Zone1 Tucker Carlson proves racism is the norm

No, there is only 1 definition. But today racists want to try making the claims you do in order to dismiss their continuing behavior.
Anything you say that a white racist doesn't like. We must be politically correct.
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Racist says that racism isn't real. Coca Cola Company says that there are absolutely zero health effects of drinking their sugary products, and can be a healthy inclusion to balance your diet.
Why are you calling me a racist? Is that all you have? Get serious or get out.
Only according to white racists. If you really knew anybody black, you would understand how stupid your comment is.
You are an example of black people and why they have devolved into puleing, whining, nincompoops good for nothing but throwing tantrums. You are an example.
It would be virtually impossible for him to be as popular as he is if most of our country wasn't racist. White liberals were so confused how Trump was able to say all the racist things and still get elected, especially since conservatives excoriated Obama for 8 years straight for somehow "dividing" the country by crying about a black kid being killed. Somehow that was totally racist, but the more racist Racist and divisive Trump got, the more they loved 'em! There's only one explanation for such a disparate and contradictory outcome: The majority of the white population is racist. Always has been. Blacks need a similar sort of identity politics and fight back.

The only way American blacks will achieve the outcome you most desire is to first become the majority demographic in this nation; that will never happen. Then again, there is perhaps another way for your kind to earn both independent political agency and easier coexistence: raise your children and future generations not to do the following things. Raise them not to believe all white people are devils. Raise them not to be addicted to marijuana, militant misogynistic rap music, drug dealing, petty crime, assaulting the elderly or aspiring to be thugs. Raise your sons to marry their baby mamas and stay married to them and parent their offspring. You want real political agency for your people and truly peaceful coexistence? Sever your ties and allegiance forever to white liberals and completely disconnect yourselves from the democratic party. Stand on your own two feet politically and get your people out of inner city hellholes; can't you see that inner city ghettos are the equivalent of Native American reservations? White liberals and the democratic party at large see your people, all 13 million of them, as sharing the same collective hive mind—as all black people being exactly the same, not as unique individuals. How can you let them do that to you? End of the day that's about the best I can come up with for you folks and really, there's just too much other modern madness to worry about.
Documented when? We live in the now, not the past.

Since racism happens now amd Carlson is an example of it as he pushes a white racist belief in replacement, then this is not about the past. Stop lying about how racism is a thing of the past.
Since racism happens now amd Carlson is an example of it as he pushes a white racist belief in replacement, then this is not about the past. Stop lying about how racism is a thing of the past.
You say that. That has nothing to do with the truth. You are the racist here.
So that would make YOU also a racist.
No it wouldn't. The difference is that I haven't bought the Kool Aid. I haven't joined into a cult like Trumpists have. They don't simply support Trump for lack of a better alternative; they LOVE Trump and everything he embodies. Poll shows that 90%+ say there's nothing he could do to lose their vote. That's not disillusioned support, but FANATACISM. Me and you are not the same.

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The Democrats treat Black people like pets.
No they don't, but that's the racism of republicans who believe we are not capable of looking at policies and deciding whats best for us.
There are as many definitions of "racism" as there are people who use the term.

Unfortunately, however, the human mind is geared toward the phenomenon of learning, and when what one sees of a certain group - excessive criminality and what used to be termed, "anti-social" behavior - day after day (with exceptions, of course) colors their perception of that group, and involuntarily places that demographic in an unfavorable light.

This pre-judgment based on demographic traits is unavoidable. If that makes one a "racist" then the whole world is racist. No need to apologize.

So I won't. I will just resolve to treat individuals as individuals, based on what I see when I interact with them. Everybody, regardless of demographics.
Racism needs the death penalty.
They are. Pet owners are more responsible to their charges. They believe in responsible spaying and neutering and obey leash laws.
And here we see an example of white racism in 2022.
Why are you calling me a racist? Is that all you have? Get serious or get out.
Because you are a racist. Jim Crow racism isn't practiced anymore. And so just because you aren't using racial slurs doesn't mean you aren't racist. What you say about democrats and blacks is proof of your racism.
Racism needs the death penalty.
There are many who encourage you in that belief. Face it, you can't stop illegals who just crawled across the border from throwing you out of your own cities. At 12.4% of the population your race war is gonna be real short. But necessary.
It's not white racism. It's WAAAYYYCISM. Wayciss wayciss wayciss! You done see mo wayciss.
And your response is the typical white racist response. Your comment about pets is evidence of your racism.
It would be virtually impossible for him to be as popular as he is if most of our country wasn't racist. White liberals were so confused how Trump was able to say all the racist things and still get elected, especially since conservatives excoriated Obama for 8 years straight for somehow "dividing" the country by crying about a black kid being killed. Somehow that was totally racist, but the more racist Racist and divisive Trump got, the more they loved 'em! There's only one explanation for such a disparate and contradictory outcome: The majority of the white population is racist. Always has been. Blacks need a similar sort of identity politics and fight back.
What did Trump ever say that was "racist"?
The only way American blacks will achieve the outcome you most desire is to first become the majority demographic in this nation; that will never happen. Then again, there is perhaps another way for your kind to earn both independent political agency and easier coexistence: raise your children and future generations not to do the following things. Raise them not to believe all white people are devils. Raise them not to be addicted to marijuana, militant misogynistic rap music, drug dealing, petty crime, assaulting the elderly or aspiring to be thugs. Raise your sons to marry their baby mamas and stay married to them and parent their offspring. You want real political agency for your people and truly peaceful coexistence? Sever your ties and allegiance forever to white liberals and completely disconnect yourselves from the democratic party. Stand on your own two feet politically and get your people out of inner city hellholes; can't you see that inner city ghettos are the equivalent of Native American reservations? White liberals and the democratic party at large see your people, all 13 million of them, as sharing the same collective hive mind—as all black people being exactly the same, not as unique individuals. How can you let them do that to you? End of the day that's about the best I can come up with for you folks and really, there's just too much other modern madness to worry about.
We won't be taking instructions from white racists.

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