Tucker, Carlson interviews Tim Scott, Mike Pence, and more


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Tucker is the man. This is incredible so far I’ve seen the beginning of the interviews. I’m on the Tim Scott interview right now. And Tucker is not letting up. He’s asking Scott a Republican by the way …the tough questions.

One of the things Carlson was saying was Why are we sending all this money to Ukraine? Why don’t we use the resources that are we giving to Ukraine to help protect our border.? Tim Scott kind of dodged the question but Tucker did not let up. And this is just incredible. Wow we don’t see this type of journalism on Fox News or CNN.
This is the full interview with Pence. He is clearly very uncomfortable with Tucker's questions, but at least he was prepared for them with very, very, carefully worded answers.

Great point by Tucker Carlson is that Russia has killed no Americans. But the Mexican government has issues with the drug cartels which have killed tens of thousands of Americans…. Carlson put that in a form of a question to Tim Scott…. And Scott basically dodge the question.

Nobody on CNN or Fox News or MSNBC is asking these types of questions.

I think first it would be a good idea for you to explain how we should be unquestionably supporting Ukraine. Why? They aren’t Russia isn’t a good answer. Who gives a fuck if two countries we don’t care about are at war. Have at it.

So far the only useful part of Ukraine is they funnel millions to democrat politicians. That doesn’t sound like a good reason to send endless support.

Eight years ago we did not have the serious problems we have today. Thank you for your response. Hope you’re doing well.

We did not have this insane support for the Ukraine. Eight years ago, there was no Russian invasion of Ukraine. There was the issue in Crimea. But certainly no full-scale war. Is that something? Russia has not told any Americans. What are we doing? Funding Ukraine to kill Russians. That’s against Christianity.

8 years ago We did not have the “coronavirus”. We did not have the government enforced lockdowns. We did not have hyperinflation. We did not have super high home prices.

Does Frank Luntz have 8 million followers on Twitter?

Does Frank Luntz upload videos to Twitter that gets 70,000,000 views like Tucker Carlson’s most recent episode on Twitter did.

You and a few people might not like Tucker Carlson ..but he is the best journalist in America and he is overwhelmingly approved by we the American people.

If you want Call me a racist, laugh at my post. Call me a russian Agent means nothing to me brother,. But if you want to have a real conversation, go ahead and let me know I hope you do. I hope you’re not like our fellow Democrats on the US message board that do nothing but hurl insults at people.

Man the democrat party today is nothing like it used to be. It means absolutely nothing. There are millions of Americans starving in this country or they’re homeless or they’re living an absolute poverty. If you look at the streets, you look at the roads potholes all over the place. Degradative housing. Eight years ago, we did not have the racist Black Lives Matter organization being as powerful as it is, we did not have this insane , divisive idea that white people, including homeless white people are privileged.

And all over the country Americans of all backgrounds are waking up. It’s such a beautiful thing they’re fighting back against the Democrats that preach racism …they’re fighting back against the racist BLM. They’re saying why are we sending billions of dollars to Ukraine when there are Americans in East Palestine, who can’t breathe.

Hope you have a nice day brother
I told you dimwits this years ago.

Pence was "done" before the big dunce picked him for his VP.

Good to see you dolts finally coming around.
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Asa Hutchinson full interview.

Tucker presses him pretty hard on his referring to cross sex hormones for kids as "treatment." Hutchinson said he doesn't want government telling parents what to do when it comes to medical gender affirmation for minors. He did say that he doesn't agree with surgery for minors.

Tucker presses him on troops for the border and why he would prioritized helping the Philipines over securing the border.

I don't know. Hutchinson strikes me as just another relic of the Bush/Cheney/Romney cabal.

He'd cave on the surgery, if he were confronted with someone falsely claiming that the kid will committ suicide without the surgery.
Then you should have no problem with him interviewing Bidumb or any other democrat. Surely they can handle this loser right?
Why would anyone want to be dragged down to this piece of shits level? He's a pro Russian, anti- American propagandist. And he's turned animals like you into one as well.

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