Tucker Carlson: ANTIFA is an Arm of the Democratic Party


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I think he is right, and it would explain why they almost never put these jacka asses on trial.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo: People are making a statement about equality, about community, to be against racism, against slavery. I think those are good statements. And it depends, you know, can you overdo it? Of course, you can.
But in New York, I don't think we've overdone it. And I think that -- I think it's a healthy expression of people saying, "Let's get some priorities here, and let's remember the sin and mistake that this nation made, and let's not celebrate it."
Were you listening carefully to that? In the state of New York, the governor tells us, we haven't overdone it. Destroying public property is "a healthy expression of people saying, 'Let's get some priorities here.'"...
Consider what we've seen recently. How many stores and parks and statues and public buildings have been destroyed recently by rioters? How many churches and memorials and monuments to our fallen soldiers have been desecrated by them? Too many to count.
Now ask yourself, how many people have been held accountable for these crimes? Some? A few? No -- hardly any.
Politicians applauded this destruction. Law enforcement has ignored it. Why is that exactly? Rioting is a federal crime; so is arson. So far, two people have been arrested and charged in the burning of the Third Police Precinct in Minneapolis. Two.
Video footage, which is everywhere -- you've seen it -- shows clearly that scores of people were involved. Authorities could identify them and charge all of them. We might have fewer riots if they did that. But no, the Justice Department isn't interested in doing that. What are they interested in?
Well, let's see. Recently, a NASCAR driver called Bubba Wallace claimed that someone left a noose in his garage in Alabama. The media reacted as if a war had broken out -- wall-to-wall coverage. They made it precisely clear who the enemy was. And of course, countless syrupy segments on the dopey morning shows framing the whole thing as a milestone in the march toward civil rights....
Between 2015 and 2018, there were six high profile so-called hate crimes involving nooses, all of them are promoted heavily by the media. Every one of them turned out to be a hoax, every single one of them. And that's not even counting Jussie Smollett.
The odds that this news hate crime was real were always very small. It's just not a very racist country, actually, in the end. Most of us know that.
But you'd never know it from listening to the authorities. The U.S. attorney suggested federal charges would be brought -- brought against whom? That was never clear.
Meanwhile, the FBI swooped in by the vanload. The Bureau sent at least 15 agents to investigate this provocation against a millionaire racecar driver -- 15 agents -- at a time when mobs were roaming the country completely unchallenged by law enforcement, burning things, assaulting people.
In the end, as you may have heard, it was needless to say, yet another news hoax. There was no hate crime in Bubba Wallace's garage. What does it tell you, that the FBI and federal prosecutors fell for this hoax so completely? Well, it tells you everything.
At the very moment Bubba Wallace was doing his star turn as America's latest victim of injustice, lecturing his fans about the racism, being backed up completely by the morons who run NASCAR, a mob of violent lunatics was ripping down a statue of American patriot, Francis Scott Key, in San Francisco. On Key's empty pedestal, they spray painted these words, which effectively are their slogan: "Kill the colonizers. Kill whitey."
In other words, murder Americans for the color of their skin.
Now, you can argue about whether hate crimes ought to exist as a category in American law, and that's an argument worth having. But as long as they do exist, that would seem to qualify as one and that the FBI did not swoop in with 15 agents to investigate. It's not clear if anyone ever investigated because no one in power cared. If anything, they agreed.
And that's the point. The mob does not operate independently from the Democratic establishment. The mob is an arm of the Democratic establishment.
In the city of Philadelphia, both the mayor and Larry Krasner, the district attorney we've told you about repeatedly, cheered as mobs set fire and destroyed public property there. But when a group of working-class Philadelphians tried to protect the statue of Christopher Columbus from being destroyed, Krasner threatened to prosecute them.

So some mechanic mistakes a rope pulldown on a garage door for a noose, and the Feds send 15 FBI Agents to investigate, but ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter have repeatedly torn down statues across the country on video while scrawling anti-white graffiti on them, some as extreme as 'Kill all white people' and the Feds do absolutely nothing.

Can the contrast be any more clear than that?

The Liberal Oligarchs are leading these incidents, to demoralize and destabilize our society and impose a Venezuela style 'democracy'.

The coming future events are easy to see from here.
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People are being arrested and some are ANTIFA yet ANTIFA is not a national organization.
It is not an extension of the DNC and never has been..
A 308 Norma Magnum can vaporise a watermelon from 300 yards down range.
One of the flattest shooting rounds ever made.
Sorry. I thought I was on a different forum.
Silly me.
I have three but the brass has always been an issue.
Plus they have to cool down after about ten rounds. I don't want to 'shoot out' the barrels.
People are being arrested and some are ANTIFA yet ANTIFA is not a national organization.
It is not an extension of the DNC and never has been..

I think you meant to say "Antifa isn't even real, it's just a made-up right wing boogeyman". That is the current line most popular with the younger folks. Bit out of touch are ya?
People are being arrested and some are ANTIFA yet ANTIFA is not a national organization.
It is not an extension of the DNC and never has been..

I think you meant to say "Antifa isn't even real, it's just a made-up right wing boogeyman". That is the current line most popular with the younger folks. Bit out of touch are ya?
I don't need you to speak for me.
People are being arrested and some are ANTIFA yet ANTIFA is not a national organization.
It is not an extension of the DNC and never has been..

They are local and they organize quickly through social media and the do the bidding of the DNC.
Then it should be easy to prove with proof yet you have none to back yer allegations.

The proof is how the Democratic Party handles them. In Portland, the mayor asks the police to backdown and that was last year. In Seattle they let them run the city. If this had been a right wing group thatwas violent, there would be police and guard called in. They way they are treated is proof, if you can’t see it, then that is you choosing not to do so.

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