Tucker Carlson fuels the Maga mindset with fawning trip to authoritarian Hungary

Hungary needs to take its share. Inequality in the world has been caused by the west. There is a responsibility to clean up the mess. Hungary wants the benefits of EU membership. In fact it is a huge beneficiary. And yet it does not want to play its own part in helping with the load.

But its not just emigration. Orbans regime oppresses minorities in Hungary itself. His treatment of Gays and Gypsies is shocking and has no place in the civilised world.

80 years ago the West fought against the Orbans and now the likes of Carlson fly to Budapest to suck his dick. Sad times.
No country need to take i efugees from arounds the world.
It is there country and they have the right of self determination.
If they don;t want third world refugee they have every right to shut their borders to them
I wouldn't use that word because it would be simplistic and ignorant.

That's for people like you.

But your bigoted paranoia is a sight to behold, that's for sure.
“Simplistic and ignorant“ to identify and acknowledge the people who forged the greatest nation the world has ever known?
There’s your problem right there.
“Simplistic and ignorant“ to identify and acknowledge the people who forged the greatest nation the world has ever known?
There’s your problem right there.
You'll just have to deal with whatever's coming.

Your crap is boring.
Yeah either that or you’re not understanding what liberals actually support. My money is with the second option
You are not a liberal. You would not recognize actual liberal political theory if it smacked you along side that ignorant little head of yours.

Try reading some John Rawls or John Stuart Mill, and get back to me, kid, all right?

The central purpose of Islam is to extinguish all other ways of believing. There is nothing the least bit liberal about it, even if morons like you make claims that preventing it from overwhelming more liberal societies is some sort of act of authoritarianism.
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Some good reads on the subject here. Hopefully, we can find a way to force entitled lil bitch Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson to stay there. He'll be much happier. :)

You'll just have to deal with whatever's coming.

Your crap is boring.
Again...you can’t make it simple for us...you can’t tell us how America improves with more dark people. Why is that? That could only mean one thing as you get all giddy on the notion of a darker America...you support Americas degradation.
Now that’s some weird ass shit you’ll only see from FEELZ People.
Slade3200 and Mac1958 believe it is authoritarian and racist for governments to protect their core people, to preserve their value systems, principles, history and traditions.

Yes. I know. But I wonder if they know that, or if they will come up with some bizarre, otherworldly explanation along the lines of

"The songs of the trees whispered it to my shoes, and thus it is true."
Why is it necessary for Hungarians to mix with muslims and africans?


aint it funny how that simple little question sends the left into full retreat, silly faces and all?
No country need to take i efugees from arounds the world.
It is there country and they have the right of self determination.
If they don;t want third world refugee they have every right to shut their borders to them
Hungary can do what they like. But they will need to abide by the rules if they want to stay a part of the EU.
Personally, I think the EU has been far too understanding with them. They should kick them out so that they can regress to their soviet status.
Hungary will knuckle down and behave before that happens though.
Yes. I know. But I wonder if they know that, or if they will come up with some bizarre, otherworldly explanation along the lines of

"The songs of the trees whispered it to my shoes, and thus it is true."
They are all too stupid to be able to understand values or principles and have been conditioned to see ithe world only in terms of identity. That is why they only see skin color instead of ideology or culture.

They claim they celebrate diversity, but are actually out to extinguish it.Hungarians cannot be allowed to be Hungarians. French cannot be allowed to be French, and heaven forbid that Jews ever wish to be Jewish, all bets are off!

These are not reasonable people we are dealing with here.
Hungary can do what they like. But they will need to abide by the rules if they want to stay a part of the EU.
Personally, I think the EU has been far too understanding with them. They should kick them out so that they can regress to their soviet status.
Hungary will knuckle down and behave before that happens though.
he only race that euro weenies do not fear is whites
Hungary can do what they like. But they will need to abide by the rules if they want to stay a part of the EU.
Personally, I think the EU has been far too understanding with them. They should kick them out so that they can regress to their soviet status.
Hungary will knuckle down and behave before that happens though.
Look at how these guys behave when their bigotry is pointed out. You don't have to say anything. You can point at them and say, "see?"

Look at the men they adore: Trump, Tucker, Putin, Orban.

Aggressive, punitive, pugilistic nationalists. Who are white.
Look at how these guys behave when their bigotry is pointed out. You don't have to say anything. You can point at them and say, "see?"

Look at the men they adore: Trump, Tucker, Putin, Orban.

Aggressive, punitive, pugilistic nationalists. Who are white.
There is no pussy footing around it any more is there ?
Look at how these guys behave when their bigotry is pointed out. You don't have to say anything. You can point at them and say, "see?"

Look at the men they adore: Trump, Tucker, Putin, Orban.

Aggressive, punitive, pugilistic nationalists. Who are white.
Look at the men you adore - Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Osama Bin Laden, Hugo Chavez.......
Look at the men you adore - Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Osama Bin Laden, Hugo Chavez.......
But I don't like any of them. So you lied.

But I'm glad you felt you had to try.

Still waiting on your list of issues on which I have changed.

Let's go, Trumpster. Man up.
And another leftard lemming chimes in support, and still none of you do anything to actually support the claim of the OP.

Stupid leftard assholes.
Again, the right’s propensity for authoritarianism comes as no surprise, nor their contempt for democracy and the will of the people.


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