Tucker Carlson fuels the Maga mindset with fawning trip to authoritarian Hungary

Orbans jihad against gays is well known. Less well known is his campaign against the Roma community. Of course both of these groups were victimised by that other authoritarian slag Hitler.

You are not a liberal. You would not recognize actual liberal political theory if it smacked you along side that ignorant little head of yours.

Try reading some John Rawls or John Stuart Mill, and get back to me, kid, all right?

The central purpose of Islam is to extinguish all other ways of believing. There is nothing the least bit liberal about it, even if morons like you make claims that preventing it from overwhelming more liberal societies is some sort of act of authoritarianism.
Sorry but youā€™re not smart or aware enough to be able to define what I believe. I canā€™t think of anything more presumptuous and ignorant. Stop trolling
You would call Africans the ā€core peopleā€ of South Africa...youā€™d call hispanics the ā€œcore peopleā€ of Mexico....why wouldnā€™t you call Europeans the ā€core peopleā€ of North America? Remember 1776?
Carlson has become the pied-piper of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory ā€“ a demagogue and liar preying on the fears of ignorant racists and bigots on the right that ā€˜core peopleā€™ will become a ā€˜disadvantaged minorityā€™ subject to black and brown ā€˜invaders.ā€™
Hungary can do what they like. But they will need to abide by the rules if they want to stay a part of the EU.
Personally, I think the EU has been far too understanding with them. They should kick them out so that they can regress to their soviet status.
Hungary will knuckle down and behave before that happens though.
If push comes to shove Hungary will leave the EU,
Of course both of these groups were victimised by that other authoritarian slag Hitler.
In the case of gypsies they have done a fair amount of victimizing themselves

Do you think they are above criticism?
Liberals can't stand that there's a country that recognizes their diversity bullshit for what it is.
Liberals canā€™t stand authoritarian conservatives seeking to destroy Americaā€™s democracy and replace it with despotic minority rule.
Liberals canā€™t stand authoritarian conservatives seeking to destroy Americaā€™s democracy and replace it with despotic minority rule.
Liberals can't stand conservatives, period, specifically because they fervently support American democracy. If liberals had their way, America would be a socialist country.
They are all too stupid to be able to understand values or principles and have been conditioned to see ithe world only in terms of identity. That is why they only see skin color instead of ideology or culture.

They claim they celebrate diversity, but are actually out to extinguish it.Hungarians cannot be allowed to be Hungarians. French cannot be allowed to be French, and heaven forbid that Jews ever wish to be Jewish, all bets are off!

These are not reasonable people we are dealing with here.

An old friend just came by for a visit. She was whining about the lack of diversity in her area, in teh context of her children. I didn't say very much.

Then later in the conversation she was talking about a man she associated with at her work, who helps immigrants find communities that they feel comfortable with, a grouping of Jamaicans, a grouping of Germans, ect..

I'm listening, and wondering, "Why is it ok for other people to want to stay live in groups of like minded people, but if whites do it, it is wrong?"

I didn't say anything. LIke you said, liberals can't think.
Again, the rightā€™s propensity for authoritarianism comes as no surprise, nor their contempt for democracy and the will of the people.

So, I ask for someone to support the claim of the op, and instead of supporting the already made flamebait accusations, the leftard makes some more flamebait accusations.

Do you even understand the concept of a supporting argument, you drooling retard?
Liberals can't stand conservatives, period, specifically because they fervently support American democracy. If liberals had their way, America would be a socialist country.
You tried to destroy democracy with your rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6 ā€“ clearly conservatives have nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions and youā€™ll continue to seek to destroy those institutions.
You tried to destroy democracy with your rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6 ā€“ clearly conservatives have nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions and youā€™ll continue to seek to destroy those institutions.

The 1/6 riot was a few hundred people that flipped out.

To try to define half the nation with that, is the act of a dishonest asshole.

You are a dishonest asshole.
Hungary needs to take its share. Inequality in the world has been caused by the west. There is a responsibility to clean up the mess. Hungary wants the benefits of EU membership. In fact it is a huge beneficiary. And yet it does not want to play its own part in helping with the load.

But its not just emigration. Orbans regime oppresses minorities in Hungary itself. His treatment of Gays and Gypsies is shocking and has no place in the civilised world.

80 years ago the West fought against the Orbans and now the likes of Carlson fly to Budapest to suck his dick. Sad times.
Orban is correct. The only thing Hungary needs to do is take care of itself. The rest of the world should do likewise and evict the multicult invaders.
Carlson has become the pied-piper of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory ā€“ a demagogue and liar preying on the fears of ignorant racists and bigots on the right that ā€˜core peopleā€™ will become a ā€˜disadvantaged minorityā€™ subject to black and brown ā€˜invaders.ā€™
Like Mac1958 Slade3200 and all the other ā€œwe love our pet wetbacksā€ America haters you too can shut us all down by showing us why core Americans should embrace the idea of a less American America? You canā€™t so you wonā€™t.
Like Mac1958 Slade3200 and all the other ā€œwe love our pet wetbacksā€ America haters you too can shut us all down by showing us why core Americans should embrace the idea of a less American America? You canā€™t so you wonā€™t.
I donā€™t think core Americans should embrace the idea of a less America America. Thatā€™s why I love immigration. They are what makes America great. Didnā€™t ya know?!
I donā€™t think core Americans should embrace the idea of a less America America. Thatā€™s why I love immigration. They are what makes America great. Didnā€™t ya know?!
Yeah go with that...ā€America is made great by people who canā€™t speak the native language, who donā€˜t love and respect Americas rich history, value system, culture and heritageā€...Hahaha...Good luck selling that globalist bullshit to sane real Americans.

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