Tucker Carlson - "alleged American"

125 dead after crowd crush at Indonesian football match

Police and match organisers under scrutiny after officers fired teargas in response to rioting fans
Good story tommy, loved it, thanx...tommy can ya put together a death chart for us comparing Mass shootings to soccer and then explain which one we should ban...what is the largest death toll for a mass shooting tommy?[excluding communists of course]...
... was this the largest for soccer?
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democratic country?


as to supporting Putin...

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
I thought you were talking about Ukraine. lol. This is literally the Middle East. There is no good guy. There is only Biden's friends and the other guys.
He bought into the whole Russian Collusion bullcrap. Only an idiot would think Russians like Republicans better than vacation Bernie and CCP Hat Press Secretary. Of course, they think the world is going to end every ten years and that the government is a benevolent entity that fixes problems.

Months earlier, the Republican political consultant Frank Luntz responded to Carlson’s claim to be rooting for Russia by questioning whose side the Fox News host was on.
“It’s comments like this from Tucker Carlson that make me wonder who my friends are and who my enemies are – it makes me wonder whether the world has gone insane,” he tweeted.

All of these right wing pundits have a point.If we want to listen to putins propaganda we can listen to putin himself. We really dont need a Lord Haw Haw tp filter it for us.

Putin is pretty much the ultimate in truth.
It is the US who constantly lies in order to start illegal wars, ever since the 2 wars we illegally started with Mexico.
Then there was the Spanish American war, WWI, the Philippine Rebellion, WWII, the Korean war, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
Each time the US lied in order to start an illegal war.

In contrast, Russia has never invaded a country in order to take it over, and instead has always just defended these countries from US colonial imperialism.
With the Ukraine, the US only represents the Polish half and is opposed by the Russian half.
Being against the proxy war in Ukraine does make Carlson a Putin supporter, TommyT.

Nothing wrong with supporting Putin when he is right, and the US takeover of the Ukraine in 2014 was illegal and immoral.
Putin is pretty much the ultimate in truth.
It is the US who constantly lies in order to start illegal wars, ever since the 2 wars we illegally started with Mexico.
Then there was the Spanish American war, WWI, the Philippine Rebellion, WWII, the Korean war, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
Each time the US lied in order to start an illegal war.

In contrast, Russia has never invaded a country in order to take it over, and instead has always just defended these countries from US colonial imperialism.
With the Ukraine, the US only represents the Polish half and is opposed by the Russian

Those wars were legal FACT
Putin is pretty much the ultimate in truth.
It is the US who constantly lies in order to start illegal wars, ever since the 2 wars we illegally started with Mexico.
Then there was the Spanish American war, WWI, the Philippine Rebellion, WWII, the Korean war, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
Each time the US lied in order to start an illegal war.

In contrast, Russia has never invaded a country in order to take it over, and instead has always just defended these countries from US colonial imperialism.
With the Ukraine, the US only represents the Polish half and is opposed by the Russian half.
Didnt Japan bomb Pearl Harbour ?
How can anyone who lives in a democratic country support putin ? Carlson is giving comort to an evil man.
We have learned over the last 7 years or so that there's a pretty large part of our political right that wants an authoritarian right wing strongman to save us from Satan. I am not making this up.

Evidently they're tired of waiting for Jesus to return, so they want to hand the task over to someone who's actually on the ground. Looking back, there were signs. But most of us really didn't see this coming. Not to this degree. But here we are.

By the way, it's highly unlikely that Tucker is one of these people. He's just using them for his own personal gain, as are Trump and the rest of the GQP.
We have learned over the last 7 years or so that there's a pretty large part of our political right that wants an authoritarian right wing strongman to save us from Satan. I am not making this up.

Evidently they're tired of waiting for Jesus to return, so they want to hand the task over to someone who's actually on the ground. Looking back, there were signs. But most of us really didn't see this coming. Not to this degree. But here we are.

By the way, it's highly unlikely that Tucker is one of these people. He's just using them for his own personal gain, as are Trump and the rest of the GQP.
There is also the fact that Urkraine is corrupt as hell. I think not supporting either country should be an option. As for the return of Jesus, sure couldn't hurt. Corruption is now seen as the new normal, and standards fall farther for leaders and basically everybody every day. I don't want a government deciding what is good and bad, but legalizing marijuana was not a good idea. Neither is little or no sentences for crimes. Then all the race garbage and multi gender crap in schools. Here we are indeed.
How can anyone who lives in a democratic country support putin ? Carlson is giving comort to an evil man.

Silly Tummy Turd spouting what the Guardian Fake News has pushed Gullible Tummy into believing .

Does the Tummy believe that Russia started this disagreement ?

I expect the 200 000 Ukey army lined up on the Donbas front on February 23 , 2022 was just out for a healthy walk .

Of course it was Tummy .

Our Gullible Fool.

Months earlier, the Republican political consultant Frank Luntz responded to Carlson’s claim to be rooting for Russia by questioning whose side the Fox News host was on.
“It’s comments like this from Tucker Carlson that make me wonder who my friends are and who my enemies are – it makes me wonder whether the world has gone insane,” he tweeted.

All of these right wing pundits have a point.If we want to listen to putins propaganda we can listen to putin himself. We really dont need a Lord Haw Haw tp filter it for us.
Unlike you Brits who will get thrown in jail of you speak against the monarchy we Americans aren't brainwashed to agree with everything our government does and are taught to be skeptical of our leaders.

I don't have to like what someone says but I'll die defending their right to say it. This is just one more American ideal you people will never understand

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