Zone1 Tucker Carlson proves racism is the norm

That isn't what he said. I believe the quote was something on the order of "Mexico isn't sending us it's best people, it's sending us it's rapists and murderers." Even that isn't really accurate. Mexico is sending us its illiterate peasants as well as it's criminals. I've worked in illegal immigrant neighborhoods as a phone tech. Most of them aren't even literate in Spanish.
Mexico isn't sending anybody. People leave because they want to. What trump said was racist. As Sowell stated, Obama was called a racist for saying if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin. Obama was a light skinned black man and if he had a son, he would indeed have looked like Trayvon Martin.

Furthermore he made other comments that were just as racist. Now this game gets old, you guys heard every word trump spoke and just because what he said confirms your beliefs in members of other racists doesn't mean that what trump said was not racist. Stop asking people to provide evidence when none of you ever do.
No it wouldn't. The difference is that I haven't bought the Kool Aid. I haven't joined into a cult like Trumpists have. They don't simply support Trump for lack of a better alternative; they LOVE Trump and everything he embodies. Poll shows that 90%+ say there's nothing he could do to lose their vote. That's not disillusioned support, but FANATACISM. Me and you are not the same.

So, you hate President Trump. Life goes on.
But true. There might be the odd black that doesn't want to be fed, housed, clothed and cared for by someone else but that's rare.

Compton used to be a black city. What happened? You were replaced that's what happened. The big joke is you honestly think that replacement is only believed by white racists, or wayciss.
Only against white people, or you would be the first one kicking air.
Whites have been the ones fed, housed, and clothed by someone else, perhaps you need to consider this before you comment.

Your example of Compton has no similarity to a worldwide racist belief in white replacement.
I'm talking about true anti racism progressives, which are a minority of liberals. Most normal liberals are just as racist like most normal conservatives. But you have to vote Joe if it's between one racist or the other, he was the lesser of two evils. People aren't one issue voters. If it's between one racist that doesn't mind polluting the earth, against a racist who doesn't want to pollute the earth, I'm gonna vote for the green racist.

The lesser of the 2 evils based on ONE ISSUE? No wonder this country is circling the drain. If we rely on just 2 party to offer progressively WORSE choices every cycle -- HOW EVIL can that get?

And you did not make a case against Tucker Carlson. YOU TRIED to make a case for charging Trump with racism but didn't succeed because you didn't ILLUSTRATE specifics. If your goal was to hit on Trump -- this should be a POLITICS or MEDIA topic and NOT a "race discussion. Personal opinion only here.

It's like I've always said -- most of the CURRENT day charges of racism go DIRECTLY back in being rooted in POLITICAL differences.
Whites have been the ones fed, housed, and clothed by someone else, perhaps you need to consider this before you comment.

Your example of Compton has no similarity to a worldwide racist belief in white replacement.

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