Zone1 Tucker Carlson proves racism is the norm

It would be virtually impossible for him to be as popular as he is if most of our country wasn't racist. White liberals were so confused how Trump was able to say all the racist things and still get elected, especially since conservatives excoriated Obama for 8 years straight for somehow "dividing" the country by crying about a black kid being killed. Somehow that was totally racist, but the more racist Racist and divisive Trump got, the more they loved 'em! There's only one explanation for such a disparate and contradictory outcome: The majority of the white population is racist. Always has been. Blacks need a similar sort of identity politics and fight back.
trump never said anything racist. prove it.
I'm talking about true anti racism progressives, which are a minority of liberals. Most normal liberals are just as racist like most normal conservatives. But you have to vote Joe if it's between one racist or the other, he was the lesser of two evils. People aren't one issue voters. If it's between one racist that doesn't mind polluting the earth, against a racist who doesn't want to pollute the earth, I'm gonna vote for the green racist.
Define a normal liberal. There are very few liberals left in the Democratic party.
You haven't given me a link since I asked for it.. None on Tucker (who you NOW changed to a DIFFERENT QUOTE from what you originally posted) and none about Trump and the Nword while IN OFFICE or campaigning.
Nope. I definitely gave you the link about tucker saying how Mexicans make the country dirty. Check the comments.

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