Tucker Carlson fuels the Maga mindset with fawning trip to authoritarian Hungary

“Tucker is using the massive platform that he has at his disposal, via Rupert Murdoch, to legitimise authoritarianism,” said Kurt Bardella, an adviser to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “It’s not speculation. The Republican party has made it very clear that their agenda is to institute an autocratic style of governance to the point where they are willing to throw out democracy when elections don’t go their way.”

Its great that the idiot got to go to Hungary and it gives us a clear idea of the rights vision for a white America..

“It is really is an ethnic religious nationalism that we’re seeing here. The enemies are people who have darker skin and are not Christian. You see a lot of anti-Islamic sentiment there and a lot of closing of borders. Tucker Carlson picked up talking points right out of the KKK [Ku Klux Klan] handbook talking about white replacement.”

What is also great is that the majority of Americans reject this soiled vision. Four years of trump have led to this.
It's excellent to see a true leader in Europe instead of the pajama boys of the West.
Sure, but not with someone like you. So there is no point.

You guys are lining up to prove it for him. I'll watch.
I remember a time when you opposed the Islamization of the Western world and called fools like Tommy "REGRESSIVES".

That was before you contracted TDS, though. It has reduced you to a simpering conformist who bears no resemblance whatsoever to your former self.
I remember a time when you opposed the Islamization of the Western world and called fools like Tommy "REGRESSIVES".

That was before you contracted TDS, though. It has reduced you to a simpering conformist who bears no resemblance whatsoever to your former self.
I haven't changed on any issues.

But you're more than free to bitch and moan about me out of nowhere. Always a good sign!
People are so fucking ignorant and stupid. Hungary suffered under Islamic control in the 15 and 16 hundreds. The Hungarian people did not enjoy the right of self-determination as they were under the yoke of the Ottomans.

The leftists in this thread do not believe in self determination, though. They do not believe in diversity of culture or that any culture should have the right to resist invasion by a foreign culture. All they brlieve is their dogma.
Why is being authoritarian a bad thing when it come to protecting our borders? It is the government's duty to protect the border nothing wrong with that unless you are for open borders

Hungary needs to take its share. Inequality in the world has been caused by the west. There is a responsibility to clean up the mess. Hungary wants the benefits of EU membership. In fact it is a huge beneficiary. And yet it does not want to play its own part in helping with the load.

But its not just emigration. Orbans regime oppresses minorities in Hungary itself. His treatment of Gays and Gypsies is shocking and has no place in the civilised world.

80 years ago the West fought against the Orbans and now the likes of Carlson fly to Budapest to suck his dick. Sad times.
These profoundly ignorant idiots try to claim they are liberal while encouraging the spread of a quasi-religious totalitarian idelogy dedicated to wiping liberal values from the face of the Earth forever.
Yeah either that or you’re not understanding what liberals actually support. My money is with the second option
You would call Africans the ”core people” of South Africa...you’d call hispanics the “core people” of Mexico....why wouldn’t you call Europeans the ”core people” of North America? Remember 1776?
I wouldn't use that word because it would be simplistic and ignorant.

That's for people like you.

But your bigoted paranoia is a sight to behold, that's for sure.

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