Tucker Carlson to Dreamer: "You Don't Have A Right To Demand Anything"

Have you noticed that the Dirty Racist Democrats do everything that they can to stop the enforcement of our immigration laws?
It is because the Democrat Bigots regard middle class Americans as their arch enemy and third world welfare moochers as the future majority of the Democratic Party.
Good on Carlson. :thup:

You don't get to come here uninvited, break our laws, and then start making demands. I'm not an Open Borders Democrat wanker. I don't accept that shite. Make demands in your own country. Period, end of story.
Tucker should of asked the loser.....what about the millions of people waiting in line from Europe?
No one has yet explained to me why someone who broke laws to come here (or be brought here by his parents), and who continues to violate them by staying, should have a higher priority for a legal visa than a foreigner who applied legally, filled out all the proper forms, went through all the background checks, and waited patients for a long time to enter the country legally.
Go to Mexico and try making demands there. See what Mexican Citizens think about that. Open Borders Democrats are such dumb Gringos. They're completely clueless on reality.
Basic Conservative ...go fuck yourself
i delivered mail to a religious very basic conservative couple who had a home for homeless woman...many were illegal woman with kids....so i guess there goes that theory....

See Trump revoking DACA

theory lives

Because it is the House and Senate Job to fix this damn issue!

America is not a dictatorship and the House and Senate need to do their job for once...
Dreamers are not saying they have a RIGHT to be here
They are saying that allowing them to stay is the RIGHT thing to do
Basic Conservative ...go fuck yourself
i delivered mail to a religious very basic conservative couple who had a home for homeless woman...many were illegal woman with kids....so i guess there goes that theory....

See Trump revoking DACA

theory lives

Because it is the House and Senate Job to fix this damn issue!

America is not a dictatorship and the House and Senate need to do their job for once...

DACA should be revoked once Congress has done it's job
There is no evidence that Congress is capable of doing its job
No one has yet explained to me why someone who broke laws to come here (or be brought here by his parents), and who continues to violate them by staying, should have a higher priority for a legal visa than a foreigner who applied legally, filled out all the proper forms, went through all the background checks, and waited patients for a long time to enter the country legally.

Dreamers are willing to do all that. They just ask that they be allowed to stay legally until that process is completed

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