Zone1 Tucker Carlson proves racism is the norm

Yes they are. They are made to stop actions caused by "I hate you because you're black or you hate me because I'm white,".
The ACTIONS are illegal, not the feelings.
Please cite an actual law ANYWHERE which states "it is illegal to hate someone because of the color of their skin".
And since you won't be able to, I will ask a hypothetical question: how might one enforce that?
It's funny what some whites think racism is.
The ACTIONS are illegal, not the feelings.
Please cite an actual law ANYWHERE which states "it is illegal to hate someone because of the color of their skin".
And since you won't be able to, I will ask a hypothetical question: how might one enforce that?
The actions result from those feelings. That's what laws are made to do. Racism involves more than your simplistic definition. I have shown there are laws to stop racism and your definition of racism is not it.
Stop denying racism. I know people who watch NASCAR exclusively because it's mostly white. Tucker Carlson is a racist and your crusade to deny racism is delusional. Millions of people watch Tucker and agree with his racism. NASCAR has a history of racism that it's trying to fix. Tucker doubles down on his racism and you are here trying to defend it.

So again you are arguing a false equivalence.
That's stupid. People watch NASCAR because they like to see cars going around in circles at high speed, just like they like watching Indianapolis car racing. Personally, I think oval and drag racing are stupid, I'll take a good road race or rally any day.
Yes it is. Because you refuse to look at a complex matter with the complexity it deserves. To you racism is saying I hate you because you're white. You can't or won't associate that with actions.
Trump used to say the N word all the time in private.

Again. No one is buying stuff without links. And if you're quoting the book that written about him BEFORE the election -- much of that has been questioned since it's a single source for ALL those allegations.

Where did you GET THIS? I know Joe Biden said kids were gonna exist in a racial jungle - if desegregation proceeded. Heres how you DOCUMENT IT..

Want an answer. DOES THIS STATEMENT MAKE YOU MAD? Makes me mad that the censors of the web have removed his ACTUAL video saying these words and replaced that speech on the floor of the House with animated crap like this.

Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain desegregation policies would cause his kids to grow up 'in a racial jungle'

July 15, 2019

Former Vice President Joe Biden is facing increased scrutiny over his record on busing and racial issues, and this week old comments resurfaced in which he said, in 1977, that non-"orderly" racial integration policies would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle."

If THAT didn't make you mad -- how about this EYEWITNESS account to a Biden race baiting speech in 1972, Claims Biden made the SAME degrading remarks about black kids in a rally with some of biggest segregationists.

The actions result from those feelings. That's what laws are made to do. Racism involves more than your simplistic definition. I have shown there are laws to stop racism and your definition of racism is not it.
Per Merriam-Webster:
Racism: belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Note: nowhere in that definition are "actions" mentioned.
That's stupid. People watch NASCAR because they like to see cars going around in circles at high speed, just like they like watching Indianapolis car racing. Personally, I think oval and drag racing are stupid, I'll take a good road race or rally any day.
Go tell that to the whites who watch NASCAR because it's mostly white. I don't watch any car racing on TV.
Again. No one is buying stuff without links. And if you're quoting the book that written about him BEFORE the election -- much of that has been questioned since it's a single source for ALL those allegations.

Where did you GET THIS? I know Joe Biden said kids were gonna exist in a racial jungle - if desegregation proceeded. Heres how you DOCUMENT IT..

Want an answer. DOES THIS STATEMENT MAKE YOU MAD? Makes me mad that the censors of the web have removed his ACTUAL video saying these words and replaced that speech on the floor of the House with animated crap like this.

Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain desegregation policies would cause his kids to grow up 'in a racial jungle'

July 15, 2019

Former Vice President Joe Biden is facing increased scrutiny over his record on busing and racial issues, and this week old comments resurfaced in which he said, in 1977, that non-"orderly" racial integration policies would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle."

If THAT didn't make you mad -- how about this EYEWITNESS account to a Biden race baiting speech in 1972, Claims Biden made the SAME degrading remarks about black kids in a rally with some of biggest segregationists.

Trump was busted for racial discrimination. So again, what you don't want to believe is your problem.

As for Joe Biden it's like this, A true racist will not EVER chose to submit him or herself to be put in a subservient position to someone black. Stop cherry picking blacks that say what you want to hear. James Clyburn stands by Joe Biden and James Clyburn is one of the few blacks left from the 1960's Civil Rights Movement. I think Clyburn knows what a racist is.
Per Merriam-Webster:
Racism: belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Note: nowhere in that definition are "actions" mentioned.
Son, I know the definition of racism. Actions resulting from that belief come with laws to stop those actions.

Funny what some people don't think are bait threads.
It would be virtually impossible for him to be as popular as he is if most of our country wasn't racist. White liberals were so confused how Trump was able to say all the racist things and still get elected, especially since conservatives excoriated Obama for 8 years straight for somehow "dividing" the country by crying about a black kid being killed. Somehow that was totally racist, but the more racist Racist and divisive Trump got, the more they loved 'em! There's only one explanation for such a disparate and contradictory outcome: The majority of the white population is racist. Always has been. Blacks need a similar sort of identity politics and fight back.
Yet you give Biden a pass for yelling at Charlamagne "If You don't vote for me YOU AIN'T BLACK!!!" You live in the past just like your racist brother IM2.
Funny what some people don't think are bait threads.
Yeah like the moderators of this board and 99% of the posters on this board. The only ones that I see attacking me about my Black Deaths Matters documentary thread are you, Paul and Newsvine.
I am black. Proud of it. And I won't change because some right wingers can't take the truth.
I’m glad you’re “proud” of the extra melanin — although that doesn’t amount to any kind of an achievement. 😂🤣

And there’s no reason t be ashamed of it, either. And it doesn’t matter if a right- or left-winger agrees or disagrees.

I think Obumbler is proud of his lefthandedness. 😂🤣
Again. No one is buying stuff without links. And if you're quoting the book that written about him BEFORE the election -- much of that has been questioned since it's a single source for ALL those allegations.

Where did you GET THIS? I know Joe Biden said kids were gonna exist in a racial jungle - if desegregation proceeded. Heres how you DOCUMENT IT..

Want an answer. DOES THIS STATEMENT MAKE YOU MAD? Makes me mad that the censors of the web have removed his ACTUAL video saying these words and replaced that speech on the floor of the House with animated crap like this.

Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain desegregation policies would cause his kids to grow up 'in a racial jungle'

July 15, 2019

Former Vice President Joe Biden is facing increased scrutiny over his record on busing and racial issues, and this week old comments resurfaced in which he said, in 1977, that non-"orderly" racial integration policies would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle."

If THAT didn't make you mad -- how about this EYEWITNESS account to a Biden race baiting speech in 1972, Claims Biden made the SAME degrading remarks about black kids in a rally with some of biggest segregationists.

I already gave you the link. Check the comments.
Trump was busted for racial discrimination. So again, what you don't want to believe is your problem.

As for Joe Biden it's like this, A true racist will not EVER chose to submit him or herself to be put in a subservient position to someone black. Stop cherry picking blacks that say what you want to hear. James Clyburn stands by Joe Biden and James Clyburn is one of the few blacks left from the 1960's Civil Rights Movement. I think Clyburn knows what a racist is.
Joe Biden's Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill put more blacks in Federal prisons then any other legislation ever passed, IM2. James Clyburn should know that but James has been in Washington so long that he's just another member of the "good ole boys club" so he stands by Joe Biden while denigrating Donald Trump...a man who actually PARDONED blacks that were put in prison for decades by Joe Biden!
What you refuse to believe is irrelevant.

Replacement theory is a racist theory. All this stuff you posted is not replacement theory. A hispanic republican ran in Texas, I doubt if she will be saying the same kinds of things about hispanics as Louie Gohmert. I have voted for republicans in my district several times for state office. That's because I knew them. Your party wins one district in Texas and you declare how everybody is turning republican. If this nation gives republicans the national majority in DC, democracy here is done.

Trump did not put order on the border. Crossings were at historic lows when trump took office. He made a mess and you call it order.

Your party is the racist party. Your attempts to deny racism doesn't change that. Stop being white trying to tell me about racism. The problem of race relations is not separate from politics. Learn that.

You're never gonna understand what hit your party. Because you dont understand Hispanics. In Cali I lived and WORKED in a 50% Hispanic city. And they came in the 80s and 90s and REVITALIZED their OWN section of town. Some as long here as 4th and 5th generation. THEY were PUBLICLY outspoken about the "different type of border immigrants" coming into their tight community in the 2000s. Many told me this same thing. The NEWER immigrants were of different values and different education and class. And they didn't WANT huge numbers coming in.

So worry MORE ABOUT your stupid party bro.. Here's how that SEAT WAS WON. By running on the REAL CULTURAL VALUES of the Hispanic community AND LEGAL immigration ONLY. All the Trump policies without the SNARKINESS. And her hubby IS with border patrol. When Biden abuses border agents, he's abusing a majority HISPANIC workforce. Like with the "whipping" fiasco that never existed.

How Mayra Flores flipped a Rio Grande Valley congressional seat and gave Republicans hope for a new era in South Texas

Her outright victory in a special election is the latest chapter in a topsy-turvy election cycle for South Texas, which Republicans have worked to turn into a new battleground.

Hispanics in her Southwest Texas district want border security, financial security and the economy to take priority over immigration reform, says Republican Rep.-elect Mayra Flores, who flipped a House seat in Tuesday’s special election.

In an interview with Fox News, Flores said that she won, in large part, because she shares the values – God, family and community – of her Hispanic constituents:

[[[HEY IM2 -- go tell your party to STOP BEATING on God and Family and Community if you ever want to see Texas even PURPLE again]]]

“Asked why the district’s two counties that border Mexico — Cameron and Hidalgo counties — swung heavily towards her, Flores answered because I’m one of them and I’m also standing up for our values. God, family, our community. That’s who we are in South Texas. We’re all about hard work.’”

Contrary to the narrative of Democrats and media, Hispanics actually support the Border Patrol, and don’t like the way border agents are being disrespected, Flores told Ballasy. And, while she says she supports immigration reform, she wants to help migrants come to the U.S. legally - as she did - not via dangerous, illegal means:

“I’m from Mexico – of course, I want that opportunity. But, I want every child to have the same experience that I had when I came here to this country.”

“If we really care about immigrants, we would focus on legal immigration and not illegal immigration, which is hurting, not only the American people, but them as well.”
I didn't misquote him at all. The link I gave you shows unequivocally that Tucker said that Mexicans make the country dirtier and poorer, and obviously less safe. Trump did in fact use the N word all the time in his private family life, his own Niece admitted it. Most white folk do so behnind closed doors.

You haven't given me a link since I asked for it.. None on Tucker (who you NOW changed to a DIFFERENT QUOTE from what you originally posted) and none about Trump and the Nword while IN OFFICE or campaigning.
Tell me this: If Stalin or Marx were the most beloved figures of most Americans, wouldn't you say that also liking communism would be a natural outcome? If Tucker is popular and beloved by a majority of the right, it proves they have no qualms with anti non white racism.

Silly attempt at comparison. So if we admire the country that the Founders gave us --- we're ALL STILL RACIST?? That analogy does not CARRY 5 or 7 generations dude..

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