Tucker Carlson

Carlson proved nothing
You hate Carlson because he has the cajones to follow the money and discover what Democrats thought Republicans were too stupid to find out about their mischief, their doublespeak, and their flat out lies to put the eyes of their sycophants off the truth and onto a mythical narrative that clears their consciences with YES, MORE LIES THAN EVER.
Fer Pete's sakes! :rolleyes-41:
And how do you explain hoarding 400 Billion dollars away from the notice of American Taxpayers, O sacred Bully one, to pay off once-good people to lie their asses off in pulling off the Big Lie about President Trump who certainly did not pee on anybody's bed with sex workers, much less his Clinton opponent who uses her knowledge of Russian disapproval as her blanket covering her giving away half of American uranium in states she disapproves of? Before you answer that three-line sentence, don't let the smoke of illegal substances cloud you away from the truth. You're welcome. :rolleyes-41:
You're all over the place, aren't you? This thread is about Carlson lying when he knows the truth. I'm not sure what your list of conspiracy theories has to do with that.
You hate Carlson because he has the cajones to follow the money and discover what Democrats thought Republicans were too stupid to find out about their mischief, their doublespeak, and their flat out lies to put the eyes of their sycophants off the truth and onto a mythical narrative that clears their consciences with YES, MORE LIES THAN EVER.
Fer Pete's sakes! :rolleyes-41:
I hate Carlson because he’s a lying stooge.

That’s fact. The Dominion lawsuit discovery showed him admitting to his dishonesty and the fact that he’s playing rubes like you

I didn’t think it possible but he’s worse and more cynical than Rush Limpdick was
You hate Carlson because he has the cajones to follow the money and discover what Democrats thought Republicans were too stupid to find out about their mischief, their doublespeak, and their flat out lies to put the eyes of their sycophants off the truth and onto a mythical narrative that clears their consciences with YES, MORE LIES THAN EVER.
Fer Pete's sakes! :rolleyes-41:
All that video of the attack on the capitol was lies? More than 100 cops being injured was lies?
So why were the rioters not charged with insurrection?

You have to prove that the people were involved in the conspiracy and knew there was going to be an insurrection and most of them didn’t.

But several have been charged with the seditious conspiracy, and either bladder were found guilty so that eliminates your argument that it wasn’t an insurrection.

I would also point out that you posted the definition of insurrection that exactly fitted the day.

As for your links, the Federalist Society is a card carrying “questionable source”. They’re in the denial business.
Joe Biden....... he is corrupt and sold his influence to make his family rich.
Repeat: Prove it.

RESPONSE: "You must believe I am in law enforcement or have unlimited funds to play a detective. The proof is out there......."

Look, mon ami, YOU claimed it. YOU asserted it. YOU alleged it.

So, YOU....prove it.
That is the way real-world responsible adult discourse occurs in real reality away from conspiracy nutters, MAGA-nutters, and FOX talking heads.

You allege it.
You prove it.

Or, don't allege it.


Trump Denies Affair With Stormy Daniels—As He ... - Forbes

View attachment 766854
https://www.forbes.com › sites › saradorn › 2023/03/10

Mar 10, 2023 — Former President Donald Trump denied having an affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels and attacked her appearance in a lengthy statement ...

Trump denies affair with Stormy Daniels, rebukes prosecutors ...

View attachment 766853
Washington Times
https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › mar › don...

Mar 10, 2023 — Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, told Congress he fronted the money for Ms. Daniels so Mr. Trump could reimburse him. Investigators have ...

President Trump Denies Claims Of An Affair With Adult Film ...

You haven't figured it out yet. President Trump was lied about on 300 different leftist locksteppers in the press, and they all sang the same song that sounded like DNC talking points to the same descriptive words people seldom hear. Furthermore, the umpteen "investigations" by House, Senate, every political party in America, et cetera all came to the same conclusion after elections gave leftist liars the alleged "wins" - hmm, rhymes with "sins." So the sin-winners shut up, took power and immediately abused it as in having the troops pull out of Afghanistan before their usual protocol of insuring the protection of the people which was and always will be Joe Biden's LAST CONCERN!!!!! bUT NOPE, SOROS MONEY BUYS A LOT OF SIN-WINNING!!! Biden hid out in his basement for a year and a half before the election with lies cooked up by chefs Mmes. Pelosi, Clinton, M. Waters, and even Feinstein gave these liars her nod for power by any means possible, all of which were illegal perjuries against President Trump. they knew they could get away with the BIG LIE if they observed timing of their lies around elections--the kind of lies it takes months and months and many lawyers to disprove. Trump was always innocent, but the greedy ambitioneers of the Democrat leadership made their lies believable to their cheerleading base and a few million blank ballots waiting to get Joe Biden's name illegally written on them of citizens who had a track record of not voting, or who were on vacation one way or another. They extended the definition of the word sleazy in their planned fake news scenarios, false narratives, obvious lies, and sinchronized home run timing to make losers powerful but totally weak puppets who were indentured sycophants of the deep state, just like Biden is today. Or maybe you have figured it out. The Alinsky method is having a field day. :cranky:

I'm sorry you fell for marrying the false narrative. I'm sorry for the people of America who at this time are confused by Joe Biden's one day claims he is gonna reduce the inflation to go away in a matter of minutes, and the next day he wants taxpayers to pay 5 trillion dollars to benefit whichever deep state figure insist that he say whatever their pet project requires. :rolleyes-41:
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You haven't figured it out yet. President Trump was lied about on 300 different leftist locksteppers in the press, and they all sang the same song that sounded like DNC talking points to the same descriptive words people seldom hear. Furthermore, the umpteen "investigations" by House, Senate, every political party in America, et cetera all came to the same conclusion after elections gave leftist liars the alleged "wins" - hmm, rhymes with "sins." So the sin-winners shut up, took power and immediately abused it as in having the troops pull out of Afghanistan before their usual protocol of insuring the protection of the people which was and always will be Joe Biden's LAST CONCERN!!!!! bUT NOPE, SOROS MONEY BUYS A LOT OF SIN-WINNING!!! Biden hid out in his basement for a year and a half before the election with lies cooked up by chefs Mmes. Pelosi, Clinton, M. Waters, and even Feinstein gave these liars her nod for power by any means possible, all of which were illegal perjuries against President Trump. they knew they could get away with the BIG LIE if they observed timing of their lies around elections--the kind of lies it takes months and months and many lawyers to disprove. Trump was always innocent, but the greedy ambitioneers of the Democrat leadership made their lies believable to their cheerleading base and a few million blank ballots waiting to get Joe Biden's name illegally written on them of citizens who had a track record of not voting, or who were on vacation one way or another. They extended the definition of the word sleazy in their planned fake news scenarios, false narratives, obvious lies, and sinchronized home run timing to make losers powerful but totally weak puppets who were indentured sycophants of the deep state, just like Biden is today. Or maybe you have figured it out. The Alinsky method is having a field day. :cranky:

I'm sorry you fell for marrying the false narrative. I'm sorry for the people of America who at this time are confused by Joe Biden's one day claims he is gonna reduce the inflation to go away in a matter of minutes, and the next day he wants taxpayers to pay 5 trillion dollars to benefit whichever deep state figure insist that he say whatever their pet project requires. :rolleyes-41:

"You haven't figured it out yet."
See post #131.
Whew!!! Another winner from the borderlands of MAGA-Loonistan.
QAnon on a sugar high? Or steroids?
Osama Bin Karen.....or barking insane?

Or merely drifting along in some chemtrail-addled slipstream?

I love this bar.
Trump was far from incompetent. Joe Biden is the most incompetent modern President. Plus he is corrupt and sold his influence to make his family rich.

But since Joe Biden is a Democrat he will never face prosecution for his crimes because Democrats are totally above the rule of law.

Trump was far from incompetent. Joe Biden is the most incompetent modern President. Plus he is corrupt and sold his influence to make his family rich.

But since Joe Biden is a Democrat he will never face prosecution for his crimes because Democrats are totally above the rule of law.

Trump was and is utterly incompetent. Every problem he addressed he made worse.

Joe Biden will never face prosecution because no one prosecutes rumours and lies. It’s why the Clintons never faced prosecution. Republicans made accusations on no evidence and now they’re doing the same thing with the Bidens.

25+ investigations of the Clintons couldn’t even find a crime they committed. Every investigation was based on Fox lies, and Republican rumors.

Republicans get prosecuted because other Republicans turn them in for committing crimes. Republicans ratted out Donald Trump on his perfect phone call to the Ukraine. Every witness against him at the first impeachment trial was a Republican. Ditto the second impeachment trial, and the January 6 committee hearings.

The people ”going after”, Donald Trump throught his administration, were all Republicans that he hired to work him.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Republicans think that Democrats are just as dishonest as they are. They have to be, because Republicans keep accusing Democrats are doing the things that Republicans are being arrested and sent to jail for.

My favourite quote from Fox in the latest round of filings was the senior executive who emailed a coworker that the only evidence of election fraud that FOX had seen had been the Trump administration’s attempt to overturn the election.

The courts are pretty good at sussing out truth and lies and this is why Republican lies are never prosecuted. Democrats wait until an actual crime has been committed and then investigate.

Donald Trump made the specious claim that his campaign was spied on by the Obama administration and then spent six years trying to prove it. When Dungam found nothing, he filed weak charges that were tossed by the juries in less time than it takes to order coffee.
Your party has you confused to ignore truth, Sad to say, and you're such a funny feller, too. :biggrin:
My party is only concerned with hot chicks and getting high I have no idea what you are projecting about my dear. Both parties have an extremely bad reputation so I tend to not associate with either because they lie along with their lackeys and the echo chambers that support them to bilk billions and yet trillions from mindless drones that pay them the attention they don't deserve.
Alone? The fuck they were. There were thousands of MAGArats all throughout the Capitol. Stop acting stupid
You’re an asshole lying idiot. Look at the video. They wandered around alone with him.

Your stupidity isn’t an act. And your honesty doesn’t exist.

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