Tucker Carlson nails it again.

Hopefully this thread won't be merged with the other one and get lost on page 28.

The left hates Tucker, cuz he's 20 times more progressive than they are....and not afraid to be honest.

LMAO. OK, I tried to watch it. But damn, that fake hair is just too much. How do watch this fake ass punk. I mean that bad toupee never flippin moved. I bet his ass is bald as Kojak.

But, but, but....what about “tolerance”? You hate the balding?

Who's balding Chucky?

Fully LefTarded and extremely intolerant Winston refused to address the premise of the thread ‘because Tuckers hair’ bothers him.

The premise of the thread? Hunter Biden's laptop? Are you flippin kidding me? Hunter Biden's SUPPOSED laptop is a fucking joke. I mean it takes a really stupid individual to believe that someone with child pornography sitting on their laptop would actually leave it with a computer repairman and then forget about it. And I don't care how much crack they are using. You people are insanely comical in your ignorance. Hell, the first person that they contacted concerning the alleged laptop was Mike Lee. He wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. That should tell you everything you need to know. But you guys carry on, I got to go attend an infant sacrifice. We are going to drink the blood and chant to the devil.
Hopefully this thread won't be merged with the other one and get lost on page 28.

The left hates Tucker, cuz he's 20 times more progressive than they are....and not afraid to be honest.

LMAO. OK, I tried to watch it. But damn, that fake hair is just too much. How do watch this fake ass punk. I mean that bad toupee never flippin moved. I bet his ass is bald as Kojak.

But, but, but....what about “tolerance”? You hate the balding?

Who's balding Chucky?

Fully LefTarded and extremely intolerant Winston refused to address the premise of the thread ‘because Tuckers hair’ bothers him.

The premise of the thread? Hunter Biden's laptop? Are you flippin kidding me? Hunter Biden's SUPPOSED laptop is a fucking joke. I mean it takes a really stupid individual to believe that someone with child pornography sitting on their laptop would actually leave it with a computer repairman and then forget about it. And I don't care how much crack they are using. You people are insanely comical in your ignorance. Hell, the first person that they contacted concerning the alleged laptop was Mike Lee. He wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. That should tell you everything you need to know. But you guys carry on, I got to go attend an infant sacrifice. We are going to drink the blood and chat to the devil.

Don't worry Rudy made plenty of copies.
Hopefully this thread won't be merged with the other one and get lost on page 28.

The left hates Tucker, cuz he's 20 times more progressive than they are....and not afraid to be honest.

Thank you for sharing Tucker's that will never be acknowledged by the corrupt sycophants in today's leftist liars Main Stream Media whose noses are brown when they are not whitewashed to go on the air to theatricize the false narative du jour directly from the donkey's mouth aka the Democrat talking point omeurrta website for corrupt media mules dressed like movie stars.

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