Zone1 Tucker Carlson proves racism is the norm

There are many who encourage you in that belief. Face it, you can't stop illegals who just crawled across the border from throwing you out of your own cities. At 12.4% of the population your race war is gonna be real short. But necessary.
Your belief is erroneous.
You say that. That has nothing to do with the truth. You are the racist here.
What I said is true. And the only people who think I am a racist are white racists.
There are many who encourage you in that belief. Face it, you can't stop illegals who just crawled across the border from throwing you out of your own cities. At 12.4% of the population your race war is gonna be real short. But necessary.
Kinda like how a war with a small number of vietnamese farmers with wooden spears and only a bag of rice to their name was gonna be nice and short, huh? I don't see what a race war has to do with it though. I want hate crime laws for racist speech and actions.
Tucker Carlson is a racist. The fact that millions of whites watch him nightly is indeed proof of the popularity of racism among republican whites. Republican whites are not all whites, so to say Republican whites support racism or racist beliefs is not a belief of inherent racism in white people.
Mexicans are rapists and murderers.
That isn't what he said. I believe the quote was something on the order of "Mexico isn't sending us it's best people, it's sending us it's rapists and murderers." Even that isn't really accurate. Mexico is sending us its illiterate peasants as well as it's criminals. I've worked in illegal immigrant neighborhoods as a phone tech. Most of them aren't even literate in Spanish.
Kinda like how a war with a small number of vietnamese farmers with wooden spears and only a bag of rice to their name was gonna be nice and short, huh? I don't see what a race war has to do with it though. I want hate crime laws for racist speech and actions.
The war wasn't with "a small number of Vietnamese farmers" the VC were a very small part of the combatants the ARVNs and US forces faced. The real war was with a nation-state completely supplied and financed by two other nation-states that were off-limits to retaliation. The PRC and USSR completely funded the PRVN and supplied all its weapons for FREE as well as mostly fed its population. When Nixon finally cut off the road and rail links to the PRC and closed Haiphong Harbor to Soviet shipping via mines, the PRVN couldn't sign a peace treaty quickly enough. It was out of weapons, munitions and food.
And your response is the typical white racist response. Your comment about pets is evidence of your racism.
But true. There might be the odd black that doesn't want to be fed, housed, clothed and cared for by someone else but that's rare.

Compton used to be a black city. What happened? You were replaced that's what happened. The big joke is you honestly think that replacement is only believed by white racists, or wayciss.
Kinda like how a war with a small number of vietnamese farmers with wooden spears and only a bag of rice to their name was gonna be nice and short, huh? I don't see what a race war has to do with it though. I want hate crime laws for racist speech and actions.
Only against white people, or you would be the first one kicking air.
Kinda like how a war with a small number of vietnamese farmers with wooden spears and only a bag of rice to their name was gonna be nice and short, huh? I don't see what a race war has to do with it though. I want hate crime laws for racist speech and actions.
But only white racist speech. Black racist speech is okay?

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