Tthe Theory and Practice of Jihad


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Theory and Practice of Jihad' by Gary Anderson

"Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is not a formally trained military commander. However, he is not illiterate or a common thug such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi who led al Qaeda in Iraq until his death in 2006. Al-Baghdadi holds a doctorate in theology from a theological seminary and appears to be a keen student of American tactics as they were passed on to the Iraqi Army, as well as the military practices of his Syrian Baathist opponents. Whether he is a military prodigy or merely a very talented student and practitioner of military art is irrelevant. To date, he has shown himself to be a very effective commander.

Like the prophet Mohammed from whom he claims descent, al-Baghdadi sees himself as a soldier-Imam and recognizes no difference between fighting, governing, and religion. This allows him to flow seamlessly between mediums. If we write him off as a mere terrorist, we make the mistake of underestimating him. He is generally considered to be a crackpot by serious Islamic scholars, but he controls a tract of land that includes most of al-Anbar province, much of eastern Syria, and Iraq’s second largest city; that makes him a serious player in the region. However, we should also beware of making him out to be ten feet tall. If we are going to deal with him, we need to understand how he fights and governs as well as his strengths and weaknesses."

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Theory and Practice of Jihad Small Wars Journal

How Washington Enabled ISIS The American Conservative

"Since suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation and not Islamic fundamentalism, the use of heavy military force to transform Muslim societies over there, if you would, is only likely to increase the number of suicide terrorists coming at us." Robert Pape The Logic of Suicide Terrorism The American Conservative

OT but interesting too. Does dopamine create religious experience Patrick McNamara Aeon
Suicide operations are a legitimate tactic. When you think of the alternative like going in guns blazing, you're gonna die anyway. So it can often be better to use explosives and scare the hell out of your enemy by seemingly commiting suicide. It's not really suicide as much as acknowledging that by attacking you're going to die in any event. It's just making the most of things. As the Japanese did at the end of WWII with kamizaze. It wasn't something they did intitially until all hope was lost. It was spite and attack by attrition. They knew they were gonna loose and nothing could change that so do as much as you can with what little you got. Same with martydom ops. Gonna die no matter what if you fight. So do the best you can. Fear's the best weapon in any war. And if you convince your enemy you'r nuts and willing to commit suicide while blowing things and people up, all the better. Certainly better than going in with an AK-47 and hoping you cana ctually hit a few before they do the same to you.

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