said a 757 didnt even hit the pentagon!!

by the way, here is the definition of CONSPIRACY. the official story doesnt fit any of the definitions of conspiracy.

con⋅spir⋅a⋅cy  [kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA
–noun, plural -cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

I didn't say each and every testimony needs to be included.







Why do you keep putting words in others mouths? You totally avoided the question by doing that and you do it every time you can't address the facts.

The official story doesn't fit the definition of a conspiracy? Let's see, the Bush admin claims alkida members secretly conspired to commit evil and unlawful acts by combining hijackings and crashing planes. What the hell are you smoking to post the definition then claim it doesn't fit?

You have proven to be the liar others accused you of being. Bye bye.

the official story is that al-qeda flew planes into the buildings. the official story is not a conspiracy, you idiot. the official story is not conspiring to do anything. the official story isnt conspiring to commit evil, jackass. the official story isnt committing any unlawful acts. it isnt doing anything secret. IT DOESNT FIT THE DEFINITION OF CONSPIRACY, douchebag.

other people conspiring does not make the official story a conspiracy. it makes it an al-qeda conspiracy.

i cant believe you cant even follow that simple reasoning. no wonder you believe in some wildly stupid shit. its because you are stupid.:cuckoo:

I didn't say each and every testimony needs to be included.
no. you just complained that one was missing. :lol:

The official version claims alkida CONSPIRED in secret to commit evil to hijack planes and crash them into US buildings. Looks to me like you and a few others have used the term "conspiracy" in a negative light so often that you cannot recognize even a legitimate use of the term.

As for the testimonies....I pointed out they were kept secret by New York for several years. If "everybody knew what happened" then why were they kept secret? Did the Commission examine them? As with anything else you cannot approach and address you simply dismiss it as meaningless. That proves your motivation is to defend the OCT regardless of any evidence.
Hi Curve:

This really crystallizes just how deep the denial runs. Eots posted info from intelligent and credible individuals showing legitimate reasons why it is healthy to question the OCT but the predictable response is to ignore it.

So it appears the OCT cheerleaders keep making false claims about being open to examining logic and evidence. It doesn't matter how many whistle blowers sound the horn because most OCTAs will first and foremost seek a way to close their eyes and ears.

Perhaps I can help you understand 'WHY' Curve continually bumps heads with Official Cover Story Idiots on this fine USBM Board.


The simple truth might be very difficult to swallow, but here goes:

These Official Cover Story Retards :)confused::cuckoo::eusa_liar::cool::eek: = the 'many') 'are' worthy of utter obliteration from the face of the earth (#7-10).

Accept this simple truth and perhaps Curve will understand WHY these Official Cover Story Knuckleheads NEVER WILL . . .



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