Tucker Carlson: Neocon Slayer...

Tucker is probably the most intelligent individual in broadcasting today. I have never seen him lose an intellectual encounter with anyone. He eats "elite" neocons for breakfast.
He got ripped to shreds pretty badly by Jon Stewart. He can't wear a bow tie ever again.

But as far as the shill on Fox go, he is a little less in the bag for Trump than the rest.

John Stewart? Yeah, Willy Nelson for president! Why ? Weeeed! Fuck John Stewart. He lost his show.
No he didn't, dummy.

Yes he'd did you hipster fag.
No he didn't, dumb yokel.
It's no wonder that NaziCons love Tucker Carlson...
Tucker is probably the most intelligent individual in broadcasting today. I have never seen him lose an intellectual encounter with anyone. He eats "elite" neocons for breakfast.
He got ripped to shreds pretty badly by Jon Stewart. He can't wear a bow tie ever again.

But as far as the shill on Fox go, he is a little less in the bag for Trump than the rest.

John Stewart? Yeah, Willy Nelson for president! Why ? Weeeed! Fuck John Stewart. He lost his show.
No he didn't, dummy.

Yes he'd did you hipster fag.
No he didn't, dumb yokel.

Oh but he did. He unlike most in the industry knew that hipsters types like you who are forty somethings with black flag number stickers on their Toyota Highlander's weren't needing to watch him to relate to twenty something's anymore. So he bailed at the top of his game and left a champ.
Tucker is probably the most intelligent individual in broadcasting today. I have never seen him lose an intellectual encounter with anyone. He eats "elite" neocons for breakfast.
He got ripped to shreds pretty badly by Jon Stewart. He can't wear a bow tie ever again.

But as far as the shill on Fox go, he is a little less in the bag for Trump than the rest.
He has never actually debated Stewart, moron.

Stewart was a guest on the show who attacked Tucker after Tucker decided to defend the dignity of the show he CO-hosted with a liberal(the original Hannity & Colmes)while the liberal was largely silent.

Tucker can't wear a bow tie ever again because EVERYONE thought it looked ridiculous for a young writer of a national newspaper and a frequent political commentator on a national news television station to constantly wear a bow tie like some elderly economist.
Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

The dregs of the “alt-right” championed Carlson’s promotion because they think he will mainstream their beliefs.

Tucker Carlson’s takeover of Fox News’ 8 p.m. time slot has been greeted with cheers by his fans in the neo-Nazi, white nationalist, and misogynistic corners of the Internet.

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

So funny! So true!
Tucker is definitely much more of an unabashed nationalist than O'Reilly was ever comfortable of being, but he also more colorblind than Bill was as well.

Tucker just doesn't take anti-white shit like most "conservative" hosts, and he will call out assholes who parrot that crap.
Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

The dregs of the “alt-right” championed Carlson’s promotion because they think he will mainstream their beliefs.

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

So funny! So true!

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

The dregs of the “alt-right” championed Carlson’s promotion because they think he will mainstream their beliefs.

Tucker Carlson’s takeover of Fox News’ 8 p.m. time slot has been greeted with cheers by his fans in the neo-Nazi, white nationalist, and misogynistic corners of the Internet.

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

So funny! So true!
Tucker is definitely much more of an unabashed nationalist than O'Reilly was ever comfortable of being, but he also more colorblind than Bill was as well.

Tucker just doesn't take anti-white shit like most "conservative" hosts, and he will call out assholes who parrot that crap.

He does it pretty fast to and without much talking on his part. Many times he just runs his guests around until they hit a wall instead of out yelling them on TV. Tucker is all right.
Arguing over TV personalities. :rolleyes-41:

Is it any wonder this country got stuck with one as president?

The matrix is real. Choose the red pill.
Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

The dregs of the “alt-right” championed Carlson’s promotion because they think he will mainstream their beliefs.

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

So funny! So true!

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

The dregs of the “alt-right” championed Carlson’s promotion because they think he will mainstream their beliefs.

Tucker Carlson’s takeover of Fox News’ 8 p.m. time slot has been greeted with cheers by his fans in the neo-Nazi, white nationalist, and misogynistic corners of the Internet.

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

So funny! So true!
Tucker is definitely much more of an unabashed nationalist than O'Reilly was ever comfortable of being, but he also more colorblind than Bill was as well.

Tucker just doesn't take anti-white shit like most "conservative" hosts, and he will call out assholes who parrot that crap.

He does it pretty fast to and without much talking on his part. Many times he just runs his guests around until they hit a wall instead of out yelling them on TV. Tucker is all right.
I have actually gotten bored of Tucker's show because he always wins and completely destroys every crazy guest he has on that day.

If you can actually get a black supremacist/"counter racist" to sweat and actually look visibly embarrassed, then you are TOO damn good.

Tucker is probably the most intelligent individual in broadcasting today. I have never seen him lose an intellectual encounter with anyone. He eats "elite" neocons for breakfast.
Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar. Saying Carlson is more intelligent is laughable. She's also the leader of all nightly cable news.
Suck on that for awhile.
Rachel "blinky" madcow is not in the least bit smart... you gullible motherfucker.

Tucker is probably the most intelligent individual in broadcasting today. I have never seen him lose an intellectual encounter with anyone. He eats "elite" neocons for breakfast.
Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar. Saying Carlson is more intelligent is laughable. She's also the leader of all nightly cable news.
Suck on that for awhile.

Yeah a real intellectual,, She is so stupid she doesn't even know where the right bathroom is. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Tucker is probably the most intelligent individual in broadcasting today. I have never seen him lose an intellectual encounter with anyone. He eats "elite" neocons for breakfast.
Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar. Saying Carlson is more intelligent is laughable. She's also the leader of all nightly cable news.
Suck on that for awhile.

That's not impressive at all. I mean, she is wrong 99% of the time. Educated don't mean smart.

What is she wrong about. Please give us some "credible" examples.

Give any example of ANYTHING the stupid bitch IS RIGHT about that will take a lot less bandwidth.

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