TSA Stealing our goods

He said he did it because of the low pay he got. He had a right to steal from others.
I wonder how much TSA agents make an hour.

The majority of them make about $15 an hour and their work is considered "part-time" as most are only employed about 30-35 hours a week. Granted, my experience is about seven years old, but that's the way it was when I was hired by them after I retired from the military.

BTW, about 50% of the people I worked with in the TSA were veterans.
He said he did it because of the low pay he got. He had a right to steal from others.
Seems that this would be the mind set with most government workers. Just that much easier when you work for the TSA, Even Congress has the same mind set that they have a right to steal from others
The TSA employs almost 60,000 people in airports all over the country. Here we go broad brushing again...
TSA is the absolute worst. I said this in the other TSA thread but I've had several things stolen out of my luggage including a $1,700 laptop by these pigs. TSA is an utter clusterfuck of an organization with no point of being in existence. The scary thing is their power will just increase over time.
My wife says she got the iPad and brought it home,” he told the news team. The ABC report notes that his wife then appeared at the door to say she had found it and “no told my husband.”

The TSA has been stealing from the very beginning of the TSA, they think it's part of the job description. It's a perk.
The TSA employs almost 60,000 people in airports all over the country. Here we go broad brushing again...

You broadbrush white people and Republicans every day on this board so cry us a big fat mississippi river whydonchya?
TSA is the absolute worst. I said this in the other TSA thread but I've had several things stolen out of my luggage including a $1,700 laptop by these pigs. TSA is an utter clusterfuck of an organization with no point of being in existence. The scary thing is their power will just increase over time.

The story I heard on the evening news featured a "now unemployed" black TSA agent who stole a laptop and sold it on ebay, he said he did it because "they aren't paid enough and the practice is widespread." Thieves and thugs always make lame assed excuses.
I wonder how the OP would feel about broad brushing all Army personnel...

Lewis soldiers convicted in equipment thefts
TSA - Too Stupid for the Army.

Every search they do on you is a violation of your 4th Amendment Rights. They're too stupid to know, you're too stupid to care.

If you can do something to another person that would constitute a crime under any other circumstance then why not "confiscate" items for your own personal benefit as well? Power corrupts, absolute power.....
I wonder how the OP would feel about broad brushing all Army personnel...

Lewis soldiers convicted in equipment thefts
TSA - Too Stupid for the Army.

Every search they do on you is a violation of your 4th Amendment Rights. They're too stupid to know, you're too stupid to care.

If you can do something to another person that would constitute a crime under any other circumstance then why not "confiscate" items for your own personal benefit as well? Power corrupts, absolute power.....
One of my first assignments in the AF was Customs at Yokota AB in Japan. We'd confiscate all sorts of food items that had rotted in these people's bags on the way to Japan. Sometimes they tried to disguise food by wrapping it as a present so you'd feel bad about opening it.

That never worked on me and I made them open every present they had right in front of me, especially if they came from the Philippines because "presents" from there usually had some sort of moldy food item in it.

Anyway this one guy (I forget where he came in from) had his Musk Mellon confiscated from him and pitched a fit about it. He went to Japanese Customs who has the final say about all confiscations and they made an exception for him and said he could keep it.

Well he comes back to get his Mellon and wouldn't you know it? It was gone! Some dude took it home with him. (No it wasn't me :D) Our NCOIC had to make up a story about how it was immediately destroyed even though there isn't a regulation that states it. Of course he made a complaint to the I.G. and there was an investigation but as most things are done in the Military, it was all swept under the carpet.

Make that about a million times worse and you've got the TSA.

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