Tucker Carlson's irrelevant video clips fail to stop DOJ from going after hundreds more insurrectionists

"There is an eye witness still being held without bail. He has not had a trial yet."
Who would that 'eye-witness' be?
Where is he being held?
What charges was he arrested on?
Has he gone before a judge?
Which one?
How do you know? Will you share your sourcing with the forum?
Ok. So? Was something in the process illegal?

I am guessing not. If so submit your evidence. I would be curious to see what you have.
The video shows there is no reason to shoot her. They say there was. There were cops all around. What possible threat was she? This was murder for intimidation purposes. Every good fascist knows that.
The video shows there is no reason to shoot her. They say there was. There were cops all around. What possible threat was she? This was murder for intimidation purposes. Every good fascist knows that.
The courts disagreed. Move on.
"This was murder for intimidation purposes."

That's an interesting observation, poster.
If the officer meant to intimidate the mob behind the tip-of-the-spear Babbitt.....well, he succeeded. They backed off from following their point man through the violently breached barrier.

If he shot meaning to intimidate only Babbitt....well, he didn't succeed at that, as she didn't think he was gonna shoot, and when he did....she got dead. And he ended up intimidating the rest of the mob anyway.

Personally, I tend to think he shot her because he sincerely believed she posed a mortal threat to either him and the other officers.....or a mortal threat to the huddled legislators behind him.

The fact that it intimidated and scared off the violent mob waiting behind Babbitt to charge through the opening.....well, that was an added benefit of the shoot. All good. Except of course, for Babbitt's grieving family.

It surely is sad to see one's daughter/sister/granddaughter mortally shot on TV for doing something patently stupid such as charging at a cop pointing a gun at her.
"Do some research."

I didn't claim it.
You did.
You know the Adult Swim rules.
Or, you should know.

If you will not, cannot, or do not back up your assertion then......the messageboard is justified in thinking your avatar is an empty suit, an 'all blow, no go' silly prattler.

That's not a good look, poster Lastamender.
You should know that too.

So, what do you have to back up your allegations?
That's an interesting observation, poster.
If the officer meant to intimidate the mob behind the tip-of-the-spear Babbitt.....well, he succeeded. They backed off from following their point man through the violently breached barrier.

If he shot meaning to intimidate only Babbitt....well, he didn't succeed at that, as she didn't think he was gonna shoot, and when he did....she got dead. And he ended up intimidating the rest of the mob anyway.

Personally, I tend to think he shot her because he sincerely believed she posed a mortal threat to either him and the other officers.....or a mortal threat to the huddled legislators behind him.

The fact that it intimidated and scared off the violent mob waiting behind Babbitt to charge through the opening.....well, that was an added benefit of the shoot. All good. Except of course, for Babbitt's grieving family.

It surely is sad to see one's daughter/sister/granddaughter mortally shot on TV for doing something patently stupid such as charging at a cop pointing a gun at her.
So you support murder. I am not surprised.
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the left but thanks for admitting I was right.
From the left?
It's the right that keeps trying to compare the January 6th attempted insurrection to 2020 riots.
It's the right that claims the traitors at capitol building didn't do anything wrong.
It's the right that claims the traitors were unjustly persecuted.
It's the right that claims the traitors were justified, in what took place at the capitol.
It's the right that insist the traitors are "patriots".
It's the right that blames everyone and anything, but themselves, for what took place at the capitol building.

It's always "Whataboutism" with the right, when it comes to what took place at the capitol building, by them.
Did you see this? The DOJ is going after hundreds more people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. They don't care about Tucker Carlson's fake videos that try to make it look like a peaceful protest.

Carlson thinks he can fool us with his cherry-picked footage that shows some of the rioters acting nice. He also gives them false hope that they can get away with their crimes by watching his show.

But Carlson's videos are garbage. They don't show the whole truth of what happened on Jan. 6, and they ignore the tons of evidence of violence, destruction, threats, and conspiracy that has been shown in other videos and documents.

The DOJ is not buying Carlson's BS. They are doing their job to bring justice to those who attacked our democracy and put our elected officials in danger. They have already charged more than 700 people with various crimes related to Jan. 6, and they expect to charge at least 300 more in the next few months. They are also looking into more serious charges like seditious conspiracy and domestic terrorism¹.

I'm glad the DOJ is not letting Carlson or anyone else distract them from the truth.

What do you think?

*Instructions for accessing paywalled article: Pay for it. You're a capitalist.
So have never seen 570 Antifa Riots ???? Oh they are mostly peaceful
From the left?
It's the right that keeps trying to compare the January 6th attempted insurrection to 2020 riots.
It's the right that claims the traitors at capitol building didn't do anything wrong.
It's the right that claims the traitors were unjustly persecuted.
It's the right that claims the traitors were justified, in what took place at the capitol.
It's the right that insist the traitors are "patriots".
It's the right that blames everyone and anything, but themselves, for what took place at the capitol building.

It's always "Whataboutism" with the right, when it comes to what took place at the capitol building, by them.
It is hypocrisy from the left. But, you're right, the George Floyd insurrections were far worse than Jan 6th was so they don't compare.

Most of the right don't say the actual few rioters did nothing wrong.

Many of the protesters were unjustly persecuted and one murdered.

Few on the right say that the actual rioters were justified.

There were 119,000 patriots there that day and 1,000 non patriots.

It's the left that blames everyone and anything, but themselves, for the summer's long George Floyd insurrections.
It is hypocrisy from the left. But, you're right, the George Floyd insurrections were far worse than Jan 6th was so they don't compare.
The amount of destruction was.
STILL doesn't negate what the capitol rioters did.
Most of the right don't say the actual few rioters did nothing wrong.
I know.
Many of the protesters were unjustly persecuted and one murdered.
NO, they weren't.
Babbitt gets the darwin award for that day.
Charging police???????
Few on the right say that the actual rioters were justified.

There were 119,000 patriots there that day and 1,000 non patriots.

It's the left that blames everyone and anything, but themselves, for the summer's long George Floyd insurrections.
BS, the George Floyd RIOTERS deserve every day in jail/prison they get.
Lie, of course. It was a riot. And an insurrection. And 2000+ people will end up being arrested.
Arrests are not the issue, leftard.

It's what happens afterwards. That's the issue.

Stop lying. Stop deflecting. Or we're going to have to start treating you like a squealing pig.
If they lied under oath, and it is proven, they should suffer legal consequences.

Like Clapper? (Went to CNN)

Like Brennan? (Went to NBC)

Like Strzok? (Went to the CIA)

Those kindza legal consequences, that's what you're talking about?
"So you support murder. I am not surprised."
Well, that's an interesting and curious allegation.
I ain't gonna fret too much about your charge, poster Lastamender.
Rather, I am curious as to how you are defining 'murder'.
You do know there a handful of definitions for it ---from legal (tho that's even different in different states); to colloquial; to a flock of crows?

But what's important is.....what do you mean, good poster Lastamender?

there were 120,000 protesters there,
Where did you get the 120k?
I have seen a whole bunch of estimates ranging from about 12,000-15,000, to Don Trump's assertion that there were a million there.

So I am curious on where the 120,000 derived from.

The amount of destruction was.
STILL doesn't negate what the capitol rioters did.

That's not the point, stupid leftard.

There are hundreds of political prisoners in a DC jail right now. They're being badly abused, their Constitutional rights are being violated.

Show me ANY George Floyd rioter in the same predicament. Just ONE, one example will do.

BS, the George Floyd RIOTERS deserve every day in jail/prison they get.

Which is ZERO !!!

Thanks to asswipe Soros DA's and asswipe Soros mayors.

The Vice President of the United States bails these fucktards out of jail!

You leftards have a big fucking problem. You're walking down a dangerous road and you have tunnel vision.
There are hundreds of political prisoners in a DC jail right now. They're being badly abused, their Constitutional rights are being violated.

I personally am somewhat skeptical of poster 'scruffy's' allegation that there are hundreds of political prisoners who are being badly abused with their rights violated.
That seems implausible to me, however.....
.....however, I have an open and curious mind and would respectfully ask poster scruffy to......well, to prove it.

Saddle up, Slim. Show us you know what your are alleging.

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