Tucker: How does Maxine Waters afford a $4.3 Million Mansion on 40 years of government work?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

You understand that being a member of Congress is practically a license to steal, don't you? For one thing, Congress isn't subject to insider trading laws. A congressman can sit on a committee that has control over telecommunications policy and learn something through testimony that could earn him a lot of money if he sells stock short in a certain internet provider based on that information. You and I would be prosecuted for doing so, but a member of Congress is free to do what he likes.
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

You understand that being a member of Congress is practically a license to steal, don't you? For one thing, Congress isn't subject to insider trading laws. A congressman can sit on a committee that has control over telecommunications policy and learn something through testimony that could earn him a lot of money if he sells stock short in a certain internet provider based on that information. You and I would be prosecuted for doing so, but a member of Congress is free to do what he likes.

That was a last minute vote before vacation.

Eric Cantor paid the price.

Disgusting that Congress doesn't have to follow the same rules we all have to follow.

They represent their constituents and should lead by example.
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

You understand that being a member of Congress is practically a license to steal, don't you? For one thing, Congress isn't subject to insider trading laws. A congressman can sit on a committee that has control over telecommunications policy and learn something through testimony that could earn him a lot of money if he sells stock short in a certain internet provider based on that information. You and I would be prosecuted for doing so, but a member of Congress is free to do what he likes.

Maxine Waters...Regarding her personal life, she currently resides in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles. Her husband Sid Williams played professional football in NFL and is a former U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas under the Clinton Administration. In 1990, Waters along with 15 other African American women and men formed African-American Women for Reproductive Freedom.
Maxine Waters Net Worth- How Rich is Maxine Waters?
Impeachment - Wikipedia

United States

Similar to the British system, Article One of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try impeachments of officers of the U.S. national government. (Various stateconstitutions include similar measures, allowing the state legislature to impeach the governor or other officials of the state government.) In contrast to the British system, in the United States impeachment is only the first of two stages, and conviction during the second stage requires a two-thirds majority vote. Impeachment does not necessarily result in removal from office; it is only a legal statement of charges, parallel to an indictment in criminal law. An official who is impeached faces a second legislative vote (whether by the same body or another), which determines conviction, or failure to convict, on the charges embodied by the impeachment. Most constitutions require a supermajority to convict. Although the subject of the charge is criminal action, it does not constitute a criminal trial; the only question under consideration is the removal of the individual from office, and the possibility of a subsequent vote preventing the removed official from ever again holding political office in the jurisdiction where he or she was removed. Impeachment with respect to political office should not be confused with witness impeachment.

Impeachable offensesEdit
The Constitution defines impeachment at the federal level and limits impeachment to "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".[26] Several commentators have suggested that Congress alone may decide for itself what constitutes a "high crime or misdemeanor", especially since Nixon v. United States stated that the Supreme Court did not have the authority to determine whether the Senate properly "tried" a defendant.[27] In 1970, then-House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford defined the criterion as he saw it: "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."[28]
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

You understand that being a member of Congress is practically a license to steal, don't you? For one thing, Congress isn't subject to insider trading laws. A congressman can sit on a committee that has control over telecommunications policy and learn something through testimony that could earn him a lot of money if he sells stock short in a certain internet provider based on that information. You and I would be prosecuted for doing so, but a member of Congress is free to do what he likes.

Maxine Waters...Regarding her personal life, she currently resides in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles. Her husband Sid Williams played professional football in NFL and is a former U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas under the Clinton Administration. In 1990, Waters along with 15 other African American women and men formed African-American Women for Reproductive Freedom.
Maxine Waters Net Worth- How Rich is Maxine Waters?

Those charities are very profitable for the administrators. Good for her. She apparently was paid handsomely for being a baby murder activist.

God Bless America!
Tucked pwnd that racist, Soros financed, James Brown wig wearing kook.
On the bright side, even an idiot can get rich in the US. And we are talking idiots.
On the bright side, even an idiot can get rich in the US. And we are talking idiots.


Yes, they sure can.
On the bright side, even an idiot can get rich in the US. And we are talking idiots.

if she invested $1000 in the stock market 40 years ago she could buy your house with her pocket change ... not everyone is an idiot RW'r.
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

You cannot impeach a member of Congress.

Any US citizen of a congresspersons district can vote to impeach................

They can vote for someone else in the next election, but that is about it.

Members of Congress can be expelled. Maybe they don't call it "impeachment", but the result would be similar.

List of United States Senators expelled or censured - Wikipedia
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

You cannot impeach a member of Congress.

Any US citizen of a congresspersons district can vote to impeach................

They can vote for someone else in the next election, but that is about it.

Members of Congress can be expelled. Maybe they don't call it "impeachment", but the result would be similar.

List of United States Senators expelled or censured - Wikipedia

Then why don't we use the correct term? Liberals infest this forum and they are already as dumb as posts. Why make it worse?
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

JUst look at her taxes !

You trump people really want to throw this stone ???
All congresspersons take bribes.. Always have and always will. Thats why govt must be kept small.
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

You cannot impeach a member of Congress.

Any US citizen of a congresspersons district can vote to impeach................

They can vote for someone else in the next election, but that is about it.

Members of Congress can be expelled. Maybe they don't call it "impeachment", but the result would be similar.

List of United States Senators expelled or censured - Wikipedia

Then why don't we use the correct term? Liberals infest this forum and they are already as dumb as posts. Why make it worse?

Sorry. Words matter.

Maxine Waters should be expelled or censured from the House of Representatives.

We good now?
You cannot impeach a member of Congress.
Any US citizen of a congresspersons district can vote to impeach................

They can vote for someone else in the next election, but that is about it.

Members of Congress can be expelled. Maybe they don't call it "impeachment", but the result would be similar.

List of United States Senators expelled or censured - Wikipedia

Then why don't we use the correct term? Liberals infest this forum and they are already as dumb as posts. Why make it worse?

Sorry. Words matter.

Maxine Waters should be expelled or censured from the House of Representatives.

We good now?

Much better! Good luck with that! :D

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