Tucker Carlson's irrelevant video clips fail to stop DOJ from going after hundreds more insurrectionists

It's the left that blames everyone and anything, but themselves, for the summer's long George Floyd insurrections.
They FUNDED it !!!

They FUNDED the whole fucking thing, from start to finish.

The Democratic National Committee did.

The Democratic National Committee did that.

Follow the money. Thousand Currents. Susan Rosenberg, convicted bomb throwing terrorist.

The fucking Democrats, paid a terrorist, to organize racial riots.

That is the truth.
That's not the point, stupid leftard.
YES, it is, according to nut job teabaggers.
"WHATABOUTISM" from teabaggers.........strikes again.
There are hundreds of political prisoners in a DC jail right now. They're being badly abused, their Constitutional rights are being violated.
Name ONE in jail for being political, dumbass.
Show me ANY George Floyd rioter in the same predicament. Just ONE, one example will do.
There isn't one, moron.
The rioters were rioters, they deserve what sentences they get.
Which is ZERO !!!
Of course not, teabaggers love TRAITORS, they elected one.
Thanks to asswipe Soros DA's and asswipe Soros mayors.
No, that was the lizard people.
The Vice President of the United States bails these fucktards out of jail!
Bails them out?
Couldn't she just pardon them, like Trump did?
You leftards have a big fucking problem.
I know, delusional teabaggers and Q-NUTS.
You're walking down a dangerous road and you have tunnel vision.
If there is a teabagger driving, EVERYONE is in danger.

Like Clapper? (Went to CNN)

Like Brennan? (Went to NBC)

Like Strzok? (Went to the CIA)

Those kindza legal consequences, that's what you're talking about?
Not really familiar with their specific situations but sure, if you say so.
YES, it is, according to nut job teabaggers.
"WHATABOUTISM" from teabaggers.........strikes again.

You are a LIAR. You just proved it to the whole world.

You have no credibility. Zero.

Name ONE in jail for being political, dumbass.

There isn't one, moron.
The rioters were rioters, they deserve what sentences they get.

Fine. Let's see equal treatment, and equal sentences, for the leftist rioters who took part in the Summer of Love.

And let's see your fucktard Soros DA's throw the book at the protest organizers, after all they operated on a scale much larger than the Proud Boys.

You fucking morons are so stupid you can't see what gigantic hypocrites you are.

Of course not, teabaggers love TRAITORS, they elected one.

No, that was the lizard people.

Fuck you, retarded leftist trash.

Bails them out?
Couldn't she just pardon them, like Trump did?

No you stupid fucking idiot, she doesn't have that power.

If you were anything but an ignorant retarded brainless leftist you'd know that.

I know, delusional teabaggers and Q-NUTS.

You don't know Jack Shit. You're ignorant and stupid.

If there is a teabagger driving, EVERYONE is in danger.
Feel free to exit the moving vehicle on your own terms
Just a simple thought puzzle, or a perception test:

If we had assembled the following quotes (below) but had left off the poster's avatar name...well, would the forum still be able to quickly determine they all came from the same avatar? Avatar 'scruffy'?

I think the forum would determine that pretty quickly.
Now, I don't know that for sure.....but I would vote - 'Yes, the forum could.'

(btw, I believe all of the quotes below were pulled from the same post. Kind of a creatively vulgar overloading --- by whoever the poster was. No?)

You are a LIAR.
your fucktard
You fucking morons are so stupid
Fuck you, retarded leftist trash.
you stupid fucking idiot
ignorant retarded brainless leftist
You don't know Jack Shit. You're ignorant and stupid.
So between you and me we can go with .... 'seditionist attack'. After all, there have been those convictions.

But it is not up to me. Or you.
As you know, the term 'insurrectionist' has not entered into the common lexicon of the citizenry, of the nation. When someone mentions 'insurrection'....all know what the reference is to.

Oh sure, it may not be the legal definition as defined in a court of law's conviction of an insurrectionists; but that is too narrow for the common understanding as it is referred to at the DewDropInn, or in a column in the Wall Street Journal, or a statement by a Senator on the Chamber floor. Everybody knows what it is and who did it.

Insurrection is now a brand.

Don Trump understands brands.

No one has been charged with participating in an insurrection.
Well, that's an interesting and curious allegation.
I ain't gonna fret too much about your charge, poster Lastamender.
Rather, I am curious as to how you are defining 'murder'.
You do know there a handful of definitions for it ---from legal (tho that's even different in different states); to colloquial; to a flock of crows?

But what's important is.....what do you mean, good poster Lastamender?


Where did you get the 120k?
I have seen a whole bunch of estimates ranging from about 12,000-15,000, to Don Trump's assertion that there were a million there.

So I am curious on where the 120,000 derived from.

I stand by what I said. Have a snack. :9:
They, Capitol cops, rushed the mob in full riot gear. They caused the crap that ensued. You have been caught lying and you do not like it. Too fucking bad. The "how dare you" approach is backfiring.


It's your peeps getting thrown in jail, FruitLoops. I like that very much.
No, the opposite happened. Police were in riot gear with batons beating women.

No one has been charged with participating in an insurrection.

My avatar is cool with that. Ain't yours?

After all, we can be satisfied with seditionist conspiracy, assaulting an officer, assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon, vandalism, resisting, impeding, obstructing, physical violence with deadly weapon. And a whole bunch of felonies from various misdeeds.
So, we all can be grateful that some justice is being served on the colloquially recognized 'insurrectionists'. No?

ps....also offering a level of satisfaction is that some of the felonies these 'insurrectionists' have been charged with carry a higher penalty than mere 'insurrection' with its measly 10yrs in the slammer.

There is an eye witness still being held without bail. He has not had a trial yet. Another I wonder why.
He keep changing lawyers and filing bullshit motions to dismiss.

He will get his trial if he wants one and he will be found guilty. He’s not that smart.

His testimony is irrelevant. We have the video.
He keep changing lawyers and filing bullshit motions to dismiss.

He will get his trial if he wants one and he will be found guilty. He’s not that smart.

His testimony is irrelevant. We have the video.
Smart enough to become president and be elected twice.
If we had assembled the following quotes (below) but had left off the poster's avatar name...well, would the forum still be able to quickly determine they all came from the same avatar? Avatar 'scruffy'?
The value of this place is not political or informational. It's psychological, sociological.

And it never disappoints.
I stand by what I said. Have a snack.
(followed by Lastamender's defecation emoji)
Ah, that is an unfortunate disappointment again from poor poster Lastamender.
His feces fetish is, if not alarming to this messageboard, well.....it is pretty darn icky. IMHO

His seeming BOS affliction, Encopresis, along with Coprophilia, leads the message board to harbor some skepticism in the stability of one so afflicted.

After all, there are some potentially 'uncomfortable' behaviors likely to be graphically exhibited.

Coprophilia ---noun: marked interest in excrement...especially : the use of feces or filth for sexual excitement

(I told you it was icky)

A quick Wicki tells us:
"the diagnosis is made if the behavior, sexual urges, or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning".......when they lead to clinically significant distress or impairment (e.g., result in sexual dysfunction....interfere with social relationships)".

So, you see, discussing political issues of the day can be a bridge-to-far for those who are unfortunately and sadly afflicted with Coprophelia and/or Encopresis.

We can pray for such individuals. And hope that God will look more kindly on them...and their avatars. 🙏

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