Zone1 Tucker Carlson proves racism is the norm

Actually there are. In employment, education, public accommodations and against violence based on race.
There are laws against racial discrimination and hate crimes. There are no laws against "racism".
Try again.
(which, unfortunately, you will)
The lesser of the 2 evils based on ONE ISSUE? No wonder this country is circling the drain. If we rely on just 2 party to offer progressively WORSE choices every cycle -- HOW EVIL can that get?

And you did not make a case against Tucker Carlson. YOU TRIED to make a case for charging Trump with racism but didn't succeed because you didn't ILLUSTRATE specifics. If your goal was to hit on Trump -- this should be a POLITICS or MEDIA topic and NOT a "race discussion. Personal opinion only here.

It's like I've always said -- most of the CURRENT day charges of racism go DIRECTLY back in being rooted in POLITICAL differences.
Nah it's a litany of issues. I tend to vote third party most of the time. But if the third party guy has zero chance, hell yea I'm voting for the dems.

That Tucker is racist? I'm not going to make a case about something that is ubiquitous. Tucker's popularity proves racism.
There are laws against racial discrimination and hate crimes. There are no laws against "racism".
Try again.
(which, unfortunately, you will)
Those are laws against racism.
Mexico isn't sending anybody. People leave because they want to. What trump said was racist. As Sowell stated, Obama was called a racist for saying if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin. Obama was a light skinned black man and if he had a son, he would indeed have looked like Trayvon Martin.

Furthermore he made other comments that were just as racist. Now this game gets old, you guys heard every word trump spoke and just because what he said confirms your beliefs in members of other racists doesn't mean that what trump said was not racist. Stop asking people to provide evidence when none of you ever do.

I refuse to believe that because Trump called covid the "wuhan flu" that was a racist comment. Also refuse to believe that border was put in order under his Admin because of racism. The fact that your party is LOSING about 40% of Hispanic support proves that. This race card of a thread is ALL about politics -- like I've always told you -- you're currrent issues with "racists" is MORE about politics than "race relations".

IN FACT -- Fauci was caught SEVERAL TIMES using the term "Wuhan virus" -- IS Fauci racist? The folks in that Texas district that is 85% 1st thru 6th gen Hispanic that YESTERDAY elected the 1st Repub to the US House in 100 years -- ARE all those brown people RACIST?

Go solve the problems in YOUR OWN party. Dont bring political fire in here and call it RACE discussion;
I refuse to believe that because Trump called covid the "wuhan flu" that was a racist comment. Also refuse to believe that border was put in order under his Admin because of racism. The fact that your party is LOSING about 40% of Hispanic support proves that. This race card of a thread is ALL about politics -- like I've always told you -- you're currrent issues with "racists" is MORE about politics than "race relations".

IN FACT -- Fauci was caught SEVERAL TIMES using the term "Wuhan virus" -- IS Fauci racist? The folks in that Texas district that is 85% 1st thru 6th gen Hispanic that YESTERDAY elected the 1st Repub to the US House in 100 years -- ARE all those brown people RACIST?

Go solve the problems in YOUR OWN party. Dont bring political fire in here and call it RACE discussion;
Trump used to say the N word all the time in private.
Nah it's a litany of issues. I tend to vote third party most of the time. But if the third party guy has zero chance, hell yea I'm voting for the dems.

That Tucker is racist? I'm not going to make a case about something that is ubiquitous. Tucker's popularity proves racism.

Something we share in common. I've been developing a web "Boot Camp" for Independent candidates. Indies cover the whole political spectrum, just dont pledge allegiance to party and VOLUNTEER to be muzzled and constrained by the party leadership.

You're misquoting BOTH of them. Tucker is irrelevant to all your arguments -- because your TARGET is Trump. Well past time for you to document some of the "alleged" quotes you've fumbled here.
Tucker's popularity proves racism.

THis deserves its OWN response because it's so logically incoherent. How is "popular" a DEFINITIVE and SOLE condition to prove "racism"?

Is NASCAR racist? Because its base is mostly "right-wingers"? Even tho NASCAR has PROSTRATED themselves until it became so obvious it was painful to watch anymore -- SOLELY to score virtue points and insulate them from accusations.

When corporate entities DO that -- and it has NOTHING to do with their product, sane people just hang up. Same actually with the NBA and other sports -- but in THEIR CASES they are ULTIMATE HYPOCRITS because of ties to China or other countries abusing minorities WORSE than the USA.

How is "popular" a DEFINITIVE and SOLE condition to prove "racism"? Need an answer to this faulty assertion.
I refuse to believe that because Trump called covid the "wuhan flu" that was a racist comment. Also refuse to believe that border was put in order under his Admin because of racism. The fact that your party is LOSING about 40% of Hispanic support proves that. This race card of a thread is ALL about politics -- like I've always told you -- you're currrent issues with "racists" is MORE about politics than "race relations".

IN FACT -- Fauci was caught SEVERAL TIMES using the term "Wuhan virus" -- IS Fauci racist? The folks in that Texas district that is 85% 1st thru 6th gen Hispanic that YESTERDAY elected the 1st Repub to the US House in 100 years -- ARE all those brown people RACIST?

Go solve the problems in YOUR OWN party. Dont bring political fire in here and call it RACE discussion;
What you refuse to believe is irrelevant.

Replacement theory is a racist theory. All this stuff you posted is not replacement theory. A hispanic republican ran in Texas, I doubt if she will be saying the same kinds of things about hispanics as Louie Gohmert. I have voted for republicans in my district several times for state office. That's because I knew them. Your party wins one district in Texas and you declare how everybody is turning republican. If this nation gives republicans the national majority in DC, democracy here is done.

Trump did not put order on the border. Crossings were at historic lows when trump took office. He made a mess and you call it order.

Your party is the racist party. Your attempts to deny racism doesn't change that. Stop being white trying to tell me about racism. The problem of race relations is not separate from politics. Learn that.
Something we share in common. I've been developing a web "Boot Camp" for Independent candidates. Indies cover the whole political spectrum, just dont pledge allegiance to party and VOLUNTEER to be muzzled and constrained by the party leadership.

You're misquoting BOTH of them. Tucker is irrelevant to all your arguments -- because your TARGET is Trump. Well past time for you to document some of the "alleged" quotes you've fumbled here.
I didn't misquote him at all. The link I gave you shows unequivocally that Tucker said that Mexicans make the country dirtier and poorer, and obviously less safe. Trump did in fact use the N word all the time in his private family life, his own Niece admitted it. Most white folk do so behnind closed doors.
THis deserves its OWN response because it's so logically incoherent. How is "popular" a DEFINITIVE and SOLE condition to prove "racism"?

Is NASCAR racist? Because its base is mostly "right-wingers"? Even tho NASCAR has PROSTRATED themselves until it became so obvious it was painful to watch anymore -- SOLELY to score virtue points and insulate them from accusations.

When corporate entities DO that -- and it has NOTHING to do with their product, sane people just hang up. Same actually with the NBA and other sports -- but in THEIR CASES they are ULTIMATE HYPOCRITS because of ties to China or other countries abusing minorities WORSE than the USA.

How is "popular" a DEFINITIVE and SOLE condition to prove "racism"? Need an answer to this faulty assertion.
Tell me this: If Stalin or Marx were the most beloved figures of most Americans, wouldn't you say that also liking communism would be a natural outcome? If Tucker is popular and beloved by a majority of the right, it proves they have no qualms with anti non white racism.
THis deserves its OWN response because it's so logically incoherent. How is "popular" a DEFINITIVE and SOLE condition to prove "racism"?

Is NASCAR racist? Because its base is mostly "right-wingers"? Even tho NASCAR has PROSTRATED themselves until it became so obvious it was painful to watch anymore -- SOLELY to score virtue points and insulate them from accusations.

When corporate entities DO that -- and it has NOTHING to do with their product, sane people just hang up. Same actually with the NBA and other sports -- but in THEIR CASES they are ULTIMATE HYPOCRITS because of ties to China or other countries abusing minorities WORSE than the USA.

How is "popular" a DEFINITIVE and SOLE condition to prove "racism"? Need an answer to this faulty assertion.
Stop denying racism. I know people who watch NASCAR exclusively because it's mostly white. Tucker Carlson is a racist and your crusade to deny racism is delusional. Millions of people watch Tucker and agree with his racism. NASCAR has a history of racism that it's trying to fix. Tucker doubles down on his racism and you are here trying to defend it.

So again you are arguing a false equivalence.
Those are laws against racism.
No Skippy, they are not.
If I hate you because you're black or you hate me because I'm white, THAT is racism.
There are NO laws against it.
Need I say try again? Nah, it's a given.
No Skippy, they are not.
If I hate you because you're black or you hate me because I'm white, THAT is racism.
There are NO laws against it.
Need I say try again? Nah, it's a given.
Yes they are. They are made to stop actions caused by "I hate you because you're black or you hate me because I'm white,".

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